Wor, that's correct.
It may be a small detail to some, but painfully obvious to anyone who appreciates and wants to see the differences. If you're buying just 1 fett, then yeah I guess the symbol doesn't matter, but if you're going through the trouble of making your Fett the best version it can be like a lot of us want to do with our figures and one of the main reasons we are here having these discussion, or maybe you're displaying an ROTJ here and an ESB there and now even a Proto over there, yeah this is unacceptable for the price we're paying. I don't mind issues we can't prevent, like a perfectly shaped helmet or perfectly blue dyed suit... but an incorrect skull symbol is a slap in the face. I don't want to get all hot and bothered here but it was unacceptable paying that premium format price and it's unacceptable paying these new 1/6 prices. Imagine buying an expensive sports figure an the team logo being inaccurate, or buying a fancy scale model car and emblem on the hood being inaccurate. It's just *****ty, and lazy. You put a nemrod scuba logo on the holster and you're telling me they just snoozed on the shoulder symbol? If you're doing the Proto Skull, you know there's a difference. So how did you miss it? It blows my mind. I could go on for days, it's just disappointing when you want your grail figure, especially one like Fett which is a favorite, just like Vader is, we spend our time here talking about it because we want it to be awesome. ESB was the one for me. I can switch my shoulders off my sideshow and port the us diver belt over, but what about all the other guys in the same seat as me who don't have the v2 to do this? Sucks for them, and I think it just sucks overall either way. Welp, guess we'll wait for the next one amiright guys lololol. Between Vader and Fett discrepancies they'll keep us collecting until the end of time. Jokes on us lolllllzzzzz0rz