That's the first version offered. Commonly known as the "Eddie Munster" version.
The the V2 sculpt and it's variant were 100% better. With a repaint they were actually quite good.

It seems like Nicholson Joker was actually crazy he was a genuine lunatic. In a way thats a lot scarier. When he was dancing on the rooftop he put himself in danger and he didn't care
I didn't get 'crazy' from ledger Joker, he was very coordinated and calculating. Even if the things he was doing didn't make sense he was always organized. Like putting a bomb inside one of his own men. That was carefully planned out, he knew what he was going to do.That whole thing was about getting Lao. From the beginning inside the truck he already knew the outcome, probably before that. Probably from the start at the bank robbery.
Nicholson Joker would have never thought to do that, because he never would have planned on getting arrested, he didn't have that sort of attention span. It was all was spur of the moment. They are both scary for different reasons
It's possible. . .but I don't think that's the case. The shift from BR Joker head to now is less significant than the shift from the first PERS sculpt to the more recent PERS sculpts. I think it's just a PERS problem. Having said that, Indy and Luke have serious likeness issues of their own IMO. . .
Why in the world would they produce a Returns Penguin? That was the worst character/movie in the history of mankind. Raised by penguins? Selina falling in a truck of kitty litter?? Burton took the franchise back to the campy (yet dark) feel of the sixties which everyone feared was going to happen in '89. He just did it a couple years later. Movie sucked.
Could you imagine if Nolan's next Batman film was along the same lines of Batman Returns?? They'd hang the guy! Why was it okay in 1992 then? LOL
I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on timcent88's ebay ad. He's got 100% positive feedback and I can get him next week with Speed Post shipping but it'll cost me $385.
Still trying to talk myself into it.
That's the first version offered. Commonly known as the "Eddie Munster" version.The the V2 sculpt and it's variant were 100% better. With a repaint they were actually quite good.
What did you guys think when the penguins were carrying a 300lb man to his watery grave?
And didn't Batman reveal his identity again?!?
Could you imagine if Nolan's next Batman film was along the same lines of Batman Returns?? They'd hang the guy! Why was it okay in 1992 then? LOL
Oh pleeeeeeeeease... go spit!I don't think he looks like a kid at all, he just looks like the Joker from TDK and IMO the better Joker.
Just remember that you can't compare things between which lies some "20-years-difference"so after next summer, we could compare which one better: Michelle or Anne?![]()
No one could replace Michelle Pfieffer as Catwoman
Could you imagine if Nolan's next Batman film was along the same lines of Batman Returns?? They'd hang the guy! Why was it okay in 1992 then? LOL
I am amazed that anyone would pay up to $115 more for any figure just to get it a few weeks early. WOW!