Hot Toys – MMS204 - The 1/6th scale ED-209 Collectible

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WOW! All the poring over pictures and videos this whole time didn't prepare me in the slightest for what I was actually getting. I'm completely blown away!
Hmmmmmmm..... I'm aware that 'finger warning' decal does belong on the gun pod just behind the missile launcher, but you say it does NOT belong on the elbow?... That's news to me. What belongs there???
(and hey- thanks for the compliments. pm me.)

Wait- I just noticed what you mean; it's upside-down on the right elbow, and right-side up on the left. If it's the correct decal for that location, then yes- I'll add it to the decal set.
Thanks for pointing that out to me- I hadn't noticed it was upside-down. Because of your input, I'll include two copies of that decal in the set. I also crowded things together a bit, to make room for some duplicates if needed.
Here's the low-res preview:
FULL SET medium RES Alternate MAX PSI.jpg
Damn, you work fast, haha. I haven't picked up a copy of the blu ray yet. Do you recall which scene you were able to see the red and black max psi decal most clearly on?
My new ED-209 with the little guy that has been doing a poor job at holding me over this whole time... Sorry little guy.IMAG0205.jpgIMAG0206.jpgIMAG0207.jpg
Damn, you work fast, haha. I haven't picked up a copy of the blu ray yet. Do you recall which scene you were able to see the red and black max psi decal most clearly on?
Oh god, I wish it had been that simple... I was working on this all night. I never saw the whole thing in its entirety in a single frame or shot. Rather, I was able to distinguish ONE character at a time clearly in one frame, then another character in a completely different scene at a different time, with different contrast and brightness adjustments for each frame scrutinization. Some characters were just not discernible. In those cases, I had to compare the general shape to every letter in the alphabet until there was a close match. I did all this on a piece of paper on my lap, filling in the blanks one letter at a time, and scanning back and forth through the movie. Eventually, as I filled in more letters, I could see the sentences forming and it all came together to make sense. It's possible that I made some errors, but I really don't think so. Visual pattern recognition is an amazing thing.
Haha, that's crazy! You're like a private detective of movie accuracy. If I had a company that produced movie accurate figures I would definitely look to this site as a form of free quality control. Especially seeing as the members of this site are the target demographic.
Hey thanks. My bluray deck can't be plugged into my pc, because my computer right now is a cheap piece of crap HP Pavilion, with on-bourd video, NO video card, and no HDMI input... so I can only watch regular DVDs on my computer. The work I did to figure this decal out was on a 44" HDTV with a stand alone bluray deck, and a sheet of paper.
Here is one rotated frame that helped a lot, taken from a dvd NOT the bluray. Interesting note: On the life-size ED-209 prop, the decals are all intact and complete, with straight margins and spacing. However on the animation model, many of them are tilted, not on straight... and in the case of the 'MAX PSI RADIAL' decal, (red on black) the right edge is cut off. It's as though the tiny decals for the animation model were drawn very sloppily on small pieces of paper and cut out with scissors in a hurry. Because this one was too wide to fit, the right edge was cut off, including some letters. The third line down at the right margin ends with 'FUEL CE', and the bottom line ends with 'HAZA'... See photo:
vlcsnap-2014-05-05-04h06m40s13 - Copy.jpg
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Hmm, interesting. That would probably explain why on all the pictures I look at of the stop motion puppets there doesn't seem to be anything in that spot.
I got mine today, I noticed the arm with the missile racks has a rattling noise like something inside is broken. I am also having an issue with the position of the missile rack it doesn't seem to go high enough the bottom missile is almost hiding behind the guard anyone else having this issue? I also can't seem to raise the legs I'm afraid of breaking them.
I got mine today, I noticed the arm with the missile racks has a rattling noise like something inside is broken. I am also having an issue with the position of the missile rack it doesn't seem to go high enough the bottom missile is almost hiding behind the guard anyone else having this issue? I also can't seem to raise the legs I'm afraid of breaking them.
There's no rattling sound in mine, that's pretty weird. As for the missile rack, it can be kinda fiddly. With mine the third missile only clears the guard if I keep the whole rack hugged up against the arm, if that makes sense. The legs are really hard to slide up and down on the rails, especially at first. They make me very nervous when I move them. I find the best way for me so far is to use the method this guy uses:
Just open mine. Anyone out there got 2 left legs? 2 the same for the same side? I got 2 Right Legs. What a mess....
I got mine today, I noticed the arm with the missile racks has a rattling noise like something inside is broken. I am also having an issue with the position of the missile rack it doesn't seem to go high enough the bottom missile is almost hiding behind the guard anyone else having this issue? I also can't seem to raise the legs I'm afraid of breaking them.

Just open mine. Anyone out there got 2 left legs? 2 the same for the same side? I got 2 Right Legs. What a mess....

All this talk is making me nervous for when I get mine. :monkey4
I also can't seem to raise the legs I'm afraid of breaking them.
The leg sliders will move, you just need to not be afraid and SLIDE those mo-fo's. They won't break. What they WILL do, is jerk suddenly and move way more distance than you wanted them to, and scare bodily fluids out of you. You'll get used to it.
All this is academic though, because if I were you with rattling inside the gun arm and a missile launcher that is improperly assembled inside, I would get an exchange asap, before they're gone. Before you resort to that, try pushing the missile launcher up harder, wiggling and twisting a bit while you push.
I had an issue with the missile rack not being able to go DOWN far enough, which I was able to fix myself luckily. (page 177, post 1761) I'm sure the cause had to do with internal parts not being glued exactly where they needed to be, which limited the up-and-down motion of the rack.
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Thanks for answering the questions about the dome (again) guys. Man this figure looks so amazing, I should really stop coming to this thread or I'm going to have to buy it.
Got word of my seller that they presume that ED won´t come until June.
Bummer, but no problem, just more money for this month AND the next due to me not spending much...
Got word of my seller that they presume that ED won´t come until June.
Bummer, but no problem, just more money for this month AND the next due to me not spending much...

Good for my wallet, baaaad for my mood! ;)

Are you in his first or second delivery batch?