Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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:lecture I agree bro. As loyal buyers, Hot toys is really putting the shaft to us if they do not make more. :pray: Of course there are these SCALPERS that bought this predator just to wallet rape us because they can care less about the true fans. I have all of the HT preds, even the Scar ani con, it sucks that I'll be missing this one. $800.00 + is insane. :gah:

Everyone should get one, right??

____ that!! I think it's great that these 'scalpers' are capitalizing on this. This isn't a necessity, so quit crying.
Is anyone having trouble with the Hot Toys website loading up? It used to be incredibly slow, and now it won't load at all.
Mmmmmkay, so you're still trolling. You don't want the figure, made ridiculous excuses not to buy it, but yet you're still here trash talking it and belittling everyone who doesn't agree with you, that did. That's a troll. :huh

he's thick and doesn't understand what certain words mean, I'd just let him be because I actually tried reasoning with him and he replies with barely anything
Mmmmmkay, so you're still trolling. You don't want the figure, made ridiculous excuses not to buy it, but yet you're still here trash talking it and belittling everyone who doesn't agree with you, that did. That's a troll. :huh

Well that's your opinion Nam, not fact. I am merely here expressing my opinion on the figure and having a little bit of banter with Eamon and Alice Adrenochrome which you seem to have a massive problem with.
I do think it's far too expensive for what you're getting, these Predator figures have gone up by about $60 since the first AVP ones. I simply can't justify spending nearly $200 on what I see as a rehash.
Me trolling Nam! Please. The saying "The pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind. :)
Well that's your opinion Nam, not fact. I am merely here expressing my opinion on the figure and having a little bit of banter with Eamon and Alice Adrenochrome which you seem to have a massive problem with.
I do think it's far too expensive for what you're getting, these Predator figures have gone up by about $60 since the first AVP ones. I simply can't justify spending nearly $200 on what I see as a rehash.
Me trolling Nam! Please. The saying "The pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind. :)

It's a limited exclusive, those are always going to cost more, even at retail. Look at the other exclusive hot toys has put out, the battle damaged Scar. Assuming you have scar why is that so much better? at least this a new character. I think they didn't release in "mass' numbers is because they did that with another lost predator and it's by far the worst seller out of any of the predators. I think this one would of had the same fate if it was produced in similar numbers, however I think they made too little
I think they made too little

Right you are, but it's not just the fact that they made too little to fit demand. It just doesn't look like all 500 were sold over the past two days. I'll be keeping a watchful eye on this for sure...
Well, I HOPEFULLY am going to be getting one from a "source." I don't want to say more information in case it falls through, but I am really hoping this "source" is good for their word and follows through with their offer (alot more than retail, but less than the stupid stuff going on on eBay). I don't really want to say more because some people on these boards may know him IRL. :1-1:

I really want to add this thing to my Hot Toys detolf. :pray:
Everyone should get one, right??

____ that!! I think it's great that these 'scalpers' are capitalizing on this. This isn't a necessity, so quit crying.

Right you are, but it's not just the fact that they made too little to fit demand. It just doesn't look like all 500 were sold over the past two days. I'll be keeping a watchful eye on this for sure...
yeah, i dunno if they sold 500 either. sounds like some of the wait lists are gonna get converted.
Well, I HOPEFULLY am going to be getting one from a "source." I don't want to say more information in case it falls through, but I am really hoping this "source" is good for their word and follows through with their offer (alot more than retail, but less than the stupid stuff going on on eBay). I don't really want to say more because some people on these boards may know him IRL. :1-1:

I really want to add this thing to my Hot Toys detolf. :pray:

I hope your deal goes through Kibishii. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
I just put the money in the bank for Guardian, but I'm having second thoughts.
$200 for basically a variant! I own all the Preds and this is just the completest in me wanting to finish the line. Also, I'll be paying more for this release then any other Pred I've bought so far and there are far more interesting HT figures out there that I'd love to own.
I'd be much happier if he was a more reasonable $140.
I guess I'll get him and if I don't want it I'll just sell him on ebay for $600. :nana:
I honestly don't think this thing will hold the current "price" on eBay once these start shipping in the US and Asia because I am wagering at least 1/3rd bought this to flip and the current "price" is drivin up out of anger/frustration at those who missed it. Another big chunk will sell it once they get it in hand and see that they can make alot of quick money. Don't get me wrong, it will be worth alot more than retail and I have no problem with people doubling their money, but the current stuff on eBay is stupid. The price on this will even out a bit once it ships and then slowly rise after that. It took the Ancient years to get to that value and they have roughly the same ES.

