Hot Toys 1/6 Tumbler/Batpod Batman

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I think the love is only one way :( We are second class citizens up here most of the time. I am just so glad Toys2 is actually local for me ... THIS ONE TIME IN MY LIFE I AM IN LUCK...


I need to take the 6 hour drive to Niagra Falls to visit my aunt and cousins and then cross into the big C.....:D
Re: The long awaited Hot Toys Batmobile is here...

wow that's a great price they have, but's out of stock :(

Haha yeah, it had been for awhile too. About 2 months ago I emailed and asked if they were getting more in, the next day he responded while I was working and said they had just gotten 2 more in:banana I preordered it from my phone immediately.
No need for an apology....we're all just a bunch of silly :banana

Psst....don't say anything to anyone but especially "forestlite".....he's really...:banana:duh:banana

I will have you know that I majored in "Serious Philosophy" though out my formative years in college. I didn't actually attend classes or even pass for that matter...but I did major in it. And the fact that I collect toys or am willing to spend 400 dollars on a plastic toy car proves that I am not at all silly!
Padrinno and jye4ever...two of the coolest bros on the forum boards! Bar none! And I will have that Shirley Temple drink now....
Just pulled the trigger on this bad boy (where the F am I gonna put this?). Got it for a hair under 400.

Question to all who have in hand - can the main body be disassembled? Is this thing held together with screws? The reason I ask is that I am thinking about doing a repaint (especially if mine has any scuff marks or other issues). Painting should be pretty basic - just a little masking and a lot of airbrushing, but I'd rather paint this in smaller parts rather than one giant mass. Thx
You b@stards and your amazing photos. I caved and picked the tumbler up at the LCS. :horror:horror:horror Unreal, the sheer size just takes a while to absorb, then you realize....what have I done :lol

But honestly, it is a stunning piece and definitely worth the price if you can swing it. Pics will come as soon as I find a place to put it :monkey1
Man, I have only been away a day and a half at a conference and already this thread has jumped almost 10 pages of posts. And here I thought there would only be a couple of pages to catch up on reading ...
Honestly, just get a few screenshots from the Batman Begins Blu-Ray. You can get most everything you need from that scene where they're testing it in the warehouse.

This shouldnt be to hard...


Thanks Gents! I will get on it, and I will look into the BM Begins BR. I have that one, I should have thought of it. :duh

I am indeed.

Thanks for the pics Vodun

Only HT I ever owned (and sold :banghead) was the TDK Batman Original Costume and I guess you're right because I did have to glue one of the gaunlet blades into its little hole. :monkey2

I sold him in November 2008 because I cancelled this car (lost $35) due to the delays and never thought that I would ever want it again......

Fast forward 9 months and all your photos hurt....real bad...:emperor


If you ask Eli26, nicely, he might give you a hug!

As you wish :rotfl



Seriously, the only way you could top off this kind of pic from a spouse helping out is if they were in a bikini or nude. Outstanding!
If you ask Eli26, nicely, he might give you a hug!

But I want a hug from you!! :monkey2

Seriously, the only way you could top off this kind of pic from a spouse helping out is if they were in a bikini or nude. Outstanding!

:horror :horror :horror

Ahhh....what the hell....Why not!!

Girls, grab your Tumblers!!!!!! :monkey5
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