Hot Toys 1/6 Tumbler/Batpod Batman

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that one hurt....I spit out my snapple!

What do they sell, lizards and volcano rocks autographed by Magnum PI....:lol

Hey, what are you doing, let's take a ride into Manhattan, don't be here by 6pm, they close at midnight...:lol

LOL...they actually sell coconuts, coconut milk, coconut pie, and coconut hairs! I complained, but the owner tells me LCS stands for "local coconut store" so why am I complaining. I actually thought about changing my board ID to "Coconuts", but I could envision you saying..."Hey nuts...what are you up to?", so I decided to keep "forestlite".

Let's see...roundtrip to New York....$1,200.00. One night stay at swanky hotel....$300.00. Meals for one day...$500.00 (what can I say...I am a big eater). Total cost to pickup Tumbler with jye4ever....$2,0000.00 (not counting the cost of the Tumbler itself). Shoots, I am canceling my pre-order even as I type this message. Man, can I multi-task or what????
LOL...they actually sell coconuts, coconut milk, coconut pie, and coconut hairs! I complained, but the owner tells me LCS stands for "local coconut store" so why am I complaining. I actually thought about changing my board ID to "Coconuts", but I could envision you saying..."Hey nuts...what are you up to?", so I decided to keep "forestlite".

Let's see...roundtrip to New York....$1,200.00. One night stay at swanky hotel....$300.00. Meals for one day...$500.00 (what can I say...I am a big eater). Total cost to pickup Tumbler with jye4ever....$2,0000.00 (not counting the cost of the Tumbler itself). Shoots, I am canceling my pre-order even as I type this message. Man, can I multi-task or what????


Forget it, whatever your Forum name is (I get confused reading it).

You are one funny muther^^^^er!!!!! :horror

Ohhh, minus the $300, no need for a swanky hotel, you can stay at my home, wife won't mind :horror :horror

Actually, no need to even stay...we go to the store then you head back to the airport for your trip back to Hawaii 5 O after being in the store for the whopping 40 minutes....we can extend it to 1 hour if you like.

You can just eat on the plane...I'm sure Coconuts will be on the menu.

But at least we hung out for that awesome hour.

Tumbler > 10 hour flight
I swear, it's not meant for me to get this damn toy car!

I'm on the highway heading to FP and a very large, dark and nasty thunder hail storm has traffic at a standstill for miles upon miles ahead of me! Grrrrr.

I wouldn't doubt it if my Thor PF didn't make a voodoo doll of me and he's home sticking needles in my eyeball...or worse...:horror

Even Polystone jealously can be viscious!

Move over Thor, a very large black car needs your spot ^^^^^!

Forget it, whatever your Forum name is (I get confused reading it).

You are one funny muther^^^^er!!!!! :horror

Ohhh, minus the $300, no need for a swanky hotel, you can stay at my home, wife won't mind :horror :horror

Actually, no need to even stay...we go to the store then you head back to the airport for your trip back to Hawaii 5 O after being in the store for the whopping 40 minutes....we can extend it to 1 hour if you like.

You can just eat on the plane...I'm sure Coconuts will be on the menu.

But at least we hung out for that awesome hour.

Tumbler > 10 hour flight are da man! Your wife is da bomb for letting me stay at your house. I am sure that's all she wants...another crazy toy collector in the home. My wife is already packing my bags as we speak. She is also muttering something about more closet space if she threw out some "stuff", but I am pretending she did not say that.

Not too sure if I could handle one hour hanging out with you at the LCS. That would be too much awesomeness for me and I am not young anymore. Could you maybe walk around the block, foil a mugging, and then come back to pick me up? That would be very neighborly of you.

Actually, I hate coconuts, but do like poi. Most people complain that it taste like Elmer's glue, but they are being silly. It's more like liquid silly putty if you ask me!

Okay, gotta go look for my toothbrush. forestackermanlite...i mean forestfirefly...i mean forestlite signing out! Look what you did, now even I'm confused!!!!:rotfl:google
I swear, it's not meant for me to get this damn toy car!

