The figure. I ****ing hate this newly painted bollocks. His hair is different in the film and need a a new sculpt.
These look great. Too bad to see the reviews all over the place. I won't be able to see it for a few days, but hopefully it will pull the numbers at the box office nonetheless.
So I assume that you have watched the movie, it will be very noticeable that this superman is like completely different person compare to mos and bvs, like the process on how his personality changed from bvs to justice league leave some gap for explanation, since, you know, between bvs and jl he's dead
and one of the reshoot scene it was implied that superman is always has this justice league version side on his personality, the feeling that this superman version is a course correct from dc is quite strong
I think you hit the nail on the head and explains why the awful Ghostbusters remake somehow has a fresh rating.
Wonder Woman is my favourite of the DCEU movies I've seen thus far but let's not forget the villain in that movie was pretty bad also. It also had a couple of pretty juvenile jokes. Those things given a pass but the same courtesies are not extended to JL it seems.
Cavill may look a little different due to the CGI removal of his mustache for Mission Impossible 6.Cavill looked quite different in his face I thought. Maybe it was the 3D glasses, but he seemed to look quite a bit different somehow. Almost like he'd aged quite a bit since the previous movie ??![]()
Superman new headsculpt will come with a magnetic moustache.....
deluxe version..
There's no explanation needed. There's always been a subtle JL charm to Cavill's Superman which is sprinkled
much more throughout Mos. It may be more noticeable now that he's finally at peace with his place in the
world (something he embraced at the conclusion of bvs, when he decided to lay down his life for his adopted planet)
and that he has allies/friends like himself. Add to the fact that a rebirth after his brush with death and reuniting with
the woman he wanted to marry would likely make him a more hopeful optimistic that appreciates life.
Yeah MOS clearly seemed to be heading towards a brighter and more likable Superman at the end, and it's easy to see him continuing in that way before the events of BVS got him feeling down and confused about his role in the world again.
Saw the movie...
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing bad about the movie...
is its gonna make my wallet cry cause I'm gonna want the rest of the team now!![]()
Well I liked it and once again am at a lot to explain the critical hate for this movie. I love the characters so I can enjoy it in spite of some obvious flaws. I don't expect it to get a great score but 60% lower than Thor? Wow. Both should be some where in the 60-70% region I feel.
The Flash and Superman were the highlights for me. I liked all the characters though and hopefully Cyborg gets more love now.
I can forgive the poor villain and sometimes weak CGI because the character interactions are so pleasing but yet again, like BvS, the thing that hurts the movie most is the nonsensical decision to not release the full movie. At least 30 minutes too short and if about 20% of this is Whedon that means a lot of Zack's stuff has been left on the cutting room floor.
I want to see his original 2 hour 40 cut on the blu-ray.
If Whedon directs Batgirl I'm not sure I have any interest if he treats her like Black Widow and Dianna. A good movie that could have been so much more without studio interference.
Am I the only one who thought Superman's return was lame? I was expecting something more epic.
Yep gotta have the whole teamgonna look so good together when displayed.