Guardians of the Galaxy

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Why does that even matter? The movies will still be making money. Even the most clueless audience member will figure things out eventually. Or when the opening Marvel comic credits role.................................... :dunno

It's obvious, people can't figure out movies without organisations and characters from other movies being present :lol

That's actually a great point. You don't need SHIELD or The Avengers, just throw that Thanos guy in there since both teams have fought him in the comics. People will catch on.


It fits with both teams without comprosmising the source material and provides a plausible and realistice connection between the two.
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Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that Niltusk isn't very fond of Nova?

He usually doesn't bug me much until it comes to his lame *** Marvel trolling threads that he tries to play off. Basically his defense of AMS was that Spiderman was red and blue and had webs, but anything made under the Feige empire he tries backhanding. Of course anyone that calls him out on it, he denies it. :lol
Why does that even matter? The movies will still be making money. Even the most clueless audience member will figure things out eventually. Or when the opening Marvel comic credits role.................................... :dunno

Example: John Carter. Visually amazing, lots of action. Main complaint: It was confusing.

You guys want more movies, yet you don't like the process that will ensure more movies. The larger the audience that walks away feeling the connection the greater the buzz and the profit. The greater the profit, the more films.

No one wants to go see a film where they feel like its an inside joke that they don't get. Whatever they have to do to bring the audience up to speed is vital to success.
Example: John Carter. Visually amazing, lots of action. Main complaint: It was confusing..

Confusing? What wasn't incredibly straight forward about it? :lol It was just a boring movie with zero acting talent to keep you interested or move the plot forward. Get actors like Kitsch with zero emotion and then don't even give him another real life actor to work with, have him talk to himself while he looks at a tennis ball in a green room and John Carter is the result. It's a nice looking series of images that gains no benifit from sound.
Example: John Carter. Visually amazing, lots of action. Main complaint: It was confusing.

You guys want more movies, yet you don't like the process that will ensure more movies. The larger the audience that walks away feeling the connection the greater the buzz and the profit. The greater the profit, the more films.

No one wants to go see a film where they feel like its an inside joke that they don't get. Whatever they have to do to bring the audience up to speed is vital to success.

All that has nothing to do with shoehorning SHIELD in though.

Superhero movies have an audience automatically as it's a hot genre, only when they are bad movies does word of mouth turn people off from it making a mint.

All they have to do to make money on this is make a good movie, advertise it well and build up hype. That's it


First of all, let’s address Rhomann Dey. According to HitFix, Marvel have made an offer to John C. Reilly to take this part, “the Agent Coulson of the Guardians movies.” In the comics though, Dey is the head of the Nova Corps. and not a human being from planet Earth. Why the change? Well, it looks like they’ve mixed up some elements of his storyline, which originally saw him select Earthling Richard Rider to join the Nova Corps. It’s not clear, as yet, but those story pieces seem to have been rewoven somewhat…

What’s more, Dey will have a key liaison back on Earth and, while Marvel haven’t settled on any actor yet, they’ve apparently been looking at Hugh Laurie, Alan Rickman, Ken Watanabe… basically, anybody filed under A for Authorative at Casting Central.

We do know that the Nova Corps. are in the film, and not just because Nova ships appeared in some of the concept art. It seems they’ve been reworked, as you might expect, but it worked – is still working, and will continue to work, I expect, with SHIELD, so I see no reason to worry.

Just because the film is going full-on Galactic, it doesn’t mean we won’t be seeing any of the characters from previous Marvel movies. Nick Fury, for example, is set to play an important part when he convinces Groot not to experiment on the human race but to respect and assist them instead. Drax still has his human origins, having been a saxophone player called Art who was killed by Thanos in the Mojave Desert.

While Hit Fix believe that Zoe Saldana hasn’t yet committed to the part of Gamora, there can’t be a lot between her and that final dotted line, what with costume and make-up already in advanced stages of development and testing.

The movie version of Gamora was raised by Thanos and trained to be a deadly killer for his forces, but as soon as she realised what nefarious naughtiness he had on the cards, she went on the run. She’s now looking to put her super strength, super speed and super knife fighting skills to use on the side of the good guys.

It’s not clear how all of the characters will come together, but we can expect to meet Rocket Raccoon alongside his buddy Wal Russ – another anthropomorphic animal, and if any of you think you can guess which kind, I’ll accept answers on a postcard or the back of stuck down envelope. The two critters are initially employed at The Keystone Quadrant, the intergalactic asylum for those who are criminally insane at a cosmic level.

