GIMLI Customs...

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Noticed a few things about the Gimli costume when I was flipping through Fellowship last week with an eye for costumes:

- He has a cloak before they get to Rivendell and get the Elven ones. It's first worn on Caradhras through the entrance into Moria. It looks to be a very dark green, almost black. I have a feeling he then rolls it up and wears it below his back pack - there's something there that looks like it might be a bedroll and is the same color. The rolled up pack reappears in a few scenes in Lothlorien, but its pretty inconsistant whether its there or not.

- The Double Bladed axe: he doesn't have this until the fight in Balin's tomb. When the Cave Troll swings the hammer and destroys Balin's tomb, Gimli jumps off and lands next to this axe. In the next shot, he's up and swinging it.

- The armor: it isn't chainmail. Its a bunch of thick rings (they look like metal washers) sewn together with gold wire.
Ok here is my Gimli with the Soft TB Gimli and the DiD Gimli. I could futz him a bit more but I am sick of it right now. As usual I have one of the crappist cameras on the board. Bilbo's jacket it actually greener then it appears in the pic. :lol


and with Bilbo:

Ok here is my Bilbo with staff. It is Gandalf's staff which I melted and pulled until it was the right height. decided the tobacco pouch (though not screen accurate) is a nice touch. My camera sucks so the colors aren't quite what they are in person. His jacket looks much greener in person.


and from behind:

I *think* Batty's is still my favorite avatar here, but yours is pretty damned impressive, KD. :bow Batty should animate his.
Where did you get the Bilbo HS? and does that red book come along with him?
Great looking Gimli and Bilbo.
The Gimli heads & One Rings have been shipped to all those who have paid, thanks for your patience.

If you still want to order one I can produce a few more. After that I'm retiring the molds.

Thanks again everyone! hope you all enjoy. Can't wait to start seeing these painted up and on bodies.


Shoulder armor came out nicely.

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