Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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Done it twice and never want to deal with it again :). The pricier it is, the more stressful I get when assembling them.
i still don't understand what stressfull is in assembling several joints.
as for me, i already miss my disassembling-cutting-assembling bodymods :( only gort remains, but he doesn't need anything except new neck and replaced left shoulder (almost doesn't move, but i have lots of free inside parts from p1). so it will be almost no fun.
It's not just that, but the armor. Especially the P2 armor, considering P2 characters are the only one's I've ever assembled. Good lord...
I used to think the same thing before I made the choice to legitimately buy my AVP Preds.
Thing is, a re-release/update really would piss people off who payed a lot of money for their older figs. Some of us on the board who would know ahead of time could quickly flip the old ones on the Bay before too much word got out on the new ones, but most people might not be aware of this until the new figures were made available for PO. Then, they'd be stuck with the older obsolete figures without being able to sell them for a decent-enough dollar to replace them with their new counterparts.

Having that said, I'd still be all in favor of re-releasing all the old Preds. Doesn't mean it'll happen.
well, that's on you. HT has no obligation to accommodate your collecting habits. they don't see a dime of the silly prices you paid on the secondary market. if HT decides remaking older figures will be profitable, too bad for everyone who paid through the nose instead of getting them when they were released. they wouldn't be the only toy manufacturer who did it either. i'm all for getting remakes because my older HT figures look dated and cheap next to my newer ones. HT has made technological leaps and bounds in just the last couple of years and there are plenty of characters who deserve the high quality HT makes these days.
I used to think the same thing before I made the choice to legitimately buy my AVP Preds.
Thing is, a re-release/update really would piss people off who payed a lot of money for their older figs. Some of us on the board who would know ahead of time could quickly flip the old ones on the Bay before too much word got out on the new ones, but most people might not be aware of this until the new figures were made available for PO. Then, they'd be stuck with the older obsolete figures without being able to sell them for a decent-enough dollar to replace them with their new counterparts.

Having that said, I'd still be all in favor of re-releasing all the old Preds. Doesn't mean it'll happen.

One word: SO? :dunno

I don't "want" them to re-release the avp preds, I probably wouldn't get them anyway, but I don't see why they can't. Unless it is just the fans who payed through the nose for these predators and don't want hot toys to do better ones.
This guy got lucky with this auction!

Great price... I'm one of the lucky ones that got the waitlist converted... Still not sure if I can afford this figure being a student and all... It's really hurt my bank balance... I also got a T2-T800 waitlist converted at the same time and shipped in the one order... Broken my back finance wise... So long story short was I was considering auctioning him off and wanted to follow the secondary buyer's market... Some are going for $500-600USD, saw one guy trying to sell it for $750!!!
I really don't think releasing is a good idea. Sure there are advances in the industry but there are so many great characters that has yet to be touched/modeled that it will be a waste in redoing the same characters over and over. Also makes it a moot point for one to even try and collect if they will release the character sooner than later.
I really don't think releasing is a good idea. Sure there are advances in the industry but there are so many great characters that has yet to be touched/modeled that it will be a waste in redoing the same characters over and over. Also makes it a moot point for one to even try and collect if they will release the character sooner than later.
it's worked out just fine for Star Wars toys and Apple hardware. i don't see why Hot Toys can't do it. if they keep making better products, i'll keep buying them. win-win.
well, that's on you. HT has no obligation to accommodate your collecting habits. they don't see a dime of the silly prices you paid on the secondary market. if HT decides remaking older figures will be profitable, too bad for everyone who paid through the nose instead of getting them when they were released. they wouldn't be the only toy manufacturer who did it either. i'm all for getting remakes because my older HT figures look dated and cheap next to my newer ones. HT has made technological leaps and bounds in just the last couple of years and there are plenty of characters who deserve the high quality HT makes these days.

One word: SO? :dunno

I don't "want" them to re-release the avp preds, I probably wouldn't get them anyway, but I don't see why they can't. Unless it is just the fans who payed through the nose for these predators and don't want hot toys to do better ones.

I'd love for HT to re-release older figures with the skills they have today. It'd be great. Their P2 figures and AVP's could take advantage of this. Not to mention their Marines and Aliens. Like I said, I'd simply sell my older figures before too much word got out that new versions would be out. Win-win for me indeed.

Thing is, this...

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First complete question in the vid. Agree or disagree, Dan has a point. Granted, older figures like the P2's and AVP's weren't exactly "limited", but their age and overall popularity is what inflated the price. That and their rarity, due to age.

