Hot Toys – MMS178 - The Avengers: 1/6th scale Black Widow Limited Edition Collectible

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There's no reports of her outfit deteriorating, or her rubber torso as well? Local store has one on display that I'd like to get, but I think it's been on display for a while. Not in the path of any direct sunlight. Just wanted to ask, cause I'm just a little paranoid. xD

Mine is still ok so far. Although I too feel paranoid about my figures deteriorating after what happened recently to the belt of my Origins Wolverine and the Captain America shield....

Then again, its barely a year since the figure was released and placed on my shelve. I think I got it around April 2013. It will take at least another year or so before it shows any sign of deterioration. Sure hope it won't though....
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I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just got BW today courtesy of a fellow forum member. How are you guys displaying the ****ari Rifle if she's not holding it?

I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just got BW today courtesy of a fellow forum member. How are you guys displaying the ****ari Rifle if she's not holding it?

You could have her holding it like a staff, hand on the top part with the bottom touching the ground. :dunno
I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just got BW today courtesy of a fellow forum member. How are you guys displaying the ****ari Rifle if she's not holding it?


I have mine in a box with all the accessories i never use, still wrapped in the original bag, tape having never been removed...
I don't see that accessory as iconic, so i have never used it. Ymmv.

Anyone know a good price to go for Widow? I need to get the rest of the line up and I'm trying to find decent-ish prices. Also I got an email relating to this thread


:lol what
I wouldn't go crazy trying to track her down, odds are HT will announce a new Widow with the Captain America movie. The costume is pretty similar, just depends how committed you are to this specific hair style.
I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just got BW today courtesy of a fellow forum member. How are you guys displaying the ****ari Rifle if she's not holding it?


I pose my Widow with Loki's short staff, and I have the Chitauri rifle, cannon, and the Tesseract device laid out in front of Widow and Coulson.

Seems like Marvel has been trying to muster support for a BW solo film for while now and Feige mentioned recently that things are in place should that become a reality. They are talking up the character's more intergral roles in WS and Age of Ultron in the latest interview on Variety.

I did get involved with a survey from Disney asking if I'd be interested in a BW movie, and of course I said yes. Love the character and ScarJo as well.
Hot Toys – MMS178 - The Avengers: 1/6th scale Black Widow Limited Edition Col...

Were there different heads, or at least hair lengths for this figure? The earlier heads seemed to have kinda short hair and the latest batch had longer hair like MandoMan's.
I'm pretty sure the hair is done by hand because it is styled with some product to get that curled just right look, and if that is true, then there's no way to make every single head look exactly the same. There's probably a template to keep it relatively uniform, but still, I picture some poor minimum wage workers going through thousands of these in some sweatshop. :p