I honestly have to wonder if the female ghostbusters were all hot women, if you all would be bitching the way you are. I know crows wouldn't.
As for Chris Hemsworth, so what if his character is stupid? How many times have there been dumb women in movies? Dumb secretaries? Airheads? It's a comedy. The crotch thing is one of the oldest shticks there is. ******* pretty much makes whole movies of it. You're making too much of this.
Anyhow, I have no desire to see this, and I don't care how it does at the box office. It's going to do better than most have thought though.
I have to deal with enough nerd hate about a movie I'm really looking forward to next week, Star Trek Beyond. Here's hoping it blows this movie off the top (and it will be on top after this weekend, sorry).
hey, to be fair all my dislike has been about Leslie... I mean, give me a little credit por favor