GIMLI Customs...

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I'm scared. Someone hold me :eek:

:D Don't be scared.

Here's that chart I keep talking about:



See, Gimli comes up to Boromir's nipples. Boromir likes it that way.

But then you see the Hobbits are way off in SS scale...they come up to a man's elbows.

Problem seen here with Hobbit scale:


Frodo is really Gimli height in SS land.

In truth, the TB Gimli is actually correct height relative to the chart and SS Gandalf. To bad he has a sucky outfit or we'd be set...except we'd have giant Hobbits. So Gimli needs to be a little bigger than is correct to make the Hobbits seem correct scale.

So, the DiD body should work fine in the SS world of 1/6th LOTR with the smaller head (which lowers the body a bit) and bent knees and/or cuting the thighs.

I'm still gonna cut mine :D

Anyone think the DiD Gimli looks like Gandalf's son in that pic? :)
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Yeah, if his son's name was Corky:lol

I have a couple of visual books and Gimli is close to shoulder height. But between the pit and shoulder works. Here's the 5% reduction-both Frodo and Gimli.
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So roughly...

Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas should all be on 12" bodies,
Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin on 7" bodies,
and Gimli on a 9" body.

What we've got is SS Hobbits on 9" bodies. So either make the Hobbits shorter - impratical. Or make Gimli 10"-10.5".
See, Gimli comes up to Boromir's nipples. Boromir likes it that way.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

In truth, the TB Gimli is actually correct height relative to the chart and SS Gandalf. To bad he has a sucky outfit or we'd be set...except we'd have giant Hobbits. So Gimli needs to be a little bigger than is correct to make the Hobbits seem correct scale.

Yeah, you are right, its the hobbits messing with the scale.
i like the taller gimli. and yes the hobbits kinda mess things up cuz they arent in the correct scale. maybe my DID gimli will arrive tomorrow or today as it is. at least DID didnt skimp on the axes. they look great and they made all the different sizes and styles.
Yeah, if his son's name was Corky:lol

I have a couple of visual books and Gimli is close to shoulder height. But between the pit and shoulder works. Here's the 5% reduction-both Frodo and Gimli.

That looks pretty good to me. That's about the scale I'm going to aim for.
Yeah, if his son's name was Corky:lol

Corky the Brown, bastard son of Gandalf the Grey after Merry switched the stuff in his pipe.

That looks pretty good to me. That's about the scale I'm going to aim for.

Agreed... but note the base under Boromir, helping make the Hobbit look smaller.

My photo above is working the opposite -- Frodo being in front of Gandalf makes him look a little bigger than he is. Damn camera lense.

In any event, we have a fixed height for humans and Hobbits so its obvious where Gimli needs to be heightwise.

Here's my figs in a straight line (not stacked up):


Heightwise it almost works. In his pose, Frodo looks good against Gandalf's height (though my fresh-from-the-box Gandalf is standing straight as a boner). TB Gimli is just a tad taller than Frodo (mostly because my Frodo's knees are bent). The DiD is too tall here, but with the TB head and bending the knees it will work.

Last thing, the head sculpts:


I posted this earlier, but there were so many pics. Just wanted to address the worry that the TB head is much smaller than the DiD. As you can see, they are very close in size (less the fixed DiD helmet). But if you look at just the face on each -- where the lips and eyes line up -- they are essentially the same size. The DiD looks bigger because of the helmet and the longer beard...but actually he also looks to have a very short forehead -- the TB's forehead is nearly as tall as the DiD's helmet!

So the TB head isn't that much smaller guys when you really break it down.
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Hey guys, I just realized something. That ToyBiz body is the same as the Marvel Famous Covers 10" figures. I wonder if any of them would work for a straight swapout? You could get a beefier body and it'd be taller than the hobbits and 2 inches shorter than the Sideshows. Best of all, the parts should swap right over.
Hey guys, I just realized something. That ToyBiz body is the same as the Marvel Famous Covers 10" figures. I wonder if any of them would work for a straight swapout? You could get a beefier body and it'd be taller than the hobbits and 2 inches shorter than the Sideshows. Best of all, the parts should swap right over.

If that's true, that would be great.

I just did an ebay search and the body type seems to have the same problem as the TB Gimli -- meaning a really pinched waist and super-chest. That would require stuffing/padding the waist, which then sometimes shifts, affects joints, etc.

Got a pic of the MFC 10" body nude?
If that's true, that would be great. A straight swap that's a but taller!

Got a pic of the MFC 10" body nude? Love to see/know if the neck, hand and leg pegs will work the same.

Mine are in storage and not available until tomorrow. But here, look at the Hulk. You can see it's the same and if this works there's a wide variety to choose from, buffed, skinny, chick (for you pervs with a dwarf fetish), for relatively cheap too!:



Gimli would look pretty buff in that body.

Are they all "superhero" bodies like that, or do that have a squatty body?

Seems like the MFC bodies suffer the same defect as the TB Gimli body -- a really pinched waist that would have to be stuffed/padded.
Gimli would look pretty buff in that body.

Are they all "superhero" bodies like that, or do that have a squatty body?

Seems like the MFC bodies suffer the same defect as the TB Gimli body -- a really pinched waist that would have to be stuffed/padded.

I'd rather have to wrap some material around the gut and have a more accurate figure than suffer the height issues of either one of the stock options. The ToyBiz is just too short and the DiD is too tall. The Sabertooth body is just like Hulks only flesh. If you took that and padded the gut you'd have a perfectly stocky 10" dwarf. And you could keep the TB Glimli hands and feet by removing the pins at the elbows and knees and swapping them out.

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I'd rather have to wrap some material around the gut and have a more accurate figure than suffer the height issues of either one of the stock options. The ToyBiz is just too short and the DiD is too tall. The Sabertooth body is just like Hulks only flesh. If you took that and padded the gut you'd have a perfectly stocky 10" dwarf.

Might work, if they're 10" and not 6" like TB Gimli.

I wonder if TB just used the same body and trimmed the legs/calves to make it 6"?

Good idea though! Maybe if you have a loose one tomorrow you can post a pic of the FMC fig against a SS LOTR fig? That would help.

Note to Dwing: did you dremmel the armor off the roto to get the shoulder armor? Or did you just use an exacto blade or something? I don't have a dremmel, that's why I ask.
Note to Dwing: did you dremmel the armor off the roto to get the shoulder armor? Or did you just use an exacto blade or something? I don't have a dremmel, that's why I ask.[/QUOTE]

Used a exacto. Cut the shoulders first to allow you to hold onto something. The elbow side is a straight cut but will need to be cut on the inside as it has the socket like joint. I used a dremel but you could use a exacto on it. At that point it is harder to hold on to so be careful as I did exfoliate part of my thumb.
got DID gimli today and the worst hangover i've had for some time. the mailman kept ringing the damn bell. ARRRRRRRRGH!!!!!! needless to say it was a ^^^^^ to dress this guy and put him together but he is great. nice figure. i just dont like the head. too generic. TB head will probably be the way to go. one of his axes was snapped in 2 out of the box. dont know if it was like that or if it was my fault. probably my fault. nothing a little glue didnt fix right up.
one quick pic before i throw up.
Looks cool, but what Gimli really needs a proton pack strapped to his back. :lol

Sorry bout the hangover. :duff
You got him together fast, even the gloves!

I don't think I'll ever put the DiD together the way he's supposed to be so its nice to have pics like this just to know.