GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I've been reading ALL the issues of x-men, x-factor, Excalabur, and all the other related marvel mutant comics, starting at issue one, and going forward. Kinda neet so see that Larry Hama Wrote Wolverine comics for a while.
Anywho, once i get done with X-men Gi-joe comics are next on the list.
But Bah, BAH I say to you, I grew up with the joe Cartoons, And loved the movie as a kid. It's cannon to me :)

Now i just need to get a golden Serpent Staff for Cobra Commander.

Also, just pre-ordered wave 9 from BBTS Earlier tonight.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I'll say this for the movie, it did have a great catch phrase.!! I can't even look at a snake without hearing the late great Chris Latta's high-pitched rasp.
On the other more negative hand, the movie had Big Lob, made Chuckles look like Bane from Batman and Robin ( big and stupid and mute) and then there's Slaughter's Marauders. Granted, they aren't any more absurd than Slaughter himself but somehow Slaughter seemed possible. He fit in the universe, not like some others. I'm looking at you William "The Refridgerator" Perry with Iron football thingy. The Marauders were just about on the same level as the Dreadnoks but the Noks are supposed to be bad guys.
Oh, and how come the rank system was always so screwed up? If I remember Flint's words to Lt. Falcon, "first Hawk, then Duke, then me, and then you." Huh? Duke is second in command? Are you kidding? A master seargent telling officers what to do? And Flint is a warrant officer!! He's pretty much in charge of helicopters, not other officers.
As you might've guessed, I come from a military family. And, yes, Falcon was my favorite figure and , yes, this movie made him look bad. And the worst thing is, I haven't even started on the mutating spores, snake people, nobody ever getting shot in the entire series ( I understand the kid show thing, but nobody even got wounded except Duke and all his comas throughout the series), the fact that every fighter pilot ejects a full 60 seconds before there is even a shot fired at them always bugged me quite a bit as well.
I understand that some people loved the cartoons, and that's fine, but my Joe universe will always be the comics. :snake
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Just picked up the AWE Striker from Target and it also says exclusive to Target too. Looks just like the one I had as a kid and included crankcase.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I picked up the Crimson Guard set of COBRA at TRU last night.
The COBRA COMMANDER decked out in all red looks awesome!
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I picked up the Crimson Guard set of COBRA at TRU last night.
The COBRA COMMANDER decked out in all red looks awesome!
Man I want that set.

I was almost going to pick up the AWE Striker at Target, but put it back thinking I don't really need this taking up space. Now I want to go back and pick it up.
The price on these is astonishing, $10 a piece!
I still really wish they went back and updated the vehicles more the way they do the figures.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Finally found the Battle Armor Cobra Commander today at a Target!
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I broke down and got Battle armored CC and Iron Genader destro from evilbay the other day, at 11$ each shipped... and afteri paid, i found BOTH of them at target when I went out....
I did Get my Hisstank and my Night Specter while i was there.
oh well. you win some, you lose some I guess.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I broke down and got Battle armored CC and Iron Genader destro from evilbay the other day, at 11$ each shipped... and afteri paid, i found BOTH of them at target when I went out....

I had the same thing almost happen to me, but I was able to cancel my order in time.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I found the Target Exclusive Vehicles!!

However, they were NOT in the toy section. They were actually at one of the numerous endcaps by the cash registers. Keep your eyes peeled around there if you're looking for them.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

So, Any word on what the SDCC exclusive from this line is going to be?
Also, who's going to SDCC this year, that i can send some cash with to pick up one for me? :D
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

has anybody here mailed away for the doc figure? I mailed away for an extra and plan on using it for trade...perhaps towards a King Greyskull SDCC Exclusive if I can find someone who wants Doc
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary


I got the TRU exclusive "Senior Ranking Officers" 3-packs!

These are awesome! Hawk in a military uniform, CC in red (as weird as it's kind of cool), and an awesome repaint of a Crimson Guard as a Crimson Guard Officer!
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

haven't seen those yet. is hawk in dress greens? or some other military uniform? pics please?

dress's a bunch of re-used parts.

I'd take a photo for you but my digital-cam is busted. :(
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I haven't even got enough of the two packs to send in for him yet. i need two more.
Debateing just getting two more of the fred packs. But then I'll have extra Scarface figures.. Ugh ( hate duplicates of non army-biuilders...) Corse, if someone wanted to trade for a scarface, that might be what I do...
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I haven't even got enough of the two packs to send in for him yet. i need two more.
Debateing just getting two more of the fred packs. But then I'll have extra Scarface figures.. Ugh ( hate duplicates of non army-biuilders...) Corse, if someone wanted to trade for a scarface, that might be what I do...

I got my Doc today....waiting on 2 more
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

How are you guys making out on the Target exclusive vehicles? I've managed to grab 9 H.I.S.S. tanks, a S.H.A.R.C. (I refuse to call it a Night Spectre) and an A.W.E. Striker (might get another couple of these). Still need one more H.I.S.S.