Ghostbusters reboot with all-female leads

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So from what I gather,

4 known funny actresses in their other movies being not so funny in this movie thanks to a poor script.

Hemsworth is kinda funny.

Good to great special effects.

Better than GB2 but will always live in the shadow of the 1st.

Oh is it really better than GB2? Not that that's saying much (I never cared for GB2 at all) but I'm surprised that the new one is at least getting favorable reviews compared to the first sequel. I'm kind of curious to see this one but I'm not in any hurry after all the political bullcrap spewed by Feig. Plus I don't know that there are any "Shallows" type chasers out there that I can watch immediately after like I did with Resurgence. :lol
wanna know what I find funny? this:

there was never going to be a fair review from anybody, from ANYONE, the haters would hate on it, and the apologists would defend it, heres the proof.

Really so I and all my friends, the guys on Collider, Kevin Smith, Empire Magazine, Mark Kermonde are all just liking this movie to stick to the haters?? :D

No one holds haters to high enough regard as to compromise their opinion like you suggesting. I sure as hell aint but you go and rock on with whatever makes you feel good man.
So have any non-SJW's actually liked this movie? Even here in this thread all I see from people defending it is the same "you're a sexist loser if you don't think this movie will be good" BS that we've been hearing from the cast and director.

I still have yet to read a single post of anyone ever saying "I refuse to see this film because it has women in it." People (myself included) love seeing torches being passed from male to female heroes. We live in the age of Furiosa and Rey for crying out loud. Kinda blows up the whole claim that "men can't handle women taking over previously male dominated franchises."

:goodpost: it's their little narrative, let'em have it, otherwise their SJW lifestyle falls apart by some little applied logic.
From the start my opinion has been it's just another reboot. Then along came the trailer. People say "Don't judge this by the trailer alone!" I haven't. In the last few weeks sony has rolled out large amounts of characters spots, teasers, and reveals. It's enough to make an educated decision and that decision is the comedy just doesnt work. I've liked the actresses in other things but this sadly looks like a replay of their greatest shtick. We all vote with our money and my money says I'm staying at home.
:goodpost: it's their little narrative, let'em have it, otherwise their SJW lifestyle falls apart by some little applied logic.

You might want to check the first few pages of this very thread dude and reevaluate where the 'narrative' started. hint, its' not with the folks with the open mind.
So from what I gather,

4 known funny actresses in their other movies being not so funny in this movie thanks to a poor script.

Hemsworth is kinda funny.

Good to great special effects.

Better than GB2 but will always live in the shadow of the 1st.

If money is made hopefully another sequel is churned out
, this time with 4 transgender Ghostbusters.

the male sequel already got cancelled because the SJW cry babies freaked the hell out over it... I was really curious about that movie because of the people involved. the writers/directors. Not because it was going to have males but because it was going to have a BETTER director.

thats what i hate about this, the same people defending this movie and giving it A+ ratings were people that boycotted and got the other Ghostbusters project cancelled...
So much for progress and tolerance, the second the male ghostbusters spin off was announced these SJW went crazy trying to stop it, trying to shame Sony into not even making it.

At least this movie was made and IS Being Released..... that other project never even got started.
Nope. You said they missed an opportunity and I just gave examples of why that's not accurate.
A double standard would apply if the sides were equal. They are not equal and will not be equal for some time. Women get objectified far more than men and have been for centuries. Men have a very long ways to go before they have any right moan about being objectified.
You act like every other movie or actor gets the same level of grief as GB has and that is just not true at all. What is happening with GB is completely off the scale and unprecedented. That's not my opinion but a fact.

So for it to be a double standard both sides must be equal and obviously I think that. You don't.
haha don't be silly, did I say every other movie or actor gets the same level of grief haha. There are loads of celebs who get constant grief from people.
You say it's a fact an not an opinion, prove it
I think you are so caught up in trying to portray these GB's as not been equal, girls being put down that you have forgotten the celebs that constantly get torn apart and you live in England were the tabloids tear celebs apart. Come on dude be real.
From the start my opinion has been it's just another reboot. Then along came the trailer. People say "Don't judge this by the trailer alone!" I haven't. In the last few weeks sony has rolled out large amounts of characters spots, teasers, and reveals. It's enough to make an educated decision and that decision is the comedy just doesnt work. I've liked the actresses in other things but this sadly looks like a replay of their greatest shtick. We all vote with our money and my money says I'm staying at home.

:lecture :exactly:

I could see how the trailers were just bad trailers, but I've looked at every clip I could find and they seem very awkward, like there was more ad-lib than script, but something just seems off.
You might want to check the first few pages of this very thread dude and reevaluate where the 'narrative' started. hint, its' not with the folks with the open mind.

You really think you are going to change everyone's mind don't you?

Inflicting your will on them isn't how you change others' opinions.
So for it to be a double standard both sides must be equal and obviously I think that. You don't.
haha don't be silly, did I say every other movie or actor gets the same level of grief haha. There are loads of celebs who get constant grief from people.
You say it's a fact an not an opinion, prove it
I think you are so caught up in trying to portray these GB's as not been equal, girls being put down that you have forgotten the celebs that constantly get torn apart and you live in England were the tabloids tear celebs apart. Come on dude be real.

Your are not understanding things. Lets try something else. To go back to your earlier post, why in your opinion was Megan Fox not suitable for April O'Neil?

Name me one other movie or group of actors that have gotten as much grief as this new Ghostbusters?
You really think you are going to change everyone's mind don't you?

Inflicting your will on them isn't how you change others' opinions.

No I most certainly do not. Much of the debating (polite word) revolves around inaccurate or false statements. We know this movie has been hated on like no other movie ever has ever yet here I am actually desputing with others about that bare fact. Folks are saying sexism has nothing to do with it and yet keep saying things that show that they don't get sexism and are being a bit sexist. Lets not pretend that many folks are not being utterly ridiculous and stupid (polite term again) here. Why should such needless hating and ignorance go unchallanged?

But of course I do see your point. It is futile. But I am of a mood this week.
Your are not understanding things. Lets try something else. To go back to your earlier post, why in your opinion was Megan Fox not suitable for April O'Neil?

Name me one other movie or group of actors that have gotten as much grief as this new Ghostbusters


with pleasure


Your are not understanding things. Lets try something else. To go back to your earlier post, why in your opinion was Megan Fox not suitable for April O'Neil?

Name me one other movie or group of actors that have gotten as much grief as this new Ghostbusters?

Haha, yeah I'm not understanding it. That's right. Do you actually think that you are on a higher level of intelligence?
You are asking me to prove your point.
Celebs under constant attack are,
Kim K,
Anne Hathaway,
Shia LaBeouf,
Kirsten Stewart,
Jennifer Lopez,
Lindsay Lohan.
These are but a few that people tear to shreds on a constant bases. People alway waiting for them to do something, make a mistake etc. They have had to put up with it for years and years. Long before GB was cast and it will continue long after the GB stuff has faded in to the night. Constant grief.
You might want to check the first few pages of this very thread dude and reevaluate where the 'narrative' started. hint, its' not with the folks with the open mind.

check this out guy, MEN ARENT FUNNY:


Oh Paul Feig......... oh..... :gah:

tsk tsk tsk, "shot at the testicles" being the LOWER Humor standards on dumb cavemen you say?

Robocop 2014 and Terminator Genisys were both hated upon all the way up to and beyond their release. We do certainly have the capacity to ***t on films without seeing them and just on some sort of principle. I don't know whose point I'm proving or disproving here.....
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