Super Freak
Handle With Care. 

Switch out the crotch grabber for a waist grabber?
Lolol comes with an extra crotch grabbing hand
Damn... the EX is completely sold out, no waitlist.![]()
First time collector here. I was able to get the EX rocket and groot but I waitlisted on Starlord ex on Aug 13th. I was wondering though since this is my first time, If there is no longer a waitlist, do my chances of converting increase? Will they likely make more Exs because of the demand? Or do they not really care?
thanks in advance
If Star-Lord actually comes out in January, that maybe one of the quickest releases ever. At least that I've seen.
No doubt. If that's the case, then we may be getting some AOU figures a lot faster than anticipated.
hopefully not TOO fast...
Any chance that Sold Out becomes a Waitlist clicker in the future?