I got my DiD Gimli today. It's a weird balance of really good and really bad. The outfit is mostly really nice, but the chain mail cloth with the sparkles sucks bad. And I'm not fond of the head. I do really like the weapons though. Not sure why you need so many of them, but I'm not complaining.
Anyway I thought I would throw together a figure using the DiD and the rotocast ToyBiz figure. I used the head, helm, forearms/hands, shoulder armor and boots from the ToyBiz figure, and the rest is the DiD. I was sort of making things up as I went along, so if I had to do it again I would probably not do it in exactly the same way. I used an xacto knife to cut off the pieces from the ToyBiz figure that I would be using and dremeled out the shoulder armor, forearms, and boots. I cut off his feet and hands

and stuck the leg stumps directly into the boots, with the pants wrapped around them. This worked really well to get the pants looking like they should, and also made him a bit shorter (yeah, this makes the knees too low, but you can't tell when he's dressed, as his pants are pretty baggy). I whittled down the DiD body forearms so they would fit inside the ToyBiz ones and used epoxy putty (the green stuff) to attach them permanently. The shoulder armor isn't really firmly attached -- it sort of snaps over his upper arms.
I repainted the head and helm, but everything else is stock. I should probably do some weathering of the outfit later. I left off the mail and I don't think I'm going to worry about trying to get a replacement for it. The ToyBiz head is probably a bit too small for the body (or at least the large hobbit heads may make it seem that way) but I'm fine with it. I don't really want to buy the other TB figure just for the head.