Guardians of the Galaxy

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My level of hype is at Defcon 1, I really hope this lives up to what I'm expecting. The trailers look so bad ass, but we know how that goes... :lol
Hmmm, much more hyped for this, I mean let's face it... unheard of Marvel product is still better than DC's A game.

I kid... i kid... you know Batfan is loading me up on ignore right now. :lol
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Hmmm, much more hyped for this, I mean let's face it... unheard of Marvel product is still better than DC's A game.

I kid... i kid... you know Batfan is loading me up on ignore right now. :lol


To both those points, I mean. You're too much fun to ignore, plus, you're my Alfred; you could go to the cops if I piss you off.:lol

To both those points, I mean. You're too much fun to ignore, plus, you're my Alfred; you could go to the cops if I piss you off.:lol
:lol :exactly:

**** it. I'm game. The only way DC could possibly beat this is if their GL reboot was a buddy (space)cop comedy starring Ch'p and G'nort.
I would love to see DC throw everyone a surprise curveball like this. Tbh, the Corp part of GL I thought was awesome, loved it, my biggest gripe is that we'll never get to see Sinestro kick Reynold's teeth in. :lol