well you could get the bust and a lot more Pred. stuff with the $1,100. just depends on which sounds more appealing to you.
Thats true. I'd rather do that, but man that thing is huge and would sure look awesome. I got on the wait list for the sideshow predator dio ex. (predator posed on the tree). Any of you guys get that one?
The bust is awesome. I ordered it too, but not in the same league with this piece. This will be THE grail of all mass produced Predator items
That may be true, but 2000.00 is alot of money. Do you think sideshow will make another maquette? I might wait have to wait for that one.
Thats true. I'd rather do that, but man that thing is huge and would sure look awesome. I got on the wait list for the sideshow predator dio ex. (predator posed on the tree). Any of you guys get that one?
I really, really like this statue, But......I really wish they had done the exchangeable heads like the SS Ex Maquette did. The face sculpt from the pictures I have seen look awesome. It just would have been nice to get a bio'd head as well. I never did get the SS Ex Maquette which is just as well. I'm really looking forward to this release.
My guess would be yes. There's plenty of interest in this license still. 2K is a ton of money, but you have probably a year to save for it.
A year? I thought these were scheduled for 3rd qtr. Are they usually delayed?
Yep. I'll bet this doesn't hit till next spring. I could be wrong though.
WOW!! Nice pic gofourindian. Do you have any others? That does look amazing..
Edit --- What is cinamaquettes web site?
WOW!! Nice pic gofourindian. Do you have any others? That does look amazing..
Edit --- What is cinamaquettes web site?