Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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p.s...I will say it again, I hope the scalper/flipper/source that offered me theirs for a really nice profit follows through and doesn't back out. :wink1:

FYI guys. For the record, here is a flipper paying a "flipped" price for an item he missed. Notice he's not _____ing, ranting, being a crybaby or blaming Sideshow for all the failures in his life. ;)

Though the begging and pleading is funny. :nana::lol
Unfortunately, that's not how it works. For advertising reasons, businesses make promotional products to help advertise their businesses. Over time that's become the infamous con exclusives. Like it or not, it's pretty much been and will be for the foreseeable future, how it's done. That's just the way it is. It's intended for the hardcores to have a special piece in their collection while the mainstream just go about ordering all the regular releases. In this case, HT just happened to make the exclusive a piece that had more demand. DCD did the same thing at WonderCon with their Blackest Night exclusives.

As for the "Borg" Predator, I haven't the slightest clue what that is. :lol

Borg was a nickname for the Lost predator what with his Star Trek borg-esque armour.

Anyway I'll be hoping HT choose crappy uninteresting subjects for their exclusives in the future. Preferably non-Terminator and non-predator. Anything else I don't care.
HOLY CRAP! I just looked at my e-mail and I got my waitlist confirmation at 17:06!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning this item sold out in 1-5 seconds!!!!!! that's bull____ if my waitlist doesnt come through then this will be my first and last time ill order from sideshow!!! guaranteed somone is putting most aside for them to put up on ebay for stupid prices! I'm a big fan of HT but making 500 for a predator fanbase that is 40 times greater than that is just a kick to our stomachs. HT better come through with more guardian preds for its fans because its stupid wanting to collect the lost pred clan when some are going to be super super limited edition.
There are tons of people who got one that I've never seen post in any of these threads before... just saying, we weren't just up against Pred fans. We were up against any random person who wanted an SDCC exclusive. Seems unfair, but that's reality. Guess I'll go back to hoping my waitlist converts sometime over the next few months...
:lecture Glad I could put a smile on your face, but do you blame me! :dunno

No, I don't. Actually I commend you for not spewing crybaby rants like the one below.

HOLY CRAP! I just looked at my e-mail and I got my waitlist confirmation at 17:06!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning this item sold out in 1-5 seconds!!!!!! that's bull____ if my waitlist doesnt come through then this will be my first and last time ill order from sideshow!!! guaranteed somone is putting most aside for them to put up on ebay for stupid prices! I'm a big fan of HT but making 500 for a predator fanbase that is 40 times greater than that is just a kick to our stomachs. HT better come through with more guardian preds for its fans because its stupid wanting to collect the lost pred clan when some are going to be super super limited edition.

You really need to grow up or GTFO of this hobby, bub. You sound like a spoiled little brat. "If I don't get my way, HMPH!!!! I'll never order from Sideshow again. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

There are tons of people who got one that I've never seen post in any of these threads before... just saying, we weren't just up against Pred fans. We were up against any random person who wanted an SDCC exclusive. Seems unfair, but that's reality. Guess I'll go back to hoping my waitlist converts sometime over the next few months...

Not only that but virtually every member of the Hunter's Lair as well. But some people, unrealistically, think themselves the bright center of the universe. :lol
HOLY CRAP! I just looked at my e-mail and I got my waitlist confirmation at 17:06!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning this item sold out in 1-5 seconds!!!!!! that's bull____ if my waitlist doesnt come through then this will be my first and last time ill order from sideshow!!! guaranteed somone is putting most aside for them to put up on ebay for stupid prices! I'm a big fan of HT but making 500 for a predator fanbase that is 40 times greater than that is just a kick to our stomachs. HT better come through with more guardian preds for its fans because its stupid wanting to collect the lost pred clan when some are going to be super super limited edition.

Isn't that hour and minute? Here's mine, I got a TB, 17:00:34. 17=hour. 00=minutes. 34=seconds.:dunno

So then, if I'm right, that means it sold out somewhere between 17:00 and 17:06. Thats a six minute window. Thats believable. I could see it selling out in a minute.
Isn't that hour and minute? Here's mine, I got a TB, 17:00:34. 17=hour. 00=minutes. 34=seconds.:dunno

So then, if I'm right, that means it sold out somewhere between 17:00 and 17:06. Thats a six minute window. Thats believable. I could see it selling out in a minute.

Believe it! I was on the spot at 10AM sharp. Logged in and clicked order 10 seconds later. Only problem was I didn't realize at first I had to check mark the box to add the guardian to my order. So that was about a 20-30 second delay. I got back to the order screen, check marked the box the second time then it was sold out. So yeah it was sold out in about 30-40 seconds. They seriously must've had about 15-20 to go around. What BS! Then I tried at least getting on the waitlist, but when I tried getting back to Internet explorer and google kept telling me the link was broken!!!
I was finally able to add myself to the waitlist at 10:04:55.
The way sideshow did this was extremely unfair - streaming the priority pre-order. Not a good idea to conduct business if you want to keep customers. It was like some sort of free-for-all. Like holding 1 piece of juicy red slab of meat over a den of hungry lions and dropping it right in the middle of the den! Sideshow if you don't find a way to fix this _____* you!!!!!
Believe it! I was on the spot at 10AM sharp. Logged in and clicked order 10 seconds later. Only problem was I didn't realize at first I had to check mark the box to add the guardian to my order. So that was about a 20-30 second delay. I got back to the order screen, check marked the box the second time then it was sold out. So yeah it was sold out in about 30-40 seconds. They seriously must've had about 15-20 to go around. What BS! Then I tried at least getting on the waitlist, but when I tried getting back to Internet explorer and google kept telling me the link was broken!!!
I was finally able to add myself to the waitlist at 10:04:55.
The way sideshow did this was extremely unfair - streaming the priority pre-order. Not a good idea to conduct business if you want to keep customers. It was like some sort of free-for-all. Like holding 1 piece of juicy red slab of meat over a den of hungry lions and dropping it right in the middle of the den! Sideshow if you don't find a way to fix this _____* you!!!!!


