Hot Toys –MMS120 - Iron Man 2: War Machine full spec and pics

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I like light figures. All weight does is put more stress on joints and make posing harder. The weight of the mkI is why it can't really stand reliably for any period of time without a stand.
Sounds like a case of definitely being oversold. So much positivity in this thread, I could see how someone could be kinda let down because of the "lightness" of the actual figure when you get it, but I have 2, so I wasn't really worried about breaking him and I'm not exactly gentle when I was posing mine and he seemed just as sturdy as any other figure I have
My wife finally got me this xmas. She never has wanted to ever buy me any toys, but this year she surprized me with War Machine! This figure is amazing! All the little detail and moving parts is amazing. I got the Berserket Predator right before xmas, and I haven't touched it or thought about it since I opened War Machine up yesterday. This figure kicks butt!
Got one for Xmas, really cool figure, it's my first Iron Man figure as I'm still waiting on a MK IV from Sideshow. I thought WM seemed fairly "heavy" but I have no other IM figures to compare too.

Lights are all good, no dramas there. Looks awesome.
Those with this as their first have nothing to compare it too. If you've been following HT Iron Mans like myself and many others than some of the "awe-inspiring" pieces like the flaps, moving pieces, light up functions are actually old hat. Compared to the Mk IIIs for example he is lighter despite being thicker and looking heavier. The figure feels like a light plastic while the others feel a bit more sturdy and weighty. This figure is great and definitely on par with the other figures but definitely doesn't break the mold as others have been touting. I would even wager that its a good figure but not a great figure IMHO.

I'm really interested in seeing the MK IV in hand because I have a feeling that it'll blow the socks off of this.
The extra weight on the first Iron Man figures I think in part is from the rubber. I don't really get why not being heavy is a negative, like I said.
Simple. The lighter something feels, the less sturdy it feels directly links to the strength of the plastic. The flaps on the old Mks feel light, fragile and they break. The figure itself is solid, heavier, easier to pose and "play" with without much worry. The entire War Machine feels like as if you stress it just enough various parts and portions, arms, legs, waist feel as if they'll start to show the "white" stress impacts you'd get from clips and connectors on anything plastic. Just getting the forearm guns in felt as if it'd snap the entire goddamn forearm. While lighter might be better for some, to me its just an indicator of a more fragile product and for something that costs $179.99 MSRP, having it fall and break especially when the stand isn't the best for it makes me nervous. A hard fall even if no breakage on something with thin plastic will show the marks.

You don't have to agree with me, you asked so I answered but for me it was a definite downside to the product overall.
I am happy with this figure, the weight issue doesn't bother me at all, i am carefull with it and he seems pretty sturdy, i'm not as worried about handling this figure as i am with my MKIV.

Both MKIV and this WarMachine are way way better then all previous Iron Man figures made by Hot Toys, i can't stand the old MKIII headsculpt, it looks horrible.
I am happy with this figure, the weight issue doesn't bother me at all, i am carefull with it and he seems pretty sturdy, i'm not as worried about handling this figure as i am with my MKIV.

Both MKIV and this WarMachine are way way better then all previous Iron Man figures made by Hot Toys, i can't stand the old MKIII headsculpt, it looks horrible.

Did they even have the rights to RDJ likeness back then.....I hope not :lol
Well, i was talking about the actual helmet but, yea even the human sculpt was kinda ____, body sculpt looked scrawny as well.

These were the main reasons i didn't pick anything up from the first line, and well..the fact every place i went, i would see Iron Man ____ all over the place..the Hasbro stuff i mean..which had better headsculpts then.
Well, i was talking about the actual helmet but, yea even the human sculpt was kinda ____, body sculpt looked scrawny as well.

These were the main reasons i didn't pick anything up from the first line.

Same here....I held just didn't look right back then :lol

Those wacky proportions and generic Stark sculpt :lol

Even Mech Test Tony looks like Stark...but not least in my eyes.
Just out of curiosity and as I had a accurate scale handy, rounded the ounces. I weighed them all with the stands. I'm surprised War Machine is actually heavier than the Mk I.

Mk I - 18 oz. or 515 g
Mk II/III - 14 oz. or 392 g
War Machine - 18 oz. or 517 g
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Just out of curiosity and as I had a accurate scale handy, rounded the ounces. I weighed them all with the stands. I'm surprised War Machine is actually heavier than the Mk I.

Mk I - 18 oz. or 515 kg
Mk II/III - 14 oz. or 392 kg
War Machine - 18 oz. or 517 kg

C'mon, we know you had WM holding dumbells in each hand and ankle weights....:lol
Seriously, no trickery. That's what they weigh. I guess it's possible that War Machine's stand weighs like 100 kg more than the others but I doubt it. I think the weight on WM is just distributed better so it feels lighter in the hand, all the weight isn't in the torso.

edit: nope not the stand. Without the stands:

WM: 467 g
Mk II: 343 g
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Just out of curiosity and as I had a accurate scale handy, rounded the ounces. I weighed them all with the stands. I'm surprised War Machine is actually heavier than the Mk I.

Mk I - 18 oz. or 515 kg
Mk II/III - 14 oz. or 392 kg
War Machine - 18 oz. or 517 kg

I think it's grams.... and not kilograms...
hah, you are correct sir… and yet… my scale calls them "kg". I guess that's what you get when you try to measure metric with a scale bought in 'merica. Plus it's 1am here give me a break :p Fixed, the relative size of the numbers though still makes sense even if the unit of measurement didn't.
Got one finally and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. It was definitely oversold here and other places but once I got it, it feels way more fragile and plasticiky than the others, feels more hollow. I felt like I was going to break it just getting the guns attached and the stand doesn't exactly fit, it doesn't hold the figure like the other Iron Man figures because of the "wider" bottom. I'm considering swapping out for an older C-Stand since my figures are high up when on display.

I like it but the way people were going on around here I expected to literally fall out of my seat once it was displayed.

I think you'll change your mind once you get the MK.IV in.
Has anyone tried tried moving the torso? Does it have any forwards and backwards movement, or does it only turn from side to side?