Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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The failure is Hot Toys decision to make this thing so limited, I'm hoping they reconsider and make more of them but if saved. But if this had happened with the Sarah connor figure I'd be just as upset as anyone else here who missed it.

If given the choice of Predators to use as an exclusive, honestly bud, I can't think of a better choice. It's a shame everybody wants him but to do a background pred as an exclusive is 1000x smarter than doing a Hero Pred as a limited exclusive.

You're right about the scalpers, but you are not right about the other part. I've been a SSC customer since 2004, and I have quite some interesting stories to tell. I've had my share off 'missing out' because of 'SSC mess-ups', and some of them are even internet related. But SSC's customer service has also been very courteous and helpful to me in the past. I don't forget that either. I just try to put things in perspective. Sometimes you loose, and sometimes you win. Two sides of the same coin. Anyway, I wish you luck on that WL.

What internet flaws? I'm getting pretty tired of everyone who was unable to get one blaming Sideshow for their own failure. Have a good cry and get the hell over it. It went up in a streamlined PPO. You had your chance just like everyone else. You failed. There were no flaws. Cowboy the ____ up.
he's talking about the server timeouts that caused a lot of delays in placing orders. at one point, the site stopped responding altogether for a moment. which was evidently long enough to wait list a lot of people who otherwise could have gotten their order through. it was pretty glitchy for me too.
If given the choice of Predators to use as an exclusive, honestly bud, I can't think of a better choice. It's a shame everybody wants him but to do a background pred as an exclusive is 1000x smarter than doing a Hero Pred as a limited exclusive.

True, I would just have rathered no super-rare exclusive figure at all. Thats just not what I'm in the hobby for. The thing about this guy is hes the Lost predator with the coolest and most distinctive biomask of the lot. He was always going to be at least as in demand as the Borg Predator. And if he was slow to sell out I reckon that was only because people were waiting to see if HT would make more of the Lost preds...sure enough they have and sure enough (correct me if I'm wrong) the borg predator started selling again - I know myself and Blade3327 bought one.
he's talking about the server timeouts that caused a lot of delays in placing orders. at one point, the site stopped responding altogether for a moment. which was evidently long enough to wait list a lot of people who otherwise could have gotten their order through. it was pretty glitchy for me too.

Exactly, totally agree. There were definitely problems with the site as a few people have pointed out. Its nothing to do with being able to order it in time or anything, there were obviously problems with the site. For me in particular the clock they had up that was counting down was obviously affected by the mess up and wouldnt let me place my order because it had jumped back by about 5 minutes. Meaning i completely missed out because of Sideshows mess up with the site.
I think the site worked for me. I may have wasted precious seconds where I thought it read "Attendee exclusive" instead of "NON-attendee exclusive" because the "NON" and the "Attendee" didn't occupy the same line! I can't really blame Sideshow for that :lol I'm a fast typer with an uncomplicated password so I don't blame myself on that either.
Ultimately with the figure being very limited it wouldn't have mattered how quick you thought you were, there'd only be so many predators for so many quick people.
No I didn't hit back or refresh at all, I just let the page itself do all the work. Its conceivable it slowed down and, unknown to me, so many other people were already vital steps ahead of me but I can't know that for certain.
I think the site worked for me. I may have wasted precious seconds where I thought it read "Attendee exclusive" instead of "NON-attendee exclusive" because the "NON" and the "Attendee" didn't occupy the same line! I can't really blame Sideshow for that :lol I'm a fast typer with an uncomplicated password so I don't blame myself on that either.
Ultimately with the figure being very limited it wouldn't have mattered how quick you thought you were, there'd only be so many predators for so many quick people.
i got 2 different time stamps and 3 different order confirmation status pages while it tried to redirect to the home page. that's entirely an issue on SSC's side. some bean counter there decided to go for cheaper server hardware. everyone who got an order through did so on pure luck.
Neither. I had to just type in the address again and open the main page again because it said it was sending me back to the main page, but it wasnt doing anything. So i had to just type the address in again and then the clock had jumped back. And wouldnt let me order because, according to their clock, it wasn't 10 0 clock yet. If i'd have missed out because i was too slow or i messed up i wouldnt mind so much, but when it was a problem with the site it really p1$$ed me off. Especially as its the only new figure i've been remotely interested in.
In that case I feel for you guys, not that I don't anyway, but if the site just screwed up on you it must rub salt in the wound.
I usually don't post often around here. More of the looking/reading type but I felt very compelled to post this comment on Sideshow's webpage under the Production Blog for this product.

"First time: I feel the need to point out to the manufacturer of this figure that it will be very wise to fulfill and take care of the USA fan base. Maybe with a second edition of this product even if it means less accessories or something similar. It could be a great opportunity for profit and to not do so it will seem a wasted effort and production time. To Sideshow you are a great company that 90% of the time takes great care of your fans and licenses. Giving us a fair opportunity for exclusives and non exclusives alike. Thank you for that. But if the former company does nothing regarding this product, well you know what they say about “guilty by association” Some questions will remain, was it worth it? What about your reputation if you decided to do more of these in the future?
Just my respectful opinion, with hopes for a brighter and better resolution…."

I know that more than likely will be deleted or not even posted but at least I gave them my sincere and respectful opinion. I'm sharing with you guys here also

While I appreciate what you're aiming at with that post - getting more Guardian Predators made to fill demand - I'm not too sure Sideshow has any blame in this beyond perhaps the website problems some have talked about - unless Sideshow had a hand in persuading Hot Toys to make Guardian a limited release figure in the first place it would seem to me that Sideshow have done us a favour in enabling us to get him. HT are the ones who may have made a bad call and misjudged just how wanted this figure would be.
he's talking about the server timeouts that caused a lot of delays in placing orders. at one point, the site stopped responding altogether for a moment. which was evidently long enough to wait list a lot of people who otherwise could have gotten their order through.

