Guardians of the Galaxy

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My thoughts exactly.
This film is a series of empty clichés.
The characters are cute and the incessant jokes are often funny but there's nothing underneath.
Singing to Ronan has to be low point of any superhero flick so far, it's on par with emo Peter Parker dancing.
To those who claim that "every story is a cliché" I say BS, some themes are common but a good storyteller should find new ways to explore them.
So far TWS is the one Marvel flick that managed to do that properly.
I dug the ending with Ronan, but was a bit concerned because I expect we'll see someone do this with Thanos once he gets the Gauntlet--not singing to him, but distracting him, and saying "no, I didn't expect this to defeat you. I expected this to distract you" or some such. And that would be too bad if they reuse it. It's what Cap did at one point in the Infinity Guantlet comic while the Surfer tried to steal it from his hand. And I think it happened one or two other times in that story. Because what else can you do against a nigh omnipotent God but try to play to his ego and distract him a bit while you try some crazy ass stunt? Too soon!
Well we sure aren't lacking in the scientific geniuses department in this universe with Stark, Banner, Selvig, Pym, Arnim Zola, now Rocket I guess. Assuming Stark is still under contract, I fully expect him to be the one to beat Thanos.

By the way, I read elsewhere that the confirmed Infinity gems so far are the Tesseract (Space), Aether (Reality), and purple one from GOTG (Power).
Most all films are rife with cliche's, even TWS. I don't think this was meant to be a exercise in deep thinking, just a fun summer movie and it succeeded at that, without making you a candidate for a lobotomy like Transformers.

It isn't Kubrick, but it was the most fun I had in the theater this summer.

Why do I bother, had it been a cerebral, thought provoking film, you guys would still be ripping it apart complaining it was too serious.
Marvel Screens Guardians of the Galaxy For Rocket Raccoon Co-Creator Bill Mantlo


While Marvel Studio's latest film Guardians of the Galaxy heats up at the box office for it's opening weekend with a domestic take of $94 million and globally around $140 million, we had this story come across our desk this morning via i09 which we thought was pretty awesome.

Marvel held a special screening for Bill Mantlo, who co-created Rocket Raccoon with artist Keith Giffen. Back in 1992 Mantlo suffered a traumatic brain injury from a hit-and-run accident. Bill's brother posted the following on Facebook:

*****WHAT AN INCREDIBLE DAY FOR BILL MANTLO*****! Marvel hooked Bill up with a PRIVATE VIEWING of "Guardians Of The Galaxy", and my wife Liz and my beloved cousin Jean assisted Bill throughout, enabling him to sit back, relax and relish in the AWESOMENESS of what is going to be, in my humble opinion, Marvel's GREATEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL FILM EVER! Bill thoroughly enjoyed it, giving it his HIGHEST COMPLIMENT (the BIG "THUMB'S UP!"), and when the credits rolled, his face was locked into the HUGEST SMILE I HAVE EVER SEEN HIM WEAR (along with one or two tears of joy)! This was the GREATEST DAY OF THE LAST 22 YEARS for me, our family, and most importantly, BILL MANTLO!

He later followed up that post with another containing this image and further explanation:


The gentlemen that made it possible for Bill to see his creation, ROCKET RACCOON, come alive in "Guardians Of The Galaxy", Marvel Attorney David Althoff (far left) and Marvel VP David Bogart (center). Giving Bill this opportunity was a daunting challenge (with all the legal & security protocols that needed to be breached), but these two FINE MEN made it happen, and Bill had the HAPPIEST DAY OF HIS LIFE! I will NEVER be able to thank them enough for all that they have done for Bill!

As far as compensation goes Bill's brother told Bleeding Cool earlier this year that the co-creator was treated quit fairly:

Bill was treated in an exceptionally fair manner by Marvel/Disney, and on his behalf I can say with the utmost confidence that we are very pleased with the negotiated contract. And, unbeknownst toALL,Marvel has made incredibly generous gestures apart from this particular contract (which ONLY pertains to the rights to the character Rocket Raccoon) to assist in Bill's ongoing care & rehabilitation.

What a great story! Kudos to the two men who made it happen for Bill. :duff
By the way, I read elsewhere that the confirmed Infinity gems so far are the Tesseract (Space), Aether (Reality), and purple one from GOTG (Power).

