Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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So back on topic, whats the skull that comes with Guardian? Ive got him our on display but ive not got anything to do with the skull at the moment, is it just a random designed skull?
it's in the same scene the Guardian is in. it's on the wall to the right of the xeno skull.


the skull to the left is the one that comes with the Lost pred figure.
Maybee it is lasers. To ones imagination. There is no targeting lasers on the bio, so maybee he is like the elder with the lasers on the cannon.
Sorry MIKE M, was not trying to bash you! Your opion is valued, I guess no one knows the race of that trophy?
I can agree Bout the new bases. It is just the part that holds the figure that I personally can't work out.

Ring stands FTW... You have so many more options. Either around the waist or around a thigh. Lots of possibility for dynamic posing. Save for Sideshow's ring stands. Those are just too tall for thighs.
Ring stands FTW... You have so many more options. Either around the waist or around a thigh. Lots of possibility for dynamic posing. Save for Sideshow's ring stands. Those are just too tall for thighs.

See the rings stands for the Predators i dont like, the waist on the Predators is so big and it looks weird with the dint going around the waist area and it seems to catch on the netting somtimes.

The crotch stand words better even though sometimes the armour around that area is also too big, HT needs to bring out a stand that will work with Predators and allow them to stand without the display part being too noticable.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

dose the shoulder canon have a laser on it i see on the sides on the cannon is a little long round thing is that the laser?
i guess it's for rockets because
a) it's a cannon from P2
b) P2 shoots plasma only once - in the freezer into Keese. two other times he uses the thing that is commented as "...his cannon also shoots rockets on wires now" (approximately) on audio comments from special edition P2.
c) i don't know where else rockets could be shot from.

1. cannon itself:


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2. rocket visualisation & result:





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3. plasma visualisation & results:





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so... what i mean is that tube is not a laser pointer. it's a barrel.
yeah i always thought it looked like a damn rocket in that shot. it was too slow for a plasma shot and it looked like there was something solid in front of it. i couldn't tell if that's what it was intended to be or if that was just the effect they used.
got me thinking, resemblance to tracker's dog specie?:dunno
nah it's way too big and the front is way too wide. although, they should explain some of the animals that those skulls came from at some point. maybe in the sequel.
i couldn't tell if that's what it was intended to be or if that was just the effect they used.
i couldn't too, but when they mentioned it, i understood that it was a special difference.
i just wonder why it is never mentioned anywhere on sites or forums. only in audio comments to movie.
got me thinking, resemblance to tracker's dog specie?
2 eyes and a pack of teeth is a resemblance to anyone's skull.
nothing else in common, even the places for them.
I was watching some Tool interviews and "Making Of" documentaries for their music videos on YT. Guess what I found out? Adam Jones (their guitarist) used to be a sculptor for Stan Winston Studio. He was shown working on a raptor for Jurassic Park and was with them during T2, JP, and Edward Scissorhands.

The COOLER news is they showed a picture of this particular trophy skull (for the movie, of course) in the vid. Turns out Jones sculpted that puppy! Also did some non-YT research to confirm:

This was the horned skull furthest right in the trophy cabinet of the Predator 2 spaceship. It is very fragile being made of dense foam and resin, sculpted by Adam Jones. After filming it was displayed on the wall of Stan Winston Studios workshop which you can see in The Relic photos of The Winston Effect book. It has since suffered damage with the fanged jaw broken away and the spiked horns broken off. Previous restoration has given it a replacement jaw with two large teeth, one horn is missing but the others have been reattached and I have the original jaw piece with it.


These photos show the skull sculpted in clay and on the back of a truck for delivery to the set. These are from Adam Jones' MySpace page.

Good God, I love Tool.
I was watching some Tool interviews and "Making Of" documentaries for their music videos on YT. Guess what I found out? Adam Jones (their guitarist) used to be a sculptor for Stan Winston Studio. He was shown working on a raptor for Jurassic Park and was with them during T2, JP, and Edward Scissorhands.

The COOLER news is they showed a picture of this particular trophy skull (for the movie, of course) in the vid. Turns out Jones sculpted that puppy! Also did some non-YT research to confirm:

Good God, I love Tool.
yeah he's been in the fx industry for a long time. that's one of the reasons i was stoked when HT made the skull. he hasn't done a whole lot of film work but i wish he would. his videos are pretty great and he still does some commercial work here and there.