Although I don't wholly agree with you I kind of feel the same way with a few of these figure coming out lately with these bloated prices. I mean, where does it end?? Loki is $220. Think about that for a minute. That's a lot of ____ing dough and your not even getting a lot with him and he's not even a DX. I don't care how great the outfit and sculpt is. Get real HT. I can only imagine what the Joker 2.0 is going to be. If that thing ( which I don't think it will) has 2 outfits your looking at close to $300. At the very least $240 + for another Joker. And I love the character but I just can't bring myself to lay down that kind of money for another Joker. Inflation is one thing but I can't help but think they are jacking the prices because they can. Can't blame them I suppose. Sorry, rant over. Back to Joker. Which happens to be my favorite figure right now.