I believe it's from a Spook chat, i don't know if they store transcripts of those.
I see, thanks Sean. Too bad we didn't have something a little more concrete to go by. I'd just like to hear it from the horse's mouth.
I believe it's from a Spook chat, i don't know if they store transcripts of those.
I see, thanks Sean. Too bad we didn't have something a little more concrete to go by. I'd just like to hear it from the horse's mouth.
That's why I feel bad for the collectors that dont visit the boards or get in on the Spook chat, there's no official release about it being on hold or anything, so they'll never know that was even mentioned.
Lcummins posts transcripts to the spook chats. He'll will prolly post it over the weekend sometime. You will be able to read it there.
Well, they'll find out sooner or later. Either way the news sucks. I feel sorry for every collector who had so much hope and enthusiasm for this line to continue, no matter how slowly.
I pretty much came to expect little of it after Faramir, just seemed like it was fading even then, I got excited at the quality of Frodo and Sam but I didn't think it'd mean much about the line in general other than the development of a new body perhaps boding well for the 4 main hobbits, before all the production delays.
I enjoy the line immensely and there's plenty I wish we'd seen in it, but as they are, the figures that are out are quite sharp.
In hindsight, the inclusion of Faramir, aside from being a fan favorite, was kind of a wasted addition, and the figure didn't even turn out as well as expected. I still like Faramir, as premature as he was, but that slot could easily have been filled by Saruman or another more central character.
Gandalf is going to be my first LOTR 12" figure, and probably my only one. can't wait to get him!!
I think Faramir was actually a fine selection to the line. He was pretty much ignored by SS/Weta and many fans welcomed the announcement. The problem with his addition was simply that there should have been additional figures being released, or at the very least, announced at the same time.
The LOTR 12" line simply dragged between announcements/releases. That is the bottom line. The interest wanned because there were other figure lines that showed more promise. (be it from SS or HT or Medicom, etc..) If SS had at the very least announced new figures on a bi-monthly basis for the first year, even if development was longer than usual, the line would have florished.
I didn't mean to pick on Faramir, he's actually one of my favorite figures, although I questioned his release so early on in the line. I only meant I wish they'd made another Fellowship character or major villain, like Saruman, before doing any of the secondary characters. I appreciate having Faramir all the more now, however.
If i may. I would say get one or both of the Hobbits to go with him. (they are killer quality and can be had for a steal now) I just really can't say enough good things about them.
Thanks for the advice. Let's see when I get Gandalf. I'm just afraid that knowing my personality, if I get even one more character, I'll want them all, and then be in the same boat as many of you, and then be upset that the line is on hold.
Let's see!!
Exactly, nothing wrong with going with more obscure characters, but WHEN you put them out is key. SW line gets away with it because they sandwich them between big stuff. Rebel Trooper, kinda meh, but right on the heels of Vader and Stormies, so who cares. LOTR line's pace isn't suited to obscure characters. I bet the majority of the 1/6 line collectors would feel better if the line ends had Faramir been a villain or a fellowship character. At an SW pace, the fellowship would have been finished and you'd have Faramir in addition, which'd be great.
LOL yeah i hear ya. But the hobbits are of better quality than the rest of the line IMO. That's why i suggested them, so you might not be tempted to go back and get more. Plus Gandalf alone works well with just Frodo, than say Gandalf and Faramir.
good point. where is the cheapest place you know of that has them?