Guardians of the Galaxy

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i came back from seeing it in imax as well. I loved it! James gunn did a fantastic job with it! Didn't feel anything like the previous marvel movies. I loved the wit, the music, the cheesy pop culture references ( alf, laika, kevin bacon(!), footloose(!!)), and especially the chemistry between the lead characters. Bautista had the funniest lines, and rocket was the scene stealer in all his scenes. I felt that chris pratt was an excellent choice for star-lord. Even with the brief back stories of each of the characters, i was emotionally invested in them. I guess my only gripe would be how handled nebula.

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i have to say that gotg is my among my favourite movies that i've seen this year. I have a feeling that i'll love this movie more with multiple viewings.

I absolutely adored this movie. 2014 has been an absolutely great year for Marvel movies. Actually, it's been the best year for Marvel movies since Iron Man came out in 2008, because this and Cap have to be two of the most perfectly balanced films from Marvel Studios to date, and yet, they're on totally opposite ends of the spectrum. Cap was a relatively serious film that had moments of levity to break up any potential monotony of the darker, heavier subject matter; Guardians was the exact opposite. From the second "Guardians of the Galaxy" pops up on-screen, you know that this is going to be a super-fun movie, and I loved it. Part of the reason I didn't like The Avengers as much as I'd hoped was because it lacked the balance that films like this had. I have no problem with a fun movie, so long as it knows it wants to be a fun movie.

Everything about this movie was fun to me. The soundtrack, the jokes, the action; it was a blast, and I think the whole retro thing was present in more than the soundtrack. Tonally, stuff like Ronan and the imprisoned Nova Corpsman felt like one of those scenes from Raiders or Temple that, as a kid, you'd peek through your fingers at. The whole movie had the tone of one of those classic adventure films like Indy or Star Wars. It was just a fantastic film, and it's really hard to choose between this, Cap, and IM. I'll just say that they're my top 3 Marvel movies and they've each been number one, depending on my mood.

Great emotional rollercoaster.

Lots of action.

No boring parts.

Great villains.

Lots of fun.

Incredible end to an already incredible 2014 CBM season.


Great movie though!

Still got two CBMs to go :D
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Very good movie, entertaining to watch, funny and beautiful.
The only downside is the 3D, which was a very poor conversion job, some of the FX look like they were converted as well.

Best 3D since Avengers, even better.

This was Jurassic Park 3D quality!

Finally a Marvel movie that is a MUST SEE in Imax 3D to fully appreciate and enjoy all the space battles.

Milano coolest ship since the X-Wing.
Taking my 2 boys to see this at noon today. Just hope it lives up to the hype. Can't say I'm a big Guardians fan. I'm going to see this because it's a Marvel movie and my kids are excited to see it.
Seen it again today :) still love it. Surprised how empty the cinema has been tho, especially on opening week during the summer holidays from school.
Everyone I've heard from says IMAX 3D is the way to go.

Personally I HATE 3D. I'm one of those rare folk who can barely see it and it makes my eyes hurt. Really wish one of these days they'd release a blockbuster *JUST* in IMAX. Like The Dark Knight. Sigh...
I ****ing loved this movie. I kept reading on twitter that this was "Marvel's best movie" and whilst I don't think it's their best, it's certainly up there.

At the moment I'm finding it hard to think of many cons, but there are a couple of things that I didn't love.

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The end credits:

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As for Thanos:

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Everything else was awesome. Drax was surprisingly great, Rocket had his moments, Groot was lovable, Gamora was badass, and Star-Lord was the man. I may see the movie 5 more times.

This was so good. Went to the 10:15 3D XD and the 3D was one of the best experiences. I am not big on 3D, but this was fantastic. Michael Rooker's arrow weapon was great. 9.5/10 for me. Loved it!
I absolutely loved the film, will be going to watch it again at some point. I saw it in imax 3d and im not one who normally watches 3D as it gives me a headache as my eyes don't focus but this was on another level.

I also normally hate wrestlers who become actors but i enjoyed batista as drax some of his lines made me chuckle of course rocket and groot stole most scenes especially
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i was one of those who was a bit
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i was one of those who was a bit
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At that moment, if I had anything in my mouth, I would have spat it out. I couldn't believe it.

Best 3D since Avengers, even better.

This was Jurassic Park 3D quality!

Finally a Marvel movie that is a MUST SEE in Imax 3D to fully appreciate and enjoy all the space battles.

Milano coolest ship since the X-Wing.

I disagree, there were a very large number of times where things were poorly separated out, pretty much if any character got like 6 feet away then you'd look at their face and it would be really funky. There were also a few times where stuff was just plain wrong in depth, elements that needed to be behind something but were placed in front. Even close-ups felt like they got the shapes of peoples faces wrong.