Super Freak
Is $260 shipped for a BN War Machine a fair price?
Depends on where you live - I can't speak for my American cousins, but that would be a good price if you were in Oz or, I'd imagine, in Europe.
Is $260 shipped for a BN War Machine a fair price?
Is $260 shipped for a BN War Machine a fair price?
What is BN ?
What is BN ?
Nova Force,
Great pose there!
As for the ammo belt, just try squeezing the tip as you're pushing it into the minigun. It'll get there eventually.
There's two places it looks like the belt could go, one is where is goes and the other is where the bullets would come out, try the other port maybe
I've never put either of those sculpts on my figures, might have to try them out nowFinally got this guy and thought i'd share some pics