GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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:lol I know! Sorry man, I've been busy as hell with the new job, Christmas shopping, my birthday and now going up to Redding this weeked to see the wife's fam... Your figure is still sitting in the bag waiting for me to get off my ass. I'll get it out tomorrow. :lecture
:lol I know! Sorry man, I've been busy as hell with the new job, Christmas shopping, my birthday and now going up to Redding this weeked to see the wife's fam... Your figure is still sitting in the bag waiting for me to get off my ass. I'll get it out tomorrow. :lecture

No hurries on account of me, bud. I'm just :stick. If it's more convenient, send it after you get back. I'll check in Marina tonight and see if they have your Walrus Man.
scored some zombies today! awesome figure. now someone make this happen in 1/6th. ski, i'm looking at you! :rock
Yeah, those Zombie Vipers are sweet! I gotta track down some of those now. It wouldn't surprise me if Sideshow made one though. It would be a great way to bring back 1:6 zombies. Heck, they can make those zombie Stormtroopers too while they are at it since they have so much fewer variant options with the stormies than the clones :lol
Yep, those Zombie Vipers are awesome. Gonna pick up at least a couple. Maybe more - zombies are only really threatening en masse, after all.

Can't wait to drive through the US on my way home for the Holidays - you guys get all the good stuff. Hardly any GI Joes to be found here in Canada, and certainly not the latest wave.
Yeah, those Zombie Vipers are sweet! I gotta track down some of those now. It wouldn't surprise me if Sideshow made one though. It would be a great way to bring back 1:6 zombies. Heck, they can make those zombie Stormtroopers too while they are at it since they have so much fewer variant options with the stormies than the clones :lol

Given that'd be a multiples cash grab with all the swapability if they do it like the GG exclusive bust, I'm surprised they haven't yet released Dark Trooper Stormtroopers. :(
A 1:6 ZOMBIE VIPER figure would be a welcome variation somewhere down the line.

Maybe as an exclusive Halloween offering?

Doesn't make much sense as a normal Viper. A Toxo Viper sure. But as much as I'd want one, there are literally an assload of Joes and Cobras I'd hope Sideshow gets to before that whole Cesspool BS.
C'mon now... Eco-Warriors was lame but Cesspool was awesome looking...

Not really, no. :lol

Was sooo tempted to grab the Sky Striker at Zellers the other day but, i got no room for that sort of thing and well its $45.