That's how all PPOs are done. Everybody gets the same shot. Everybody knew when it was going up and everybody had the same opportunity to get one. Can't get much fairer than that. You're blaming Sideshow because you forgot to click the product box. LAME! :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4
Believe it! I was on the spot at 10AM sharp. Logged in and clicked order 10 seconds later. Only problem was I didn't realize at first I had to check mark the box to add the guardian to my order. So that was about a 20-30 second delay. I got back to the order screen, check marked the box the second time then it was sold out. So yeah it was sold out in about 30-40 seconds. They seriously must've had about 15-20 to go around. What BS! Then I tried at least getting on the waitlist, but when I tried getting back to Internet explorer and google kept telling me the link was broken!!!
I was finally able to add myself to the waitlist at 10:04:55.
The way sideshow did this was extremely unfair - streaming the priority pre-order. Not a good idea to conduct business if you want to keep customers. It was like some sort of free-for-all. Like holding 1 piece of juicy red slab of meat over a den of hungry lions and dropping it right in the middle of the den! Sideshow if you don't find a way to fix this _____* you!!!!!

that's exactly what happened to me too , i really hope sideshow and hot toys fix this and produce a lot more of these guardian predators at least to keep the die hard predator fans happy because i can imagine that right now a lot of predator hot toys fans are really disappointed, if sideshow and hot toys care about their customers they should do something about it
Hi guys from europe! i've cheked the figure type user first letter, it was just in the memory so the rest of user and password came out for itself, and pam! order. 6 seconds? maybe 10? sold out! eeeeeee?
ok i knew the whole world was there for it, but... i think that thousand of people has clicked almost in the same time it has bee a matter of internet latency servers and f.... web devilries. i wonder if someone from europe has gotten one of them.....sadness...
That's how all PPOs are done. Everybody gets the same shot. Everybody knew when it was going up and everybody had the same opportunity to get one. Can't get much fairer than that. You're blaming Sideshow because you forgot to click the product box. LAME! :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4[/QUOTE]

Dude you need to listen or stay neutral. I'm not blaming sideshow because I forgot to check the box. I'm don't agree with their method of a feeding frenzy. It wasn't fair. Everyone who wanted one and didn't get one feel the same way I'm sure. And streaming the event caused a link in the normal site to become broken 30 seconds after it was over. Didn't even get a fair chance to get on the waitlist.

I think it should been offered without streaming and on the normal site with the normal ordering process to avoid crashing.
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Dude you need to listen or stay neutral. I'm not blaming sideshow because I forgot to check the box. I'm don't agree with their method of a feeding frenzy. It wasn't fair. Everyone who wanted one and didn't get one feel the same way I'm sure. And streaming the event caused a link in the normal site to become broken 30 seconds after it was over. Didn't even get a fair chance to get on the waitlist.

I think it should been offered without streaming and on the normal site with the normal ordering process to avoid crashing.

Dude, you need to quit ranting and pay attention. It's streamlined, not streamed. Meaning the whole website shuts down for the PPO. It's the easiest way of doing things. No mistakingly clicking other links, etc. You just go to the website and all you can do is order the product up for PPO (assuming you can remember to check the product box :lol). Outside of the visible change, the ordering process is pretty much identical to how you order from the website. You select the product and check out. I'm not understanding what's not fair. Everybody who scored one remembered to click the product box, you didn't. Quit crying about it. Your error cost you your preorder. That's nobody's fault but your own. :huh
It's not fair to people who haven't experienced a streamlined ordering process before.

:lol:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol Let me guess. A Sideshow rep should come to your house and hold your hand through the whole process? :huh It's nobody's fault but your own that you didn't read the instructions: Hell, you could've just asked any one of the hundreds of vets here, or at least paid attention while the handful of others did just that. :lol
Did you get one?

I will state two things. Yes, I did get one. Does that mean I've gotten everything I've tried for during a Priority Preorder? No. And there've been MANY times I've missed items. It's life. The process is fair and it's first come first serve. If I miss out, I either move on to something else, jump on the Wait List, or look for one in the FS threads or ebaY to buy. Crying about it and blaming others for your mistake is about as childish as you can get. With something like this, with such a small edition size there's no room for error. And if you make one during the ordering process, especially one as blatant as forgetting to select the product when there's huge black letters stating, "PLEASE SELECT THE PRODUCT YOU WISH TO ORDER" there's really nobody to blame but yourself. Not Hot Toys, not Sideshow, it's all on you. Cowboy up to it and move on.
I will state two things. Yes, I did get one.

Then STFU! You should be grateful and feel fortunate. Instead you're taking it for granted. You're hanging around this thread bashing people who didn't get one. (I'll bet I'm not the only one you tried to convince) I don't need to explain myself to you. Instead of telling me I should have read the rules and asked questions you could have been considerate by asking if I had. Preparing for anything for the first time is one thing. Experiencing anything for the first time is another. Screw you.