I hope your deal goes through Kibishii. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
Thanks man, I am really hoping/praying this "source" is good for their word since I know some people make deals and then back out when they think they can make more money.

It is kind of sad, but I have sold alot of EX preorders to board members and now I know how nervous they feel and why they contact me multiple times to "confirm" that I am not going to back out. :monkey2
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I honestly don't think this thing will hold the current "price" on eBay once these start shipping in the US and Asia because I am wagering at least 1/3rd bought this to flip and the current "price" is drivin up out of anger/frustration at those who missed it. Another big chunk will sell it once they get it in hand and see that they can make alot of quick money. Don't get me wrong, it will be worth alot more than retail and I have no problem with people doubling their money, but the current stuff on eBay is stupid. The price on this will even out a bit once it ships and then slowly rise after that. It took the Ancient years to get to that value and they have roughly the same ES.

Though the $899 listing is of course, a joke, but they're consistently selling in the $500 range since Guardian was first previewed, so I dunno. :huh
Though the $899 listing is of course, a joke, but they're consistently selling in the $500 range since Guardian was first previewed, so I dunno. :huh
Anyone paying more then $200 for any HT pred is getting screwed. I don't see any of them being worth more then that.
Which is why I'm having such a hard time justifying this purchase.
Though the $899 listing is of course, a joke, but they're consistently selling in the $500 range since Guardian was first previewed, so I dunno. :huh

Oh, I think double its retail is fair, but once this starts shipping, the price will mellow out alot; especially once it is shipping in the US and Asia. Again, the Ancient (Asia & Sideshow versions) have a similar ES and it took them 4-5 years to get to their value, they are ALOT harder to come by now, and you didn't have a ton of flippers in the mix. Every, single preorder that turns into a mess and gets people pissed does this.

Think about the PZ EX, the price on that thing was selling for insane amounts after the preorder mess and demand for them was crazy high and people were angry. Now the price has mellowed out alot. I know there is a difference between zombies and Predator, but that was the closest comparision I could think of off the top of my head. I know some of the uber-rare Marvel PFs have done the same thing (although they are worth insane amounts now, but they have ES of 50-100).
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It's a limited exclusive, those are always going to cost more, even at retail. Look at the other exclusive hot toys has put out, the battle damaged Scar. Assuming you have scar why is that so much better? at least this a new character. I think they didn't release in "mass' numbers is because they did that with another lost predator and it's by far the worst seller out of any of the predators. I think this one would of had the same fate if it was produced in similar numbers, however I think they made too little

I can't comment on the Ani-Com Scar because I thought it was a Hong Kong only exclusive and could only really be bought on the secondary market. If that's the case then it obviously would be more expensive.
Going by the last figure released, the Lost Predator at $160, I honestly can't see what warrants the extra $25-30 with this guy?
I can't believe all this has stemmed from me saying the Celtic Predator was better than this Guardian Predator. Wow, it feels like such a long time ago that I first made that remark. :lol

he's thick and doesn't understand what certain words mean, I'd just let him be because I actually tried reasoning with him and he replies with barely anything

That would be consistent with the limited mental capacity of a troll. :huh

Well it seems that this is descending into bullying tactics now so I think I will simply bow out gents.
I just put the money in the bank for Guardian, but I'm having second thoughts.
$200 for basically a variant! I own all the Preds and this is just the completest in me wanting to finish the line. Also, I'll be paying more for this release then any other Pred I've bought so far and there are far more interesting HT figures out there that I'd love to own.
I'd be much happier if he was a more reasonable $140.
I guess I'll get him and if I don't want it I'll just sell him on ebay for $600. :nana:

I'd be more than happy to buy him from you for $200 plus shipping :)! No, really. I totally would. Hell, I may even go to $225. Seriously, my display needs this guy. I'm thinking Lost and Guardian, with P2 in the middle. Boom.
