Hey guys, is your wife or girlfriend supportive of your hobby?

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My wife has her own figures (a lot less than I) and collectibles. When we moved in together (14 years ago), I found an old GIJoe in my things and she supported the idea of collecting figures since the beginning. It sure helps a lot that she is geek like me and our hobbies are mostly the same (some with higher intensity for her, like music, others for me, like comics).

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That's AWESOME and the best case scenario for any collector. Unfortunately, not every collector finds someone like that. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that you are in the minority. Most collectors have to negotiate this hobby with their significant others.
Yep I'm aware it is not that common to have someone that supportive. [emoji16] But I also think that wifes/significant others should see that this hobby can be fun

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Mine doesn't care and if she did I would still collect. It's something I like to do, and it is my choice, not hers. She collects a lot of thing like living dead dolls, Funkos, etc and I encourage it. As long as collecting has no negative results it shouldn't be an issue for anyone.
Hmmm...well this thread got popping again. As for the debt, I don't mean month to month bills. Rent, car, power, etc. I pay for most if not all of that. She's talking about hospital debt from when our kid was born. Guess what? I pay on that too and still can afford to do the flex pay. I don't see why I can't do 100 bucks on a hospital bill and 50 for a hulk as long as i'm paying for both? One thing I have noticed from this thread is often wives/husbands either are totally supportive or they don't get it...at all. Without getting too personal, part of the problem is my wife is not the warmest most affectionate woman in the world so rather than be a "cheater", I throw myself more into my collecting. Now, don't mistake it the most important thing to me is my son. I spend on making sure he's taken care of before I do any collecting or well...anything really. But sometimes you do have to treat yourself a little. I mean, i'm not talking a lot of hot toys. I see people here with a dozen on preorder. I currently have 3 and they're all on flexpay and I only have those because we were expecting some money to come through for us on a different matter....it hasn't yet but when it does, the 3 will feel non-existant.
My Wife loves my collection or as she refers to it... "Our Collection" haha!
Lucky for me really as its in the bedroom and lounge! [emoji33]

.'. /_\ RP /_\ .'.
Hmmm...well this thread got popping again. As for the debt, I don't mean month to month bills. Rent, car, power, etc. I pay for most if not all of that. She's talking about hospital debt from when our kid was born. Guess what? I pay on that too and still can afford to do the flex pay. I don't see why I can't do 100 bucks on a hospital bill and 50 for a hulk as long as i'm paying for both? One thing I have noticed from this thread is often wives/husbands either are totally supportive or they don't get it...at all. Without getting too personal, part of the problem is my wife is not the warmest most affectionate woman in the world so rather than be a "cheater", I throw myself more into my collecting. Now, don't mistake it the most important thing to me is my son. I spend on making sure he's taken care of before I do any collecting or well...anything really. But sometimes you do have to treat yourself a little. I mean, i'm not talking a lot of hot toys. I see people here with a dozen on preorder. I currently have 3 and they're all on flexpay and I only have those because we were expecting some money to come through for us on a different matter....it hasn't yet but when it does, the 3 will feel non-existant.

so you replace cheating with toy collecting out of a little bit of frustration. Interesting.
do you feel like you collect in an unconscious way to upset her for being a distant person? or not even upset her but to get a reaction out of her? any kind of reaction?
kinda sounds like there are deeper issues going on. this is not a joke, but instead of toys, what if you tried some counseling. I Swear Im not trolling. because from the little bit of info you posted (Even though I know absolutely nothing about your life) there are a couple of hints of something else going on.
just saying, but, what do I know... Im just the Village retard lol :duh
so you replace cheating with toy collecting out of a little bit of frustration. Interesting.
do you feel like you collect in an unconscious way to upset her for being a distant person? or not even upset her but to get a reaction out of her? any kind of reaction?
kinda sounds like there are deeper issues going on. this is not a joke, but instead of toys, what if you tried some counseling. I Swear Im not trolling. because from the little bit of info you posted (Even though I know absolutely nothing about your life) there are a couple of hints of something else going on.

That you, Dr. Phil?!?

just saying, but, what do I know...Im just the Village retard lol :duh

Just wanted to say, my left hand is very supportive of my hobby. It even helps me pose and display figures when I have to.
I am the man she is the woman that's the end of it right there.

Obviously if you are buying 5-8 figures a month or something it's a problem. But otherwise makes a decision and stick with it