...exactly. I actually got a "the webpage cannot be displayed" message at one point, before my order confirmation showed up. Granted, it took so damn long I went into the :02's, but some people got their order in because they went over that mark by just a few seconds. Not with me, sadly enough. The time it took to display a mere error message and the refreshing afterwards took a substantial chunk out of my chances.

Here's hoping that 200 of the original 500 are indeed missing (which the numbers have led us to believe) and most of the Waitlisters are converted. Really, if only 300 were ready when SS promised us 500, then wouldn't they be obligated to supply the 200 once they're ready to those who got W's? This is pretty much what I'm holding onto. Granted, there are always some cancellations and missed pick-ups, but the ray of hope from 200 not being ready is much greater than that of a few people not being able to pay.
...exactly. I actually got a "the webpage cannot be displayed" message at one point, before my order confirmation showed up. Granted, it took so damn long I went into the :02's, but some people got their order in because they went over that mark by just a few seconds. Not with me, sadly enough. The time it took to display a mere error message and the refreshing afterwards took a substantial chunk out of my chances.
yeah, like i said it came down to luck and you either got one or you didn't.
their Facebook page has been getting some nasty posts about it too.
it might backfire on SSC because people are closing their accounts and canceling multi-thousand $$ back orders over this.
definitely one of the more interesing PPOs.
Here's hoping that 200 of the original 500 are indeed missing (which the numbers have led us to believe) and most of the Waitlisters are converted. Really, if only 300 were ready when SS promised us 500, then wouldn't they be obligated to supply the 200 once they're ready to those who got W's? This is pretty much what I'm holding onto. Granted, there are always some cancellations and missed pick-ups, but the ray of hope from 200 not being ready is much greater than that of a few people not being able to pay.
i dunno if there's any way to tell. i think SSC's obligations were made pretty clear during the attendee preorder silliness.
my guess now is the 500 are gone and wait listers have to count on canceled orders and declines.
guess we'll find out after SDCC. i sure hope everyone who made the effort finally gets one.
Scalpers/flippers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You and all of the other babies.
this is what you're doing.
find something else to do.
he's talking about the server timeouts that caused a lot of delays in placing orders. at one point, the site stopped responding altogether for a moment. which was evidently long enough to wait list a lot of people who otherwise could have gotten their order through. it was pretty glitchy for me too.

I did not have this problem. When 09:59:43 came up, I hit refresh, then got the streamline order, clicked the box, logged in, placed my order and after about 20 seconds got the confirmation. After that I went back to the home page (where it said I could only order one) and they were waitlisted. Not one single time during that whole process did the site crash.

True, I would just have rathered no super-rare exclusive figure at all. Thats just not what I'm in the hobby for. The thing about this guy is hes the Lost predator with the coolest and most distinctive biomask of the lot. He was always going to be at least as in demand as the Borg Predator. And if he was slow to sell out I reckon that was only because people were waiting to see if HT would make more of the Lost preds...sure enough they have and sure enough (correct me if I'm wrong) the borg predator started selling again - I know myself and Blade3327 bought one.

Unfortunately, that's not how it works. For advertising reasons, businesses make promotional products to help advertise their businesses. Over time that's become the infamous con exclusives. Like it or not, it's pretty much been and will be for the foreseeable future, how it's done. That's just the way it is. It's intended for the hardcores to have a special piece in their collection while the mainstream just go about ordering all the regular releases. In this case, HT just happened to make the exclusive a piece that had more demand. DCD did the same thing at WonderCon with their Blackest Night exclusives.

As for the "Borg" Predator, I haven't the slightest clue what that is. :lol
I did not have this problem. When 09:59:43 came up, I hit refresh, then got the streamline order, clicked the box, logged in, placed my order and after about 20 seconds got the confirmation. After that I went back to the home page (where it said I could only order one) and they were waitlisted. Not one single time during that whole process did the site crash.
My wife and I were each on a laptop trying to get through and I got the error messages just after I logged in to try and place it. My wife got through, placed the order (probably 3-4 seconds in), and then the the waiting...then she got a popup message saying sold out and got on the wait list. She had to refresh a few times just to get the WL to go through because of the error messages. I am thinking that once the batch sold out and it was switching over to WL, the server just got overwhelmed and the crashes started. You probably didn't get them because your order was through.

You, my friend, are doomed to spend eternity in the pits of hell. May God have mercy on your soul.
Get over yourself man. I know it sucks to be on the receiving end of it, but scalping/flipping is part of any hobby. I would understand if someone was scalping medicine, food, water, etc...but you are talking about a toy. Someone scalping a glorified toy.

Am I disappointed that I didn't get it? Hell yes. Am I pissed that Sideshow did not get enough of these to meet demand and that their server got bogged down and I didn't get through? Hell yes. You think I am happy that I am fixing to spend several hundred dollars over retail for this? But I am not going to tell someone they are going to Hell because they want to make a quick, easy buck.

I am going to look at my Wolverine EX comiquette that I got for FREE from the profit of flipping my PZ EX PF. :hi5:

p.s...I will say it again, I hope the scalper/flipper/source that offered me theirs for a really nice profit follows through and doesn't back out. :wink1:
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As for the "Borg" Predator, I haven't the slightest clue what that is. :lol

It's the Lost Predator. HT's names aren't accurate. For instance, Guardian's real name is Gort (as you probably know). Speaking of which, I hope they end up doing Snake... the paint apps on that one would be KILLER! Hippie, I can live without, unless he starts off selling as crappily as Borg did.