Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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This is a must buy for me, but I'm going to pass on the exclusive, it just doesn't justify the price premium.
vareika, thank you for posting those!

I'm not seeing hardly any use of the torso articulation in those photos; I wonder why that is, especially when the same publication really showed off the incredible poses the Mark IV was capable of capturing. That has me worried that the same abdominal articulation is not included in the Mark VI.

Secondly, would anyone who can read those care to share what it says? :)

i think he has to have the same articulation. because its the same body
maybey they felt they didnt have to show articulation that much for mark 6 because it was done already for mark4, and focused on the battle damage look.
Points one and points two are exciting point three is a bummer. C'mon RDJ it is a freaking toy. :mad:

Most likely its a publicist or some other kind of representation dealing with the merchandising aspect. I seriously doubt RDJ is looking at a figure and saying no, look at the HS with the Mark III or the half sculpt with the Mark II or Mark I or even the Mech suit? They are all different and if someone was being that rough with their likeness they'd want them all the same.

Why his representatives are being hardassed on the Mark IV and VI sculpts who knows but I'm sure if deadlines hit we'll just get the Mark III HS with new sunglasses on the Mark IV and the Mark II HS reworked for the Mark VI.
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VI looks great .. Bruce looks like he should not be on display yet..
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It kind of looks like the Kojun version that we were supposed to get with the BD Mk III with scars on it....
Something thats kinda bugging me is the arc reactor doesn't quite line up with the window on the chest piece.

Was it like this in the movie?:confused:
Something thats kinda bugging me is the arc reactor doesn't quite line up with the window on the chest piece.

Was it like this in the movie?:confused:

Restated many times: ArcReactor is not Chest RT.... even the movie prop designers/prop makers use the wrong term on the Videos.

Pic. 05 (below) is the 1/4 Mk.5 bust.... all the rest of the pics show the semi-circle through the window of the 12".
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Dang i can't decide which one to po mk vi is the latest and greatest but the mk iv comes with donuts! Agh what do you all think should i get the iv or the vi?:panic: