Hot Toys 1/6 Tumbler/Batpod Batman

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we really need some news in a newsletter of this baby coming to us soon...
or some new pictures!
okay, may still has 27 days left...will there be a Tumbler announced officially in one of these days or not????
the batpod although cool as hell I had to pass on but the tumbler is going to be a no brainer for me. It can be posed on its own or with batman next to it where as the batpod has to have him either on it standing or laying down.
the batpod although cool as hell I had to pass on but the tumbler is going to be a no brainer for me. It can be posed on its own or with batman next to it where as the batpod has to have him either on it standing or laying down.

adjusted: you are right! :D

but for the tumbler a good solution would be: a turning table to display him on ;) as such:

and to be honest, I do not understand people who sold their pod already with the lame excuse "that it just stood their"
When you buy something as expensive as that you already know from the beginning that it wasn't posable like a figure.
So I don't understand that lame excuses, the real reason of course is because they could use the money for other collectibles, but some just won't admit that I guess..

I knew what I was buying and would never have spend so much money for something to sell if afther a short while, just for the money.
It is expensive, but I know it is worth it and that is why I will never sell this to buy another collectible, I love all my collectibles and no way I sell one collectible just to buy another one.

However I can understand selling a figure to get a better version of the same figure. (V1 HT begins -> takara begins -> V2 HT begins)

Bottomline, people who bought the Pod and sold it already to buy new figures, just because they can't afford them without selling the Pod, it's a bit of a shame for the Pod imo.
And if finance is the reason, maybe some should seek another hobby :)
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I just thought of something!

Wouldn't it be cool if you had an automated base that rotated like they have at the Auto shows?!!:joy That would be tooo cool:cool:

that's acutally a great idea!
I can see it already in front of me :)
It would be a good investment for such a big collectible as the tumbler, because that way you can actually enjoy all details on that massive thing! I just wonder if they have a turning table that is big enough...

perhaps the Pod is maybe more dynamic than the Tumbler just because of the reason batman can sit on it.
You have more options to make poses: Laying on it, standing next to it, standing straight with the pod between his legs,...

Well, you completely missed lforigno's point... He meant that the Tumbler can be posed without Batman and can still look "dynamic". All the examples you gave have Batman interacting with the pod.

and to be honest, I do not understand people who sold their pod already with the lame excuse "that it just stood their"
When you buy something as expensive as that you already know from the beginning that it wasn't posable like a figure.
So I don't understand that lame excuses, the real reason of course is because they could use the money for other collectibles, but some just won't admit that I guess..

You know that opinions can change, right? Especially when someone has an item in hand as opposed to just seeing pictures. If you still love ALL the figs you EVER bought, well more power to you, but I think that's definitely not the norm for most.
I just sold mine. And it wasn't because I needed to sell it. It was simply the fact that I bought the piece and it just sat there and did nothing. No figure on it, no nothing. I understand 12" figures also "sit there", but the Batpod isn't poseable and or a playable toy either. Plus it didn't look that cool just sitting there. It also doesn't carry the 'Character' aspect that 1/6 figures have which make them more important to own. Every time I saw it, I saw it taking up space and basically a pile of wasted money just sitting there. I just needed to get rid of it regardless if I made back what I paid or wasn't worth it to me.

This is also the reason why I am no longer getting the Batmobile, while it might be one of the best pieces ever's not worth it.

hmm, I find your reason to sell it very hard to believe.

And aren't the type of collectibles we are collecting mainly used for posing and not for playing? but that's just me :)
Especially the pod! you even said it yourself that you can't pose the pod, so if you know that and you are so into posing, why did you buy it? :confused:

I guess you were hyped up, and made an impulsive buying decision on the pod and so you sold it to buy to use that money for the new upcoming figures.

Good call not to buy the Tumbler than :)

Yup these are awesome collectibles but with today’s economy, I just can't afford to waste 300 400 dollars on a toy car.
But spending around 200 dollars and more on a toy figure is no problem? :rolleyes: LOL :)
So, no offence but that is a very hypocritical statement dude! (I suppose you are a collector who also buys 1/6 figures)

We are all crazy enough to spend a lot of money for our hobby :lol, that is the whole concept of hobby: doing and buying whatever you want and whatever you need for your hobby.

In our hobby especially money isn't the first real important thing we look at.
Like I said, this is a expensive hobby and if money is really a big issue, maybe some should seek another cheaper hobby imo :)

Well, you completely missed lforigno's point... He meant that the Tumbler can be posed without Batman and can still look "dynamic". All the examples you gave have Batman interacting with the pod.

Ow okay, if that was his point, than he's right and I was wrong, sorry! :)

You know that opinions can change, right? Especially when someone has an item in hand as opposed to just seeing pictures. If you still love ALL the figs you EVER bought, well more power to you, but I think that's definitely not the norm for most.

yeah it's true, but hell, we are taling about figures of at least 200 dollars :google, I am happy I am not the norm

I (luckely) know what I want and don't buy impulsive. First I look around a lot and compare pictures. And if something is really good afther a lot of comparing I buy it knowing it will be good.

I honestly thing the norm is that many collectors keep what they buy ;)
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Imagine having a diorama like this for it.

wow that is awsome!
that is the real tumbler I suppose, but where did you get that picture?
and where did that background came from, is that real or added digitally?
And whats up with the label of the front tires????? never seen that before on pictures...
It seems like concept art from the book of TDK.

+ I really would like to see your diorama :)

I would really consider buying a turning table, it's the best way to display this collectible imo.
But a very nice diorama would be cool also :)
hmm, I find your reason to sell it very hard to believe.
You better believe it!

And aren't the type of collectibles we are collecting mainly used for posing and not for playing? but that's just me :)
Especially the pod! you even said it yourself that you can't pose the pod, so if you know that and you are so into posing, why did you buy it? :confused:

I guess you were hyped up, and made an impulsive buying decision on the pod and so you sold it to buy to use that money for the new upcoming figures.

Good call not to buy the Tumbler than :)

Ummmm......hype didn't get to me. Look at it like this: I really wanted the Batpod because it looked awesome and I was looking forward to posing my DK Batman on it, it would make a great accessory for him. But I was disappointed overall and the thing just sat there being useless (it couldn't fit in the detolf and I definately wasn't going to leave my Batman outside and get extra Dusty and have the risk of him falling off). My primary reason to sell it was not to use the money for future figures, I sold it because I made a mistake in buying the piece and I simply needed to get rid of it as it wasn't what I hoped it was. I am not defending my decision I just want to make clear the reason I got rid of it.

And yes, definately a good call not to get the Tumbler.....$400 for a big ass thing just to sit there....and how often will I put Batman in it and push it down the street?:google
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