The villain of the film, according to current info, is Michael Rooker as Yondu who, as I previously understood it, was a member of a different Guardians lineup in the comics and not just some kind of space pirate. But yes, Marvel Movieverse rewiring has often been pretty dramatic, but it’s almost always effective.

Also billed as a villain is the role that Lee Pace has taken, but we don’t know – yet – just who that is. Interestingly, though, it’s suggested that he’s being set up for his own spin-off movies, at least in theory. Not that Marvel are looking to make a movie named for and centred around a bad guy – Guardians will see the character switching sides.

I can’t even start to guess who he might be but it’s good to know Pace will get a nice meaty part, though.

There’s still more polishing to be done to the screenplay, with Marvel stalwarts Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely taking the pages through this final scrub-up. Still, planning is at a very advanced stage and there are, relatively speaking, very few pieces left to click into place.

Sounds good. except for the parts in bold which i personally am very much not in favour of as a fan of the Comics
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Lick Furry of S.W.O.R.D.
Example: John Carter. Visually amazing, lots of action. Main complaint: It was confusing.

You guys want more movies, yet you don't like the process that will ensure more movies. The larger the audience that walks away feeling the connection the greater the buzz and the profit. The greater the profit, the more films.

No one wants to go see a film where they feel like its an inside joke that they don't get. Whatever they have to do to bring the audience up to speed is vital to success.
The main complaint was that it sucked. Which it did. And not for being confusing. It was a bad movie with bad acting and even worse trailers. It looked like a crappy Disney kiddie movie, which is what it turned out to be for the most part. CGI also looked terrible.

Why would anyone feel like it's an inside joke they're not understanding? It's pretty god damn simple.

The first Ironman didn't have any references to Thor, Hulk, Cap or SHIELD and look how successful that was. :dunno

Anyone who watches GotG will immediately know it's a Marvel comic series because of the Marvel comic logo and opening credits that they have with every damn film. Plus you just know the trailers will say "FROM THE STUDIO THAT BROUGHT YOU THE AVENGERS" blah blah blah.

Then there's the whole deal with Thanos that can connect them. Hell, an after-the-credits scene with SMJ is all they need for people to get the connection.

But they don't need any of this to make the film successful. It'll just be a new cool space adventure for people who don't know about the comics or connection to The Avengers. Just like Star Wars.
The main complaint when the film was released was that there were too many aliens no one could keep track of.
Unlike people visiting collecting sites the general movie viewer has no idea that there are space heroes in the Marvel universe. Iron Man established this universe for that audience and each film expanded it but it was still based on something familiar like EARTH.
So the idea here is that lets take a bunch of characters no one has ever heard of, put them in some distant point in space and have the general public assume they exist with Iron Man. By that logic Captain Kirk and Luke Skywalker should do lunch because JJ Abrams is doing both films.
I understand that you guys don't want SHIELD in it and I agree, especially since Fury claims they just discovered aliens when Thor came to visit. Now its gonna seem like its Men In Black.
My point is that the general public will need this kind of idiotic connection to put two and two together.
"Hey you wanna go see Guardians Of The Galaxy?"
"Whats it about?"
"Good guys and bad guys in outer space"
"Iron Man might show up"
"ok lets go"
That's still labouring under the assumption that people won't go to see a movie because they don't know the characters already.

People didn't know or didn't have any movie experience with Iron Man before the movie released, same with X-Men way back when and with every other first movie of a franchise, yet they went and made them into franchises.

You guys seem to think this has to ride on the coattails of another franchise otherwise it can't work and won't be interesting enough to get butts in seats. That's not the case, this is the first of a franchise (a Guardians of the Galaxy franchise/series of movies) and should establish itself as what it is, not compromise the adaption to be an extension of something else people are familiar with.

People will go if they like the look of if from the trailers and advertisement.

More like this...

Hey you wanna go see Guardians Of The Galaxy?"
"Whats it about?"
"Alien superheroes in outer space"
"Here's a trailer"
"Looks cool, count me in"

Not this

Hey you wanna go see Antman?"
"Whats it about?"
"Superhero movie"
"Does it have Spider-Man, a superhero i'm familiar with in it"
"Then i'm not going"
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The main complaint when the film was released was that there were too many aliens no one could keep track of.
Unlike people visiting collecting sites the general movie viewer has no idea that there are space heroes in the Marvel universe. Iron Man established this universe for that audience and each film expanded it but it was still based on something familiar like EARTH.
So the idea here is that lets take a bunch of characters no one has ever heard of, put them in some distant point in space and have the general public assume they exist with Iron Man. By that logic Captain Kirk and Luke Skywalker should do lunch because JJ Abrams is doing both films.
I understand that you guys don't want SHIELD in it and I agree, especially since Fury claims they just discovered aliens when Thor came to visit. Now its gonna seem like its Men In Black.
My point is that the general public will need this kind of idiotic connection to put two and two together.
"Hey you wanna go see Guardians Of The Galaxy?"
"Whats it about?"
"Good guys and bad guys in outer space"
"Iron Man might show up"
"ok lets go"

Well by that logic, every new science fiction/space adventure film will do poorly in theaters without Ironman or someone else shoehorned in.

