Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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I just wish I hadn't sold my Ancient Elder and Celtic. My collection would be complete otherwise. This guy is never leaving once I get him.
:mad:FU SIDESHOW & FU HOT TOYS for pulling this CRAP!!!!!!!! I was in the middle of my order processing & it said streamline over!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::

This is exactly what i got, but it happened as soon as their counter got to 10.00. Then when i went beck the clock had gone backwards to 9.57 and wouldnt let me order because, according to their clock, it wasnt 10.00 yet. What the hell?
Originally Posted by Cajunsith
FU SIDESHOW & FU HOT TOYS for pulling this CRAP!!!!!!!! I was in the middle of my order processing & it said streamline over!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!:

This is exactly what i got, but it happened as soon as their counter got to 10.00. Then when i went beck the clock had gone backwards to 9.57 and wouldnt let me order because, according to their clock, it wasnt 10.00 yet. What the hell?

Though the $899 listing is of course, a joke, but they're consistently selling in the $500 range since Guardian was first previewed, so I dunno. :huh

And sadly thats whats gonna screw over everyone else. If people are so desperate for this they're willing to pay ridiculous prices to the very people that screwed them out of buying it in the first place then that'll become the going rate. If people had the sense not to pay it then they'd eventually have to come down in price to something more reasonable.
'Tis true... but 'tis never happens, no matter how obvious the solution is.

I know, and then people will complain that the prices are too high. Just refuse to pay it. What gets me is the people selling them are the reason the buyers couldnt get one from sideshow. Its like they're just going "you wanna buy this? Well im gonna buy it first and then sell it to you at twice the price" Can people really be that desperate that they'll go along with that?
Yup... I give no respect to them, since they're basically denying something from someone who truly wants the item. They're _______s, nothing more. And while I'm as pissed as anyone would be, there's nothing we can do. I mean, we can avoid buying from them, but there will always be someone willing to take that leap.
Sadly so. Oh well. One of the huge downsides to this hobby i guess. For all the decent people who respect each other with similar interests, there are also plenty more who just wanna screw everyone over to get what they want.
Guys, I heard these complaints sooo many times, on sooo many boards, but as long as it is profitable, scalping goes on and on and on. If the collectibles in question wouldn't be as limited as they are, scalping would be a lot less interesting, but frankly so would be collecting - IMO anyway. If you want to fight the flippers, then give them better competition!
Life does get a whole lot easier if you accept the situation as it is, and take the hobby a little less serious. The next 'must have' collectible is just around the corner... . :duff
I realise the scalpers are never gonna go away. As long as there are people willing to buy there will be people selling. Its just a real shame when they ruin it for the rest of us. Its the same with all sorts, concert tickets. I dont think i've ever been to a gig without a bunch of people outside selling handfuls of tickets at twice their original price. I cant stand losers like that.

Oh well, such is life i suppose. Just needed a rant. haha.
Guys, I heard these complaints sooo many times, on sooo many boards, but as long as it is profitable, scalping goes on and on and on. If the collectibles in question wouldn't be as limited as they are, scalping would be a lot less interesting, but frankly so would be collecting - IMO anyway. If you want to fight the flippers, then give them better competition!
Life does get a whole lot easier if you accept the situation as it is, and take the hobby a little less serious. The next 'must have' collectible is just around the corner... . :duff

Easily said by someone who got lucky and didn't get screwed by sideshow's internet flaws. Hopefully, by some miracle of God, our waitlists get converted so we can all get a guardian pred, & then we can laugh in the faces of these scalpers!
Everyone should get one, right??

____ that!! I think it's great that these 'scalpers' are capitalizing on this. This isn't a necessity, so quit crying.

You, my friend ,are doomed to spend eternity in the pits of hell. May God have mercy on your soul.
Anyone paying more then $200 for any HT pred is getting screwed. I don't see any of them being worth more then that.
Which is why I'm having such a hard time justifying this purchase.

That's an opinion and it's in the minority. Looking at my collection I honestly feel we're underpaying for these guys at retail.

And sadly thats whats gonna screw over everyone else. If people are so desperate for this they're willing to pay ridiculous prices to the very people that screwed them out of buying it in the first place then that'll become the going rate. If people had the sense not to pay it then they'd eventually have to come down in price to something more reasonable.

It's not going to screw over everyone else. If people have the sense to not pay them, then they sit on ebay with the ridiculous BINs until someone does. You'll change nothing. A quick search for the AVP preds on ebay will show you this.

Easily said by someone who got lucky and didn't get screwed by sideshow's internet flaws. Hopefully, by some miracle of God, our waitlists get converted so we can all get a guardian pred, & then we can laugh in the faces of these scalpers!

What internet flaws? I'm getting pretty tired of everyone who was unable to get one blaming Sideshow for their own failure. Have a good cry and get the hell over it. It went up in a streamlined PPO. You had your chance just like everyone else. You failed. There were no flaws. Cowboy the ____ up.
The failure is Hot Toys decision to make this thing so limited, I'm hoping they reconsider and make more of them but if saved. But if this had happened with the Sarah connor figure I'd be just as upset as anyone else here who missed it.
Easily said by someone who got lucky and didn't get screwed by sideshow's internet flaws. Hopefully, by some miracle of God, our waitlists get converted so we can all get a guardian pred, & then we can laugh in the faces of these scalpers!

You're right about the scalpers, but you are not right about the other part. I've been a SSC customer since 2004, and I have quite some interesting stories to tell. I've had my share off 'missing out' because of 'SSC mess-ups', and some of them are even internet related. But SSC's customer service has also been very courteous and helpful to me in the past too. I don't forget that either. I just try to put things in perspective. Sometimes you loose, and sometimes you win. Two sides of the same coin. Anyway, I wish you luck on that WL.
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