Gas Prices

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At $4 a gallon, gas is relatively cheap compared to the cost of say, paying $2.29 for a 16 oz soda at Bennigans.

Some of the analysts I work with estimate that population behavioral changes in mass won't truly occur until prices hit $5. At which point they estimate many people will stop traveling between non essential locations, but obviously will still have to travel to work.

Personally, I believe the oil companies can charge what they want just as long as they aren't breaking laws such as forming monopolies or colluding to raise prices.

Its up to individual people to make the decision to ride the bus or bike or live closer to work or don't do wasteful driving.

There are some things I think the government can do for the future. One is to help zone building to encourage more diverse types of land use thereby cutting into the necessary commutes people make. As it is now people who live in "A" have to commute to "B" and the people in "B" commute to "C" and the people in "C" commute to "A".

Another is to invest money into discovering alternatives.
BadMoon, you better not ^^^^^ about ANYTHING in your life at all if you're going to play that card.

I agree, if I ever hear Badmoon ^^^^^ about anything on this forum I will point him to the starving children argument that he presented here. He will have a bed and a roof to sleep under so why would he be ^^^^^ing?
I agree, if I ever hear Badmoon ^^^^^ about anything on this forum I will point him to the starving children argument that he presented here. He will have a bed and a roof to sleep under so why would he be ^^^^^ing?

You're missing the point. I don't ^^^^^ about prices of toys. People spend all day here ^^^^^ing abou the price of toys. My point is there is much more important stuff out there to ^^^^^ about. I am just tired of going into every thread and having to read peoples gripes. It kinda ruins the good stuff.
But you did ^^^^^ yourself. SO what you are saying is that you will never ^^^^^ again because it's pointless and we should all be very thankful for what we have right? All I am saying is that I hope to never see you ^^^^^ again because of those poor starving children since you have learned and mended your evil ^^^^^ing ways. :D

Whatever, you will see it you're why and I mine. I am just talking about when people ^^^^^ about toys. That's it.
I agree about the OP ....but the Price of Gas still is crazy and not needed. If you don't think so then why are the oil companies making record breaking profits while other companies are laying people off because of the chain reactions of the economy.
You're missing the point. I don't ^^^^^ about prices of toys. People spend all day here ^^^^^ing abou the price of toys. My point is there is much more important stuff out there to ^^^^^ about. I am just tired of going into every thread and having to read peoples gripes. It kinda ruins the good stuff.

But....this is a forum primarily about toys...not about starving Africans. I'm sure the people at the starving Africans forums aren't complaining about toys.
I agree about the OP ....but the Price of Gas still is crazy and not needed. If you don't think so then why are the oil companies making record breaking profits while other companies are laying people off because of the chain reactions of the economy.

I agree the price is dumb. However, I not dare complain that due to the price of gas and toys that it is causing my life problems. That was my only point. Not that people can't ^^^^^. Feel free to ^^^^^ away. It is just lame to me to ^^^^^ about the price of stuff you don't NEED in the first place.
jeesssh...what a whiner that badmoon dude is :D:lol:p


In all seriousness. Why get all introspective and preachy on a TOY board Badmoon?

Obviously the folks here love to collect and gas prices are interfering with their love for collecting. The desire is still there and now they may not be able to afford as much as they once were able to. That is ^^^^^ worthy to me.
I just raised prices for my business' services to counter-act gas prices.. Pass it on to the people..

I hate George Bush... He's such a bastard.. Pumping a billion a day in Iraq all the while fleecing America at the pump to line his and his oil buddies pockets.. In the meantime lets cut education and lay off teachers.. What would have happened if Gore won like he should have 8 years ago?
I think its more of Have to's vs Want to's. We have to pay the gas prices... we don't have to pay for high price collectibles... but we want to... so we ^^^^^!
I think we are all products of our environments and that we adapt to our current economical and cultural situations. Gas is something we all need. With prices of gas going up we have to cut back on other things to cope with the extra financial burden. I use to fill my car up for about $16, now I pay nearly $50. I nearly pay the price of a video game to travel to the places I need to go. I am not traveling more but am paying more. The extra money has to come from somewhere because we all have a budget we must stick by unless we are stinking rich. So people cut back on toys. Do they want to? No. But they have to and what once made them happy is making them complain because they are no longer able to enjoy a luxury once afforded.

In contrast, someone who doesn't even own a car and lives in a 3rd world country would think we are all jackasses...and they would be correct. But they are just as much a product of their culture as we are of ours. The blame is not singular it's whole in my opinion.