Hot Toys – MMS257 – Back to the Future: 1/6th scale Marty McFly Collectible Figure

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Cancel the delorean?? I have never seen an HT figured canceled after going out for pre order. I think our Marvel hatred is making us pessimistic about every other figure. HT can cancel announced or teased figures but I don't think that pre ordered figures can get canceled because that will be losing money on tooling and materials. Im guessing that the parts of the delorean are already getting made.

They made two Nicholson Jokers and two Reeve Superman figures though. I think if the Mime Joker would have been more of a hit we might have seen more Joker figures. As for Reeve there aren't that many Superman variants other than the evil version and I think a Clark Kent figure on its own may be a tough sell.
I think that the museum joker would have been better than the mime joker.
I think it just depends on the different Marty variations that they'd make. I think a Clint Eastwood version or 2015 version would sell well (good luck with them getting Mattel logo rights for a hover board though). A 1955 or Enchantment Under the Sea dance version though? Forget it.

That's what sucks about the Nicholson Joker and Reeve Superman, the variations they chose to pursue sucked. As much as I like the Mime Joker, they really did pick one of the lamest choices for a figure. There are so many different iconic looks that they could have gone with like Mob and/or museum or a straight up Jack Napier that would have sold so much better. Reeve Superman too. Clark Kent with a smiling Superman 2.0 would have been a no brainer, no? But they go and cheap out with a lame Evil Supes repaint from a movie nobody wants figures of. It's like they just refuse to go all out despite the teasers they do that insinuate they might. How hard would it have been to include a party man beret, tie and headsculpt with the DX 08 and build on later releases like they teased with their "Mob Civilian version coming soon, expect a lot of variations"? Why not put that Reeve true type body to good use for something other than FRICKIN' Superman III? You did it for Superman Returns back in 2006?

I think it just boils down to lack of interest with them. Why put all that effort into older movie figures when they can devote that time with modern stuff? Really, I think we're lucky to just get any of these guys at all. Enjoy Marty, enjoy your Delorean, enjoy your possible Doc, because that's all you'll probably get. There are so many logical releases that I could have seen them doing for the original Predator, the Cameron Terminator films, Burton Batman, Indiana Jones, Alien movies, Reeve Superman, etc. that they're just not doing. It's probably a waste of time for them, especially when you look at the blockbuster schedule for the next couple of years.
The lack of a HT Reeve CK really pissed me off.

I could swallow that the figure wasn't a 2in1 DX but no CK at all to follow? Poor show.
They could have done some creative stuff with that too without it having to be a DX.

Then their DX line is ****ing dead in the water. While I'm not a big fan of PERS, I did love the basis and concept of the DX line. The aesthetics of the packaging, the idea of putting out iconic, pop culture classics. Then they just seemed to let it die. They cross pollinated features like moveable eyes and deluxe bases into their regular MMS line (along with exorbitant "DX" pricing for non-DX figures) and just gave up basically, I mean what the hell? There was always a buzz and a feeling of hype when a DX figure went up, even if it wasn't the most popular choice (DX 10, DX 14), or even a well received figure (Indy).

Last year really felt like the perfect time to get some DX out there, Ripley and Returns Batman atleast.
Just to play devil's advocate, would HT sell more DX15 Returns Batmen or AoU Caps with a repainted head and a few costume tweaks? That's the cold calculus, fellas. I want to blame HT and I have blamed HT...but can you blame HT? :slap
I already have 2 on PO and it is scheduled for release (as per the HT Production schedule) Q4/15-Q1/16.

I was planning on having two deloreans as well since i have two martys coming in but..........hulkbuster is winning me over.
Just to play devil's advocate, would HT sell more DX15 Returns Batmen or AoU Caps with a repainted head and a few costume tweaks? That's the cold calculus, fellas. I want to blame HT and I have blamed HT...but can you blame HT? :slap

I actually do think a Returns Batman would sell better than a AOU Captain America, especially if they went all out on Batman. It's not like previous Captain America figures are crashing down doors. The only one that appears to have sold quickly is the Golden Age, and I'm pretty sure that's just because it was extremely limited.

Iron Man is the culprit here I think. That's the popular, "can't make enough of em'" character, not the other Marvel bros.

With Marty, I hope they sell a ton. I have an order in with the Exclusive but was reluctant because I never felt like Back to the Future was toyetic other than some scale model cars. This drought in collectibles from films that are 20+ years old is ****ing terrible though (only interested in BD Robo/Murph), so I want to support these lines. Love Back to the Future, so that helps. I just want to see more of these classic characters, that's why I got into Hot Toys in the first place.
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That's what sucks about the Nicholson Joker and Reeve Superman, the variations they chose to pursue sucked. As much as I like the Mime Joker, they really did pick one of the lamest choices for a figure. There are so many different iconic looks that they could have gone with like Mob and/or museum or a straight up Jack Napier that would have sold so much better. Reeve Superman too. Clark Kent with a smiling Superman 2.0 would have been a no brainer, no? But they go and cheap out with a lame Evil Supes repaint from a movie nobody wants figures of. It's like they just refuse to go all out despite the teasers they do that insinuate they might. How hard would it have been to include a party man beret, tie and headsculpt with the DX 08 and build on later releases like they teased with their "Mob Civilian version coming soon, expect a lot of variations"? Why not put that Reeve true type body to good use for something other than FRICKIN' Superman III? You did it for Superman Returns back in 2006?
I actually don't think the Mime Joker was a bad choice but I've always found that scene iconic. The obvious choice in my mind though would have been the Museum scene look. I think if that version was made it would sell. As for Reeve Superman figures I'm just not sure a Clark Kent would go over very well on its own. Maybe if it was done as a two pack with the Superman figure possibly featuring a new head sculpt.
Yeah, definitely agree. Museum Joker and Clark Kent needing Superman elements to sell well.

I miss value sets like the DX 01 Joker and T-1000 (just to name a few). Two heads and a bunch of extras to do multiple looks for roughly the same price as everything else. They just don't do that anymore. Now if they give us another option, it's something like the Steve Rogers or Armory set where you're paying the equivalence of another figure tacked on at $300+.
They released a Routh Clark Kent from Superman Returns on its own back in the day. A Reeve Kent would surely be more popular than that. But, of course, that was then. The more success they have the less risk they take.

Ugh. What could've been. Hey, at least we're getting another Hot Angels figure! :yess:
They released a Routh Clark Kent from Superman Returns on its own back in the day. A Reeve Kent would surely be more popular than that. But, of course, that was then. The more success they have the less risk they take.

A Clark Kent/Superman would have been an ideal value pack for something that would be deemed risky. That's what I love the Alex Murphy figure. On it's own, that figure would probably be a dud. With BD Robocop though? That's a great idea. Then again, seeing how much the Robocop and Robocop w/ chair is getting marked down/not selling, maybe that set will be a dud anyway.

I would have done a Marty and Doc two-pack right out of the gate personally. Just imagine that, it would have been perfect. They did it with Scarcrow, Bruce Banner, Alfred, John Blake and Murphy, why not Doc? Want some variety with 2.0's? How about some Keaton/Nicholson or Keaton/Penguin, Keaton/Catwoman two packs with different variant looks? Terminator/Kyle Reese and/or Uncle Bob/John Connor just like they did Rocket and Groot and Han Solo and Chewie.
I actually do think a Returns Batman would sell better than a AOU Captain America, especially if they went all out on Batman.

I think that *right now* AOU Cap would probably edge out Returns in terms of sales but five or 10 years from now? I bet that would be a much different story.
So if I read these last couple of pages right then I should just give up hopes now of a Jules and Verne 2 pack.