I'm on the highway heading to FP and a very large, dark and nasty thunder hail storm has traffic at a standstill for miles upon miles ahead of me! Grrrrr.

I wouldn't doubt it if my Thor PF didn't make a voodoo doll of me and he's home sticking needles in my eyeball...or worse...:horror

Even Polystone jealously can be viscious!

Move over Thor, a very large black car needs your spot ^^^^^!

Maybe you should forget about the Tumbler and collect something non-threatening to your polystone beanie babies, jelly beans, or pork and beans. Hmmmm....where did all these bean references come from...I must be hungry!

I just noticed too how I am really derailing this thread...I best hide!
Maybe you should forget about the Tumbler and collect something non-threatening to your polystone beanie babies, jelly beans, or pork and beans. Hmmmm....where did all these bean references come from...I must be hungry!

I just noticed too how I am really derailing this thread...I best hide!

Me 2

Didn't make it, came back home, had baby in car, tomorrow morning it is, no Friday rush hour traffic in a tornado and will be sunny.

Good read from you F, night night. :rock
Having a little cinematic fun.



I disagree. You'll be in extreme awe with this. I still cannot stop admiring it everyday sitting on my desk as I glance to my right. I'd hug it if I could! Heh!

It truly is the ultimate collectable.

I can't remember what figure it was if it was Mark III, they held it for nearly 48 hours before it cleared.

Terrific pics sir! Doesn't this thing look cool with the lights on!
I think the general unwritten rule of thumb on this board is - if you have pics we want to see them. even if you don't have pics, we still want to see them :lol :lol

And even If you don't own a Tumbler I want to see pics of the Tumbler that you don't own..... :huh


Ok, I will post up just for you two.

I love it when I am in such demand. Now, if I can just get that in my love life ...
Honestly, I have not had this much fun in a thread for long time, and still get some great stuff and ideas out of it.

Speaking of which, I posted the pics of the red clips from the Tumbler tires, but no one has noticed.

Are you guys trying to tell me something?:(
Ok, I know it's been said 50 times that pictures don't do the size of this thing proper justice!

But it needs to be said 51 times.

HOLY ^^^^ is it BIG!

Pictures truly don't!

Torrential Downpour right now (again) but it was worth the trip but not going straight home with it, other family obligations must be attended to.

It's bad enough I'm in the dog house, no need to make it any worse :lol

The main mission objective was secured and completed, mission accomplished with further directives to follow.

It should qualify for the Cash for Clunkers Program it's so damn big!
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Hmm... just got mine. I have a snapped piston rod connecting one of the spoilers straight out of the box... and try as I might there seems to be no way to fully close the cockpit door. Everything else, however, is gravy! Ballsy toy to make Hot Toys!

Edit: The wrong way of closing the door according to the manual produces actually far better sealing of the cockpit me thinks. So I'm choosing to do it the wrong way. Looks much better!
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Edit: The wrong way of closing the door according to the manual produces actually far better sealing of the cockpit me thinks. So I'm choosing to do it the wrong way. Looks much better!

what do you mean with "the wrong way" of closing the doors?

And you can see on pictures that the front of the cockpitdoor doesn't fully close, so I really wonder what you mean by closing it in "the wrong way".
Hmm... just got mine. I have a snapped piston rod connecting one of the spoilers straight out of the box... and try as I might there seems to be no way to fully close the cockpit door. Everything else, however, is gravy! Ballsy toy to make Hot Toys!

Edit: The wrong way of closing the door according to the manual produces actually far better sealing of the cockpit me thinks. So I'm choosing to do it the wrong way. Looks much better!

I think I know what you mean, as I did it too. But once you figure out the instructions, it really works well.

UNLESS there is a possible defect there with it.
okay, I've found what is in my eyes the "wrong way" of closing the cockpit:




is it that what you mean? I hope not, because that just looks off and stupid

and if you guys are talking about the "gap" between the body and the cockpitdoor, than there is nothing you can do about that, since I have seen it on EVERY picture out there of this piece
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