Having the Avengers in the film will absolutely boost it's popularity but as I've been saying, it's not needed. The film will be successful regardless of their presence. People like sci-fi, it's PG-13, it's got giant tree people, big tattooed green guy, guns, splosions, Rocket Raccoon, etc. All of that stuff will get their ***** in seats.

Then for the connection issue we've got posters, trailers, internet ads, etc that will say "FROM THE STUDIO THAT BROUGHT YOU THE AVENGERS". We've got "How The Guardians of the Galaxy will tie in with The Avengers" articles on Yahoo and MSN homepages. All that crap will be everywhere.

Then all we need is a hint or two in the film and an after credits scene similar to what we got in The Incredible Hulk. Simple as that. People will catch on, and even if they don't they'll still pay to see them in Avengers 2.

Bottom line is that this is a separate series and it needs it's own unique story without SMJ running around recruiting everyone. It doesn't need Avengers and co. to be successful.
You know why people saw Iron Man?

Robert Downey Jr.

You know why people saw Captain America and Thor? People's knowledge of Iron Man teaming up with him. You don't really get how normal people get interested in movies. It's one of two things. The actors, or the brand. Maybe a trailer, but that alone isn't going to sell a film.

Brand recognition and actors sell the film to the masses.
Content of the film is what sells a film to the masses. Actors and brands are added to the content to boost the foundation that is the story & characters.

No amount of known actors and brand name can turn a poor movie into a successful movie. Source: Batman & Robin

Well by that logic, every new science fiction/space adventure film will do poorly in theaters without Ironman or someone else shoehorned in.

Having the Avengers in the film will absolutely boost it's popularity but as I've been saying, it's not needed. The film will be successful regardless of their presence. People like sci-fi, it's PG-13, it's got giant tree people, big tattooed green guy, guns, splosions, Rocket Raccoon, etc. All of that stuff will get their ***** in seats.

Then for the connection issue we've got posters, trailers, internet ads, etc that will say "FROM THE STUDIO THAT BROUGHT YOU THE AVENGERS". We've got "How The Guardians of the Galaxy will tie in with The Avengers" articles on Yahoo and MSN homepages. All that crap will be everywhere.

Then all we need is a hint or two in the film and an after credits scene similar to what we got in The Incredible Hulk. Simple as that. People will catch on, and even if they don't they'll still pay to see them in Avengers 2.

Bottom line is that this is a separate series and it needs it's own unique story without SMJ running around recruiting everyone. It doesn't need Avengers and co. to be successful.


It should be it's own movie.
No it's not.

Why do you think Transformers makes so much damn money? People know what it is.

Why do you think 90% of all films being made right now are based off comics, movies, and books? Brand recognition. That's a fact, man.

It's all about going "Oh, i've heard of that thing before. Maybe i'll go see it". Sometimes, original films can make it. It's true. District 9 was a success. But that could've been due to Peter Jackson's name. And then the word of mouth does the rest.
Yeah...most people don't give a **** about the actors or brand. At least not as much as what the actual film is about.

People didn't see Avatar for Sam Worthington or the other no-name actors in it. They saw it because it looked ****ing awesome and had amazing visuals. (and of course there's the small percentage that saw it for James Cameron)

FYI, I saw Thor and Ironman because the trailers looked cool. I didn't know what The Avengers was, or who Robert Downey Junior was at the time.
Good points Celtic.

The Brand is Marvel Comics and Guardians of the Galaxy. the actors have been chosen. it's all set.

It;s got everything ready to explode as a franchise with viewers, it doesn't need a seperate brand (Avengers, SHIELD or related Earth characters) shoehorned into the story to sell tickets, just good advertising of the brand (GOTG) iteself
Oh and by the way,

Would seem to be the case, i suggested he put me on ignore if he doesn't like me :huh

He usually doesn't bug me much until it comes to his lame *** Marvel trolling threads that he tries to play off. Basically his defense of AMS was that Spiderman was red and blue and had webs, but anything made under the Feige empire he tries backhanding. Of course anyone that calls him out on it, he denies it. :lol
Is all of this hate really necessary? What would Rocket Raccoon have to say about this? You guys need to put aside your differences and commence the furry cuddling.
