Green Lantern: The Motion Picture

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No they are comparing it to Emerald Dawn because Martin Campbell specifically said that they are using Emerald Dawn as a template specifically. What you've read and most of us have is the Marc Guggenheim original script which also included a Clark Kent cameo, what you have to remember is that it was rewritten by Michael Green and then rewritten again by Greg Berlanti. Even Guggenheim has said recently he has no clue what the final draft of the script entails because it has undergone so many revisions. If Campbell is stating Emerald Dawn (I and II) then I guarantee you either Green or Berlanti sat with it and turned it into a script tweaking it to include Hammond from Guggenheim's script. What you have to remember is that in Johns' Secret Origins from the Modern Age the story included Hammond during the Hal learning curve but playing more of a side villain than a main one. Think Justin Hammer in IM2 whereas the major villain is Whiplash or Scarecrow in BB where Ras was the main villain. It could be that they are inserting Johns' additions from the Modern Age into the Emerald Dawn storyline to get it to seem fresher, Emerald Dawn is definitely dated.
Other than seeing Joker and Harley on screen together, seeing Star Sapphire and Sinestro vs Hal is up there as my dream movie(s). Still feels a bit surreal as I didn't expect a Green Lantern movie before another Superman or Wonder Woman flick. Even with unwanted reboots and lack luster sequels........this is the a great time for many comic fans.

Or am I just too giddy for my own good? :D
No they are comparing it to Emerald Dawn because Martin Campbell specifically said that they are using Emerald Dawn as a template specifically. What you've read and most of us have is the Marc Guggenheim original script which also included a Clark Kent cameo, what you have to remember is that it was rewritten by Michael Green and then rewritten again by Greg Berlanti. Even Guggenheim has said recently he has no clue what the final draft of the script entails because it has undergone so many revisions. If Campbell is stating Emerald Dawn (I and II) then I guarantee you either Green or Berlanti sat with it and turned it into a script tweaking it to include Hammond from Guggenheim's script. What you have to remember is that in Johns' Secret Origins from the Modern Age the story included Hammond during the Hal learning curve but playing more of a side villain than a main one. Think Justin Hammer in IM2 whereas the major villain is Whiplash or Scarecrow in BB where Ras was the main villain. It could be that they are inserting Johns' additions from the Modern Age into the Emerald Dawn storyline to get it to seem fresher, Emerald Dawn is definitely dated.

Nope, the one I read is Berlanti & Green.
What draft? Was it this?


...A scientist named Hector Hammond does an autopsy on the dead alien Green Lantern, and gets infected with a piece of the evil Legion. It transforms Hammond into a super-powerful telepath, who realizes that everyone around him despises him, including his father. (Hammond's father, by coincidence, is a former pilot and the guy in charge of deciding on funding for the airplane company where Hal works.)

In the first draft at least, Hal helps to defeat Legion and then he, and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, rush back to Earth to defeat Hammond. Hammond has read Hal Jordan's mind, so he knows Jordan's secret identity. And Hammond blames Hal for turning him into a freak, because he got these powers from the body of the dead Green Lantern. So Hammond decides to kill Hal's friends and family, and even destroy Hal's home town, by telekinetically flinging the airplanes belonging to Hal's employer. Yes, this time, it's personal. It's a bit of a letdown after the huge showdown with Legion, which feels bigger and more cosmic. There's something to be said for only having one truly unstoppable villain in an origin story.

And the ending, in this draft at least, is seriously cheesy. Hal tricks Hector Hammond, giving Hammond his power ring. Hammond doesn't have the will power to control the ring's energy — or he hasn't been chosen, the script says both things — and so the ring overpowers him and he gets turned into a vegetable. And then Hal is out of ring charge so he can't save his love interest, Carol Ferris, from crashing in a jet that's on autopilot. Hal tries a fancy maneuver in another plane to rescue her. But they're still plummeting to Earth without a parachute. They kiss, and the power of their love recharges Hal's empty ring. The ring "SHIMMERS — DRAWING FROM ALL THE POWER IN THAT KISS!" And then somehow the ring has enough energy to fly them to Paris. Okay.

