Since no one is answering in the movie thread, does Superman wear a black suit at all. Seems like the one Hot Toys DC figure I would buy. Feel free to answer with spoiler tags.
No he doesn't. Sorry. He's bare chested during the rebirth period.Which they did pretty well I thought.
As I wrote from my first comment, this is the superman that I hope we saw after MoS
but on bvs, he was so brooding and sad, even the filmmaker think that they needed to add a new scene that shown his optimistic side before his death
It's bizarre seeing the disparity between the critics and audience score here....even more extreme than other DCEU movies. Audiences seem to be enjoying it for the most part but that critic score will keep some away sadly and pull the box office numbers down.
I wouldn't really call him "brooding" or "sad" in BvS, if anything he was more wary. He was
fairly idealistic but in a more cynical world. He's was now feeling the effects of how the world
was divided about his existence which would cause anyone in his position to be more cautious.
Its hard being totally optimistic when those you go out of your way to help still fear and mistrust
your motives due to you being an extraterrestrial.
Its not so bizarre once you come to the realization that critics simply don't like Snyder. Frankly it doesn't
matter if his films are fundamentally flawed or not, they still aren't going to fully critique his work accordingly.
They couldn't even bring themselves to rate his arguably best DC film MOS fresh, yet as you already pointed out
2016's Ghostbusters stands at 74% fresh and so do a plethora of other questionable films with extraordinarily
high critic ratings. Heck, even if you're a person that simply didn't like MOS or BVS I don't believe either is
worthy of such low critic rating in correlation to the general audiences ratings, Indeed those are quite a disparity.
Put it this way: the critics on RT are currently giving Thor: Ragnarok a 93%. I personally enjoyed it, but did anyone think it was really just THAT good? At what point does it start becoming a bit eyebrow raising that seemingly everything in the DCEU (outside of WW) doesn't cut it for the critics, but the MCU craps out a gold brick almost every single time?.
Well that's a hell of a lot different then 92% rating make it would like the movie is worthy of is for goldThe way Rotten Tomatoes scores work is the percentage of positive reviews vs negative reviews. The degree of those positive review needs to be looked at, not the percentage itself. The average score the critics have given Thor: Ragnarok according to RT is 7.5/10. A 75% seems perfectly reasonable; no gold brick here, but not a stinker either.
Justice league so far scores 40% positive reviews with a 5.3/10 rating. It really should be looked at as 5.3/10 vs 7.5/10, just over a 2 point differential. That Isn't a massive, eye-brow raising difference in critic scoring that indicates a pro-marvel critic conspiracy To me.
Just back from seeing the film.
I thought it was awful-it ruined everything that had been before and threw it to the wind in favour of a infantile kids film.
Batman & superman came off terrible-the bat suits were awful too-honestly looked like a cosplayer and it was the most un batman portrayal of batman Iv seen.
At least I know I ain’t buying anything from this now
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(on both paragraphs)
Best thing to do is simply not listen to these bow tie wearing critics and pajama boy opinion piece writers who evidently apply double standards and sit at a keyboard writing pieces disparaging a film simply because they don't like someone who was involved in it, yet hold other films to a lower set of standards and give them a pass on the same things they held against the film they didn't like.
They watched the same film you did, their biased opinion on it is no more valid than yours.
Still going on Tuesday....
(on both paragraphs)
Best thing to do is simply not listen to these bow tie wearing critics and pajama boy opinion piece writers who evidently apply double standards and sit at a keyboard writing pieces disparaging a film simply because they don't like someone who was involved in it, yet hold other films to a lower set of standards and give them a pass on the same things they held against the film they didn't like.
They watched the same film you did, their biased opinion on it is no more valid than yours.
I say MORE Snyder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Yep. I quite like what Snyder's done in the DCEU myself. I say keep Whedon away. If WB feels the need to get someone who's worked on MCU films as well, I say try and get the Russos, who did TWS and CW.
It will be interesting- have YOU seen JL??????????????
5/10 is no where near 7/10. In a 10 point system, each point is drastic.
One is above passing and the other you would have to repeat the class.
Stop being a bunch of apologists.
Haven't seen the movie, but all I know is they need to get rid of Snyder... or at least, not make him direct.
The Snyder scenes they left out of the movie are probably much better than the stuff Whedon reshot though.
I still like what we got but hope to see a longer cut more true to Zack's original vision on the blu-ray.
If you believe rumours, the cast weren't exactly thrilled with Whedon either. They should have got Patty to finish the movie instead if that were at all possible.
Hopefully WB don't use Whedon again, especially now he appears to be liking tweets criticizing the movie. That's a really scummy thing to do.