I just ordered this today. Do you think I might get mine after everyone else who ordered earlier?
If I haven't requested any changes, and my order still shows the flex payments on schedule for Feb/Mar/Apr, will it remain that way or will it be bumped up?
I talked to sideshow on the phone earlier. The woman I spoke with said the schedule would stay the same. You can make it earlier or just pay for it all outright if you want. Just call them. I'm keeping mine the way it is. I've got too much stuff coming. Don't need an unexpected figure.
Imo if you cancel this based on that one horrid photo you may regret it.
The sculpt is very similar if not identical to the workshop Tony release and we all know that looks fantastic in hand.
I can't imagine HT would screw up the BD version here.
The clothing will be excellent & the accessories will be so much fun and there's ton of them!
All of this is exactly the reason I cancelled it today. Its basically the same figure I already have with different accessories. I already have 4 Tony Stark figures, and this one isn't different enough for me to warrant a $250 purchase.
Its the first non-repaint IM figure from Hot Toy I've passed on in 3 years.
The mechanic is only $224.99