Lol, they were literally the top two posts on this board at the time, no detective skills required!
Really, seems like any banter about these things irks someone.
Wouldn't be the first time one statue came with the print for the set would it? Wasn't this the case with Rogue/Gambit?
I just happen to think this group and the new Cap can go toe to toe with the grails. I get why people question the eyes/raindrops, but to me, they make this piece more interesting!
Well I think the new Cap for sure makes a case for itself.
Spidey for Spidey the original gets the nod, but he works with other 1/4, this is really meant as a stand alone.
I just think these new pieces speak for themselves and an owner doesn't have to feel like they 'settled'.
That said, if I had the original, not sure I would be interested, a little too similar, and the ladies themselves would be out of scale. But soooo many new collectors on board that never had that chance.
So I will start by agreeing with you... I think the New Cap is going t be a damn fine piece, and that it will make a FANTASTIC addition to ANYONE'S collection... AND.... It will be able to STANDALONE, and there in lies one of my MAIN problems with this line.
None of these statues can truly stand on its own. The mere fact that they are 1/5 scale will mess that up. MJ and Gwen would be towered over by any of the other Marvel Women PFs, and Spidey will just look small on his own when put beside the other big guns like Batman, Superman, and Hulk. So you would have to buy at least two of them, and the completists will buy all three, and that will be ATLEAST $800 to complete the set. I know I would have to get Spidey and MJ, and I would only be happy with MJ really. I am sorry to say for me that would be 'settling', and while it may cost me as much as the entire new trio here to get the original Spiderman Comiquette, at least when I put him beside Batman and Superman he won't look Robin sized.
My collection is gong to be very limited in number, and only my favorite characters will be in it. So I won't get a Spiderman I am not happy with, the name says it all really. I am so glad that others love this trio, I love that collectors are excited about it, but it isn't for me. I wish it could be.
The funny thing is I'm not buying a single one of these statues. My Spidey thirst was satisfied with the trilogy.
You are about the prints happening with the Gambit PF.
These new piece my go toe to toe with past grails, but they'll never see eye to eye. Because the grails will always tower over them...just saying...

The original Triology were all Canale and Gore Group, and that brings a whole lot of greatness...
All this discussion is great and it is interesting to hear what people do and don't like about a given statue or series as well as their reasons for passing on them or purchasing them.
I've only been collecting for a short time so I find your opinions and advice are quite valuable (most of the time

Personally, I feel that this line is definitely going to be a success because the pieces are very appealing and
very different from other statues of these characters. I do see the artists style in the sculpts and think that the 2D to 3D conversion was masterfully executed. Just sayin'...
Ummm... No
Same pose they just reversed the legs and brought the other arm forward, and sure the wall is different, but he is still clinging to a brick wall. MAYBE if the new Com had a more original concept, actually swinging perhaps, I could get behind it more, but to me it is begging to be compared to the original, and that is a MAJOR issue for it in my mind as it falls short IMHO.
As for the 2D to 3D conversion being masterfully done, that is YOUR opinion, and in MY opinion the facial sculpts are WAY OFF the mark. I am not saying they are ugly or anything, but they lost a whole lot of J. Scott's basic style, and personally Gwen suffers more from the loss then MJ does.... Just sayin...