Guardians of the Galaxy

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The after credit scene leaked. Watch at your own risk.

NO WAY! They... they... did what?!?!?!

Just got home from an early screening.

Spoiler free review of Guardians:

I'll start off by saying this was a really good, very entertaining movie. I would give it a 7/10. Unfortunately, I had read a lot of comments on the internet about this being the best Marvel movie ever, and better than The Avengers, and better than Cap 2. I would have to disagree with all of those comments.

I think it's unfair to compare it to The Avengers, because that movie tied so much together. There are several things in GotG that tie it to other movies, but for the most part its all brand new.

For me, there were no "moments" in this movie. The Avengers had SO many moments: Hulk smashing Loki, the Avengers standing in a circle, Banner turning into Hulk and punching the Leviathan, Hulk punching Thor, etc. There was one moment that I thought would do it, but the crowd in the theater never cheered once. It could just have been the people, but the crowd cheered more in the Edge of Tomorrow early screening that we saw. Not to mention that there were at least 15 empty seats which really surprised me.

While there were plenty of laughs, I was surprised there weren't more. From the previews this looked like it was going to be a REALLY funny movie. Like a lot of Marvel movies these days, several things that were in the trailers are not in the movie (I'm not saying what).

I really liked Lee Pace as Ronan, he was fantastic. Drax was surprisingly loveable, and for being a WWE fighter, Dave Bautista did a great job IMO although I had a hard time understanding him at times. Also really liked Karen Gillian as Nebula and Michael Rooker as Yondu.

Minor spoiler here about Rocket that only the comic book people will care about, skip to the next paragraph if you don't want to read it: They definitely toned Rocket down and made him more kid friendly. He's not foul mouthed any more than anyone else. He is very funny, loveable and at moments you just want to cry for him.

Lots of amazing SFX of course, some beautiful, colorful backdrops in the movie. A good pace to the movie and plenty of action. I never felt a lull, even in the slower parts.

No secret that The Collector is in this movie. Keep your eyes peeled when you see his place.

For parents, this is a typical Marvel movie. Plenty of fighting, not much blood, no amputations etc. Several "hell"s, 2-3 "****"s and 2-3 "*****"s. no F-word, but there is a "what the F" where they move like they are about to say ****** but don't say it. There are about 3 moments that are pretty graphic, not bloody but graphic. PM me if you want to hear more.

Definitely go see it, enjoy it. Just don't expect it to top The Avengers, or every other Marvel movie. Maybe it will for you, but hearing things like that made me leave the theater a bit disappointed.

Thanks for what are the top THREE Marvel pics in your opnion?...I know I'll like this movie but will I fall head over heals for it???? The net is buzzing big about this but I'm guarded...
So how much **** will they get with people thinking

Spoiler Spoiler:

Just got home from an early screening.

Spoiler free review of Guardians:

I'll start off by saying this was a really good, very entertaining movie. I would give it a 7/10. Unfortunately, I had read a lot of comments on the internet about this being the best Marvel movie ever, and better than The Avengers, and better than Cap 2. I would have to disagree with all of those comments.

I think it's unfair to compare it to The Avengers, because that movie tied so much together. There are several things in GotG that tie it to other movies, but for the most part its all brand new.

So stoked to hear this. I wanted GOTG to be its own thing. Hopefully that's the case

Where would you rank it amongst this years CBMs?

Thanks for what are the top THREE Marvel pics in your opnion?

For me:

1. Spider-Man 2
2. X2
3. Iron Man
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I posted this in another thread but may be more appropriate here.

For those of you who have already seen the movie (without giving spoilers), is that leaked after credits scene legit and more importantly is there a mid-credits scene as well that moves the story forward?
I bought tickets for a 7:30pm Thursday showing of this. Is that even legal? Have we completely forsaken midnight screenings?

My town's a blackhole of ****, so I was just curious if this was normal.