Super Freak
I still want one if anyone is thinking of selling.
Acrylics don't wash off with water.
I still want one if anyone is thinking of selling.
That poster is awesome, where's it from?
I sent my back to SSC on Friday. Better to lose $35 total in shipping costs than having to work to make a $400 figure right. Sigh, I was looking forward to explaining mummy's giant robot of death to my child someday. Now I'll have to settle with an AT-AT.
That's a poster you find when you type in "robocop mondo Poster" on google. Search for big pics.
I just edited out the logo and inserted the logo from the beginning of the movie.
Normally the title is way more simple.
Too simple for my taste.
But thx, buddy.
Great poster.
The artist go by the name, "Candy Killer".
He is from Ireland.
Great artist.
Great work.
In that same exact style and format, he also did:
- Alien
- Blade Runner
- Total Recall
Yeah, exactly Jed.
Forgot the name, thx.
His style is excellent.
He made propaganda like T1 and 2 posters also...
He does such awesome work. I geeked out on his work all the time.
Definitely one of the many great artists that I really look up to and respect.
Now I have to get those Terminator posters then.
Hey, man. Welcome to the board.
Not to rain your parade, but we tried it and the only thing HT does is pulling EDs in and saying: "Get your money from us if you bought through us, or official channels, or, if not, get your money back from your sellers, which are not official and send it back."
My seller told a friend of mine (on here too) and me that HT doesn't do a 2nd batch and just drag defective EDs away.
They won't do anything.
You need to something yourself.
Get some rubber care, or mod podge, or silicone grease and preserve the dome and sleeves yourself and maybe buy a new dome when the offer surfaces.
Anyone purchased the Ed-209 from Pop Culture Zone? Are they able to help you to return it?
I just took my ED-209 out of the box for the second time since it was delivered to me on June 26th. Mine has no cracking issues at the moment. It sits inside its brown shipper box in my living room. The room gets pretty hot during the day while I am at work but nothing I can do about it.
I just bought the Honda silicone grease and applied it on the dome with a microfiber towel just now. I have to put it back inside the box because I dont have a suitable case to display it at the moment. Will check back in a few days to see how it it looks.