I thought the Aether was the soul gem. I agree with the other two you suggested. If the end-credits scene in WS was another gem, then I am guessing that is the Mind Gem.

Power Gem – Increased strength and durability, enhances virtually any known superhuman ability, energy manipulation.
Space Gem – Travel through space, mostly through teleportation. Able to interfere with the motion of other objects.
Soul Gem – Observe, attack or even steal a being's soul or spirit. Also used to revert individuals to their natural state.
Time Gem – Time travel; stop, slow down or speed up flow of time; accelerate or slow down aging; see into past/future.
Reality Gem – Alters all of reality.
Mind Gem – Near-limitless psionic/psychic abilities including empathy, telepathy and telekinesis.
Most all films are rife with cliche's, even TWS. I don't think this was meant to be a exercise in deep thinking, just a fun summer movie and it succeeded at that, without making you a candidate for a lobotomy like Transformers.

It isn't Kubrick, but it was the most fun I had in the theater this summer.

Why do I bother, had it been a cerebral, thought provoking film, you guys would still be ripping it apart complaining it was too serious.

It's not one or the other.
TWS had a theme and terrific character development.
That's what makes a good flick.
GOTG has neither.
Wonder if there's other plans for Nova... seems a great opportunity to bring him in now that they're establishing their cosmic presence.

This movie was as much fun the second time around. Aside from Guardians 2, I really hope they're planning to build on this part of the MCU. I realize that the Thanos thing is probably going to cause a massive crossover, but I'd love to see the earth and space stuff stay free of one another for the most.
I noticed they had the Nova Corps in the movie but not the Nova FORCE, which is what our dear Richard Rider is a part of.

I would like to think, that after Ronan's attack, Nova Prime and the Corps start the Nova Force to take on bigger threats, like their elite team.

That's where Rhomann Dey's bigger role comes in in the second movie since he's the one who actually finds Richard Rider on Earth and recruits him to be the Nova we all know, want, and love. Least that's what I could see happening.
People seem to be a bit confused about Drax's power level.

His first iteration had him on par with heroes like Captain Mar-vell. He was smart, cunning and powerful.


This version is the one that was on par with Hulk's strength, and even stronger when he was in possession of the Power gem, while with The Infinity Watch. He was however, mentally challenged.


The form in this movie is his last one and is much weaker, but intelligent again, with some enhanced abilities.

I noticed they had the Nova Corps in the movie but not the Nova FORCE, which is what our dear Richard Rider is a part of.

I would like to think, that after Ronan's attack, Nova Prime and the Corps start the Nova Force to take on bigger threats, like their elite team.

That's where Rhomann Dey's bigger role comes in in the second movie since he's the one who actually finds Richard Rider on Earth and recruits him to be the Nova we all know, want, and love. Least that's what I could see happening.

Marvel probably wants stand-a-lone features for

Dr Strange
Iron Fist

I remember during the Capcom comic con panel couple years back a Marvel rep explained why they included those relatively obscure characters back into the limelight. Marvel intended big things for Rocket Raccon who was also featured in the game
The interesting thing about the cast is that they act like they have more depth than what is strictly in the dialog. Gamora still looks like she'd doublecross the gang in a heartbeat, Drax has too much sparkle in the eyes to be as dumb as they scripted him (and as I said before, he looks stronger than they let him be). Quill is about up to where I'd expect the character to be but the fact that he's not the only one cracking wise, his utility gets lost in the mix abit. With all the action sequences eating up time, they would have benefited from a few curveballs from Gams and few more feats of strength from Drax. If those two had been more hardcore, it would have allowed Quill to play off them more effectively.
People seem to be a bit confused about Drax's power level.

His first iteration had him on par with heroes like Captain Mar-vell. He was smart, cunning and powerful.

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This version is the one that was on par with Hulk's strength, and even stronger when he was in possession of the Power gem, while with The Infinity Watch. He was however, mentally challenged.

View attachment 125439

The form in this movie is his last one and is much weaker, but intelligent again, with some enhanced abilities.

View attachment 125440

And thats the one that ripped Thanos' heart out during Annihilation.