GIMLI Customs...

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Not sure what you did with the cut out piece -- is that a piece from the roto?

Looks good so far!

Can't wait to see the new beard.

The pictures stink. Yeah, it's the middle bit from the roto helmet. It was accurate and the soft one was not. Figured if the center focal bit of the helmet was right, it would give the illusion, along with a good paint job, that the rest of the design on the helmet was accurate as well.

I can't decide if I like the leather straps or not. Will prolly wait till the figure is more finished to decide how it looks.
The pictures stink. Yeah, it's the middle bit from the roto helmet. It was accurate and the soft one was not. Figured if the center focal bit of the helmet was right, it would give the illusion, along with a good paint job, that the rest of the design on the helmet was accurate as well.

I can't decide if I like the leather straps or not. Will prolly wait till the figure is more finished to decide how it looks.

I'm not sure you'll even ever see those straps but... you know they're there. :)

I never noticed that part of the helmet was incorrect. But it's good to know. One more use for the roto.

I just have to find the roto for cheap.
Okay, which one of you bastards already purchased the LOTR stand parted out from Gandalf on Toy Anxiety? :tap I waited forever for them to put that up and BOOM! gone already! :emperor
Okay, which one of you bastards already purchased the LOTR stand parted out from Gandalf on Toy Anxiety? :tap I waited forever for them to put that up and BOOM! gone already! :emperor

Yeah, I waited and waited and GONE!

I checked literally a few hours apart and the 1st time I check all they had was the whole figure for sale, a few hours later a checked and it was parted out and all the stands were gone :monkey2
No need for a Merry or Pip in my collection. If they were sold by Sideshow I would have bought them, but I havent the heart to try and make customs.
Yeah, I waited and waited and GONE!

I checked literally a few hours apart and the 1st time I check all they had was the whole figure for sale, a few hours later a checked and it was parted out and all the stands were gone :monkey2

It stinks when they only part out 1 figure. :banghead
I would have bought a SS Pippin and Merry as well but I think that (for now) it may be the wrong time to try and customize ones.
Okay, which one of you bastards already purchased the LOTR stand parted out from Gandalf on Toy Anxiety? :tap I waited forever for them to put that up and BOOM! gone already! :emperor

I just picked up a LotR stand on eBay the other day for $5.
Got my soft Gimli today, I was a little suprised that he is actually pretty good,for $25 anyway.

And I should have my DiD Gimli in early next week :rock :rock :rock
The only part I am using from soft Gimli is the head and helmet. You really do need to get the roto Gimli because his hands and feet aren't hasbro proportioned like the soft one seems to be. (and dude, the shoulder armor... You have to replace the crappy DiD stuff)
When I get the DiD in I will see what I need to do. I dont really feel like buying another Gimli :duh

Maybe, maybe not. If I find one super cheap like $20 shipped I would probably get it.

Have you finished yours yet?
No. Mine got put on hold because of my moving to a different house. I am talking roto Gimli home tonight to saw off the gauntles and pop off his boots though. :)
Oh yeah. I took some pics Monday contrasting the soft with the roto too which I will try and post Friday. :rock