Now I get the impression you guys would like HT to do this for improvement's sake, not because you missed out earlier. Totally feel you, and once again I'd like this too. But no matter the reason, the whole "missed out and paid a fortune" argument still comes into play for other collectors who won't focus on the positive side like we would.
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First complete question in the vid. Agree or disagree, Dan has a point.
not really. "collectibility" is just a term used by people who attach their ego to their toys. so what if they get hosed by having their 'rare' toys re-released? f#*k 'em. even if Hot Toys "pissed off thousands of people" it wouldn't matter because their new-and-improved products would sell out anyway. they're in the business to make money, not mollycoddle nerds with dependency issues. personally, i hope they re-release their older figures just for the entertainment value of the s#!t-storm that would erupt on here and ebay.
Hey, if they do, I'd be ridiculously psyched. And they are in the business to make money, so I don't know if they'd see it as a win-win or win-lose situation.

Either way, it most likely won't happen :dunno.
I'd love for HT to re-release older figures with the skills they have today. It'd be great. Their P2 figures and AVP's could take advantage of this. Not to mention their Marines and Aliens. Like I said, I'd simply sell my older figures before too much word got out that new versions would be out. Win-win for me indeed.

Eh, I don't think the AVPs are that bad; the main let-down are the head sculpts, I'd love to see an updated Scar. Would I mind other updates? No, I've been lucky enough to get in near the start and get most at near-retail. As long as they don't drop below their original prices at secondary market I won't feel cheated - these are toys not investments (although in value terms they've done much better than my real investments... :cuckoo:)

RE Collectability... the Predators have another impetus, which is that HT have basically gone on to do every Predator from every movie. That's a big push towards completionism, IMO; I bought the AVP Preds like mad when I heard they were doing a P2 in the expectation this would eventually happen. Luckily I'd already got the Ancients at initial sale because they were unusual. Anyway, the continued releases generate publicity and drive for the older toys - it will be very interesting to see what happens 2012+ when HT finish Predators if no new movie comes out. I can see a big drop in secondary market prices as interest and momentum wanes.
This guy got lucky with this auction!

Great price... I'm one of the lucky ones that got the waitlist converted... Still not sure if I can afford this figure being a student and all... It's really hurt my bank balance... I also got a T2-T800 waitlist converted at the same time and shipped in the one order... Broken my back finance wise... So long story short was I was considering auctioning him off and wanted to follow the secondary buyer's market... Some are going for $500-600USD, saw one guy trying to sell it for $750!!!

I don't think that he did. Look at the postage fee.
I'd love to see P2 and the AvP preds be re-released because to me, it's just more predator collectibles. Wouldn't even sell my current preds. If it did happen,(which of course it won't) i would hope it would be after they finish with PREDATORS, and the lost preds.. That would be badass.. God just picturing an updated P2... :drool:
not really. "collectibility" is just a term used by people who attach their ego to their toys. so what if they get hosed by having their 'rare' toys re-released? f#*k 'em. even if Hot Toys "pissed off thousands of people" it wouldn't matter because their new-and-improved products would sell out anyway. they're in the business to make money, not mollycoddle nerds with dependency issues. personally, i hope they re-release their older figures just for the entertainment value of the s#!t-storm that would erupt on here and ebay.

:lecture I like this post.
I think hot toys should do a re release just because of the fact that the quantity of predators are going down, people are doing kit bashes and and doing different predators keep the predator the predator it is supposed to be if you want to repaint it like silentsurfer did the predator 2 that's fine its still the same predator, but don't take a lost predator and make it ram or some other predator. I admit they are awesome but it is ruining the predators so i hope ht dose re release the predators so it would be easy for other people to get them because i see people on ebay trying to sell the predators at high prices example the ancient asia predator a guy is trying to sell it for $1000 it is a low made figure but people are being greedy they buy the preds so they can go and sell it five times higher stop doing it let the real collectors get them!!
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I'd rather see them finish the rest of the p2 clan and then take a crack at any others either from avp at the end or comics. As long as its not really crazy like the 4 armed goro one.
not really. "collectibility" is just a term used by people who attach their ego to their toys. so what if they get hosed by having their 'rare' toys re-released? f#*k 'em. even if Hot Toys "pissed off thousands of people" it wouldn't matter because their new-and-improved products would sell out anyway. they're in the business to make money, not mollycoddle nerds with dependency issues. personally, i hope they re-release their older figures just for the entertainment value of the s#!t-storm that would erupt on here and ebay.

This :rock

That's exactly how I see it. Even if they piss off that many people they'd still sell out, as long as they are the main players in the 1/6th game (I think they'll stay that way for a long time too).