Guardians of the Galaxy

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Saw it again a second time today and still enjoyed it immensely.

Unfortunately Chris Pratt isn't getting any better for me with repeated viewings so I'll just have to try to tune him out as best I can when I watch it in the future.

I got pretty much what I wanted from the movie ie some great moments for Rocket & Groot and also enjoyed the other characters so one that didn't work for me isn't really disastrous, I just wonder what others are seeing in his performance that I'm not.
I saw this last night at a 7:30 show, and thought it was so much fun. I don't know where this ranks on my Marvel list yet and I'll probably need to see it a few more times before I will be able to rank it, but the FUN of this movie was just....immense. The characters, the dialogue.... My theater was crazy into it, too, which made it all the more enjoyable.

What I really appreciated was that there was absolutely NO weak link in the team - every character was awesome and well portrayed. Even Groot with his one sentence was sweet because of how many different emotions/context Vin Diesel was able to pack into that one sentence, said many times.

As much fun as I had with this movie, though, it doesn't touch Winter Soldier for me. That said, it easily topped the other two summer movies I've seen, DOFP and Maleficent. The pure joy while watching this movie blew me away. Heart, humor and characters that just pop.

This is Marvel's most fun movie since Avengers.
What I really appreciated was that there was absolutely NO weak link in the team - every character was awesome and well portrayed. Even Groot with his one sentence was sweet because of how many different emotions/context Vin Diesel was able to pack into that one sentence, said many times.

And in different languages :lecture
:lol What, really? Watching it in IMAX 3D was dope. I saw it at an AMC theater. Where did you watch it at?

It has nothing to do with the theater. When they do 3D conversion they have to cut out elements of the image by hand so that they can layer them in 3D. That can be very difficult in certain situations like a person's hair. In this movie, they did a very poor job of separating elements so a part of someone's face might not be on the correct depth layer, and there were situations where the artist misunderstood what object was what and put them in the wrong depth. In other cases if something is close to the screen then simply cutting the element out isn't enough and it has to be projected onto 3D geometry, so in close ups they have to model the actor's face and mach it on top, they did a very poor job with it on this and people's faces didn't always have the right shape in 3D.
I saw this last night at a 7:30 show, and thought it was so much fun. I don't know where this ranks on my Marvel list yet and I'll probably need to see it a few more times before I will be able to rank it, but the FUN of this movie was just....immense. The characters, the dialogue.... My theater was crazy into it, too, which made it all the more enjoyable.

What I really appreciated was that there was absolutely NO weak link in the team - every character was awesome and well portrayed. Even Groot with his one sentence was sweet because of how many different emotions/context Vin Diesel was able to pack into that one sentence, said many times.

As much fun as I had with this movie, though, it doesn't touch Winter Soldier for me. That said, it easily topped the other two summer movies I've seen, DOFP and Maleficent. The pure joy while watching this movie blew me away. Heart, humor and characters that just pop.

This is Marvel's most fun movie since Avengers.

Thats interesting, I thought to myself this morning. where does this rank? and I ended up putting this joint 1st place with The Winter Soldier, luckily I get to watch TWS Bluray tonight and make a final decision then :blissy
Saw GotG today. Loved it! Marvel's best to date. :rock :clap

I thought Rocket was going to steal the show but every character had their moment to shine. It had everything, action, humour, heart...