If it comes down to a choice between a desired item complete with inherent defects or never having a version of said item then, yeah, I choose to stick with it. To my mind, the figure, even taking into account the possible (probable, inevitable?) deterioration is worth trying to save. It's just the rubber where the problems lie (ok, rubber and the 'Kamikaze lager' "frifteen seconds to compry" soundclips) so there's workarounds to be tried. Apply a sealant/protectant from day one and at regular intervals, keep it displayed in a case, replace the dome if all else fails. Not ideal, a massive pain in the arse as a matter of fact, but it still doesn't sound the death knell for this figure for me. I could have cancelled my pre-order and saved myself all the hassle but I still wouldn't have come out of the situation as a winner would I? Sure, i'd save some money but i'd be **** out of luck in my search for a 1/6 antagonist to display alongside my already pre-ordered Robo. If I was short of money and had to be ultra-cautious what I was spending it on then, sure, I probably would have cancelled straightaway. Then again, if that was the case, I probably shouldn't be spunking it away on Hot Toys in the first place. I understand why people have cancelled, returned and sought refunds and I respect their decision to do so. Doesn't seem to work the other way around though, as anyone who states they're choosing the other option and keeping Ed209 (corrosive dome and all) is greeted with disbelief and seemingly dismissed as some kind of gullible dunce granting Hot Toys permission to boot everybody in the gonads whenever they feel the urge. It is what it is. Everybody is having to make a compromise here. Either by missing out completely on an Ed they must have wanted bad enough to splash out on in the first place, or by making do with an Ed that could end up suffering from the worst case of 'rotten crack' syndrome since Shazza Stone spread her legs in Basic Instinct 2.