Please, for the love of all that is holy, read before accepting something as fact. The Brolin thing may, very well, be true, but, until I see official confirmation from Marvel, I just ask that people not fall victim to misinformation. These ******** news sites spew this stuff out and say "CONFIRMED: Brolin is Thanos," but by who? El Mayimbe? The homeless guy that hangs out by the local 7/11? The secret society of holiday icons? It very well could be true, but, this far, Marvel's said nothing, whereas, with the Daredevil casting, for example, they responded within the hour.
Look at the "Ray Fisher is Cyborg in Batman vs. Superman" thing. I'm betting the majority of people paying attention to that think it's official, right? It's been a month since that was announced, and there wasn't a single utterance from the likes of Warner Bros. No press release, no statement from Snyder, nada. Why? Because it was a Variety "Exclusive" confirmed by their "sources." If inquiring minds had paid attention, they'd have seen, right in the article, that "Warner Bros. had no comment on this story." I'm not saying it can't be true, I'm just saying that people shouldn't buy into what is, frankly, rumor.