Hmmm...well this thread got popping again. As for the debt, I don't mean month to month bills. Rent, car, power, etc. I pay for most if not all of that. She's talking about hospital debt from when our kid was born. Guess what? I pay on that too and still can afford to do the flex pay. I don't see why I can't do 100 bucks on a hospital bill and 50 for a hulk as long as i'm paying for both? One thing I have noticed from this thread is often wives/husbands either are totally supportive or they don't get all. Without getting too personal, part of the problem is my wife is not the warmest most affectionate woman in the world so rather than be a "cheater", I throw myself more into my collecting. Now, don't mistake it the most important thing to me is my son. I spend on making sure he's taken care of before I do any collecting or well...anything really. But sometimes you do have to treat yourself a little. I mean, i'm not talking a lot of hot toys. I see people here with a dozen on preorder. I currently have 3 and they're all on flexpay and I only have those because we were expecting some money to come through for us on a different hasn't yet but when it does, the 3 will feel non-existant.