I just don't want to spend $50+ on something that should only be around $20. Unless its made with real emeralds or gold, there shouldn't be a reason a small ring should cost and arm and a leg. So hopefully there will be decent replicas and a decent price.
The DCD one will easily cost $300 because they'll pair it with the Lantern. Considering that they haven't bothered to resolicit or release the GL Honor Guard Ring, I have a feeling they'll skip just the ring outright less they do promos with comics. Hell Mattel is including "wearable" rings with every figure as part of their "Everyone Can Be Chosen" campaign.
Noble might be your only hope for something more affordable but I have a feeling that what the celebs got will be what Noble does and so because of display it'll easily go into the hundreds.
Are there any good comic version ring replicas out there?
No official. Even the DCD official GL ring which was Kyle's had a green face and silver band. Their next attempt affectionally referred to as "The Chunk Ring" was sterling silver with a green center that looked awful. The best place to go for comic styled rings were always customs. There are a few out there but the best were done in a run on The RPF a while back, both Silver Age and Modern Age Hals were completed before the run stopped.
Comparison with Silver Age:
The Silver Age is a signet ring with a groove separating the symbol from the actual ring. They were actually made of aluminum that's been anodized, much like a Mag-Lite flashlight so the metal itself was dyed. They are durable as hell (I wear mine everyday) and are light as hell because of the aluminum chosen as the base metal. The Silver Age ring is actually even porous to give it a alien look.
The thing is that to anodize them took a long time and there was three or four screw up runs which lead to the creator losing time and cash so he stopped them. I have two Silver Age and one Modern age (I wish I ordered two Moderns) but if you look there people aren't willing to part with even the extras, they are so rare.
If you don't mind accuracy AllNeedFulThings does a good sterling silver version but its nowhere near accurate to the comics.