I've heard that has been changed a this point...
Martin Campbell discusses the split between space and Earth


Much of the current "Green Lantern" speculation focuses on whether Hector Hammond or Sinestro will be the first film's central villain, but there's another question fans are asking these days, too: how much of the movie is set in space?

Given the intergalactic setting of the "Green Lantern" mythology, it's a virtual certainty that the upcoming DC Comics adaptation will spend some time amongst the stars, but just how much otherworldly screen time we'll see remains up in the air.

While the "Edge of Darkness" director didn't have an exact percentage of the balance between space scenes and earthbound events, director Martin Campbell told MTV News that there would be plenty of action spent outside of Earth's orbit.

"I don't know what the percentage is, but there's quite a bit in space," said the director in an exclusive interview. "The initial trip up there, the training sessions he has to go through in order to become a Green Lantern. Then, of course at the end, he goes back up to Oa again."

That's not to say that "Green Lantern" won't spend significant time on Earth. If Hector Hammond is the film's central villain, there's bound to be a strong focus on the character's exploits on our planet. Further, Carol Ferris isn't likely to reach outer orbit — certainly not without the aid of Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan.

"There are a couple of bits [on Earth] in between [the space scenes]," said Campbell. "I think there will be enough [of a balance between space and Earth] to satisfy everybody."
Here's the Video
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Ryan put on the spot
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Concept art released for Abin Sur, Tomar Re and Kilowog



Nothing is confirmed as being final but the sources these came from claim that they costuming is the only thing up in the air.
Abin Sur and Kilowog are looking great! Tomar Re looks kinda weird to me, but I'm sure I can live with it if that's what they go with. Where did you find these?
They were leaked on a couple of sites. Abin Sur and Tomar Re seem to be legit with people quoting left and right that their "sources" who they cannot reveal (as is the norm) say that those are finalized designs. Kilowog on the other hand was mentioned on another site that it was a 2008 design that has been tweaked but not final. Either way they were confirmed as "official conceptuals" similar to Phil Saunders' Iron Man concepts. If this is what has been worked on since Campbell's entry I'm pretty stoked.
Concept art released for Abin Sur, Tomar Re and Kilowog



Nothing is confirmed as being final but the sources these came from claim that they costuming is the only thing up in the air.

I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Kilowag could use some more work, but considering how easily they could have messed up any of these three guys, I'm happy with what we are seeing. Its so strange to see some of these aliens in a realistic manner. I've just gotten so used to them in comics and animation it is a little jarring to see them looking so real. But I like it!

Hopefully this means they won't mess up Hal's suit either!
Concept art released for Abin Sur, Tomar Re and Kilowog



Nothing is confirmed as being final but the sources these came from claim that they costuming is the only thing up in the air.

Meh.....I hate spoilers....or concepts of spoilers! :mad:

I like the fin mohawk dude tho. :rolleyes:

Who's the artist?
I'm not liking Kilowog's face. Some reason it reminds me of the creature from Cloverfield. From the neck down I believe it because he's a big dude in the books.
I'm not liking Kilowog's face. Some reason it reminds me of the creature from Cloverfield. From the neck down I believe it because he's a big dude in the books.

That was my exact reaction to Kilowag's face too! He needs to look more piggish than Cloverfieldish. And pinker too. He's more a pinkish color, not grey.
Impressed with the concept art, this movie could be a major major winner for WB/DC. Hopefully GL will finally get the recognition and respect he deserves - my fav superhero after Batman that's for sure.
Kilowog will be CGI so tweaks on him can occur up until the week before release, not really worried there. I'm impressed with Abin Sur because he has a more alien look while in the comics he was always a pink humanoid and the animation field they usually go really left with his look. Tomar I'm not 100% sold on because he looks sad although its about what I would have expected with "bird make up".
Kilowog will be CGI so tweaks on him can occur up until the week before release, not really worried there. I'm impressed with Abin Sur because he has a more alien look while in the comics he was always a pink humanoid and the animation field they usually go really left with his look. Tomar I'm not 100% sold on because he looks sad although its about what I would have expected with "bird make up".

Awesome. Totally agree with you!!!
I'm liking the head designs, but I'm hoping those aren't the uniforms. I'd like them to go really away from the comics on the GL outfit - make it more coplike and less like a spandex superhero.