Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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heh nor did I. Played some AVP on 360 to pass the time but I just ended up getting pissed off at nightmare mode.

That game sucks. I loved the predator SP story, though it was too short, but everything else sucked. Alien and mairne stories were inferior, and the MP is practically dead... Sad, considering AvP2 succeeded quite nice.
That game sucks. I loved the predator SP story, though it was too short, but everything else sucked. Alien and mairne stories were inferior, and the MP is practically dead... Sad, considering AvP2 succeeded quite nice.

I thought it was fun, but definitely not better then the older AVP2 on PC, where in that one each campaign felt like a full game in it's own right whereas in the new one, each campaign feels like half (if that) of a game.

is it PPO time yet.:panic:
Ha...I cant believe you guys would lose sleep over this. I have come to the realization that I may not get one these. If I do, great...if I dont, thats $200 towards "Predators" stuff. I'm not going to curse SS or HT because of it, if it werent for those 2 companies I would have nothing to collect.
So, just to be clear, is this going to be a streamlined PO?

Curious if I have to keep hitting refresh until it appears, or what?
I felt the pain. I paid $850 for my PREDATOR 2 Elder Predator. Granted he was brand new never opened or assembled.

Same with my two ancients.
Ancient Predator Special Version - $850
Ancient Predator Asia Edition - $814

Both brand new never opened.

Hehehe! And people criticized me in the past for leaving my figures in the box! All my preds (and all the other HT figures that need assemblage for that matter) are still in the box: Pred1, Pred2 BD, Pred2 elder, Lost Pred, the Wolf Preds, RoboCops, Aliens, ... . Reason is: no display space. I never wanted to risk breaking things, as I imagine, it is not easy to get these figures back in the box once they are assembled.
It's always been my policy, despite the fact that I don't have the room to display, it is better to buy now and keep in box, then having to hunt down later. And I still think it's the right thing to do. I like these figures so much, I'll never let them go, unless for a real outrageous offer of course. Some people don't mind if the figures they are after have been assembled and/or on display before, but to me, having the opportunity to buy something MINT, is worth a little extra.
The only real drawback about these HT figures that need assemblage, is that I can't take photo's of 'em, and I would like to so dearly...
Ha...I cant believe you guys would lose sleep over this. I have come to the realization that I may not get one these. If I do, great...if I dont, thats $200 towards "Predators" stuff. I'm not going to curse SS or HT because of it, if it werent for those 2 companies I would have nothing to collect.

Oh i didn't lose sleep over this. I'm an insomniac, my brain and body do not agree on when I should go to sleep.

--Ski "Billy......"
--Ski "Billy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
--Ski "What is it? Billy? What the hell is wrong with you?"
--Billy "There's something in those trees."
--Ski "Do you see anything?"
--Billy "Up there ahead."
--Ski "Nothing. What do you think?"
--Billy "I guess it's nothing, Major."


So, just to be clear, is this going to be a streamlined PO?

Curious if I have to keep hitting refresh until it appears, or what?
based on what went down yesterday, i doubt anything about today will be streamlined.
just expect to get screwed because of technical bs and you won't be disappointed.