Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Yeah when I saw Mark I (released several weeks months already) I was still in my infant stage and was going to pass but Eric told me to grab his last while I still can so I caved and man Do I owe him!!
Ghost rider movie was ok but I just like the figure but that os one I am trying to resist and has the highest chance of regret at the moment. I had to draw the line somewhere even though it's so cool! But trying to avoid franchises that only have one figure. I know not the smartest move as the other way around is really what will save money :lol
As for how bad my addiction is only the trend can define the horror especially the situation I am currently in e.g. being a recent father. Cause 2011 looks like I am going to be doubly worse
Yeah when I saw Mark I (released several weeks months already) I was still in my infant stage and was going to pass but Eric told me to grab his last while I still can so I caved and man Do I owe him!!
Ghost rider movie was ok but I just like the figure but that os one I am trying to resist and has the highest chance of regret at the moment. I had to draw the line somewhere even though it's so cool! But trying to avoid franchises that only have one figure. I know not the smartest move as the other way around is really what will save money :lol
As for how bad my addiction is only the trend can define the horror especially the situation I am currently in e.g. being a recent father. Cause 2011 looks like I am going to be doubly worse

:clap :clap :clap :clap
Congrat's on becoming a father! That's great news and he/she will be your greatest collectible yet! Mine have been...most expensive as well! :)

Yeah GR, it's a daily debate for me. I hate that movie but I'm looking at it from a general comics love standpoint. I was trying to convince myself that I was ONLY going to collect figures from films that would make my all time greatest list. That just doesn't seem too fun though :lol

I think that's the thing that sometimes people run into regarding selling parts of their collection. You buy for the year...and who knows what next year will hold. If it holds something you REALLY treasure (for me a new Hicks from Alien's or The Bride from Kill Bill) then sometimes you have to make a decision on what you currently own so you can raise some money.

I would love to say I'm one of those guys that can just buy all the PF's and 1/6 figures I want....that's not the case. So for me, I might have to make some decisions on previous purchases so that I can get what I treasure more.
:clap :clap :clap :clap
Congrat's on becoming a father! That's great news and he/she will be your greatest collectible yet! Mine have been...most expensive as well! :)

Yeah GR, it's a daily debate for me. I hate that movie but I'm looking at it from a general comics love standpoint. I was trying to convince myself that I was ONLY going to collect figures from films that would make my all time greatest list. That just doesn't seem too fun though :lol

I think that's the thing that sometimes people run into regarding selling parts of their collection. You buy for the year...and who knows what next year will hold. If it holds something you REALLY treasure (for me a new Hicks from Alien's or The Bride from Kill Bill) then sometimes you have to make a decision on what you currently own so you can raise some money.

I would love to say I'm one of those guys that can just buy all the PF's and 1/6 figures I want....that's not the case. So for me, I might have to make some decisions on previous purchases so that I can get what I treasure more.

I am part of your posse !!! I sometimes have sell one figure to get the next desirable one. Batman and Sup's is going to get me in trouble :rotfl
I am part of your posse !!! I sometimes have sell one figure to get the next desirable one. Batman and Sup's is going to get me in trouble :rotfl

Yeah the announcement of the Burton Batman and Joker was :yess: but hurt a little at the same time. :wink1:
Yeah when I saw Mark I (released several weeks months already) I was still in my infant stage and was going to pass but Eric told me to grab his last while I still can so I caved and man Do I owe him!!
Ghost rider movie was ok but I just like the figure but that os one I am trying to resist and has the highest chance of regret at the moment. I had to draw the line somewhere even though it's so cool! But trying to avoid franchises that only have one figure. I know not the smartest move as the other way around is really what will save money :lol
As for how bad my addiction is only the trend can define the horror especially the situation I am currently in e.g. being a recent father. Cause 2011 looks like I am going to be doubly worse

Hey Geil...I too have the Mark I and it is awesome !!! That's one figure I could never sell !!! It is so detailed and a great price. I bought that one when it came out and still love staring at it . On another note congrat's on being a new father..that is so rewarding!!!! I have twins and love mine too death. Again congrat's !!
After I got the first HT Batman in 2006, I sold the Takara and the Medicom. I don't regret that one bit.

What I do regret is not getting more than one of the HT Iron Man Mark I figures when they were $90 at hastings...
Hey Geil...I too have the Mark I and it is awesome !!! That's one figure I could never sell !!! It is so detailed and a great price. I bought that one when it came out and still love staring at it . On another note congrat's on being a new father..that is so rewarding!!!! I have twins and love mine too death. Again congrat's !!

Thanks E7 Yeah I am just so glad I went for it. At the time I was really only wanting TDK stuff but oh well the rest is history..... dark dark history :p

After I got the first HT Batman in 2006, I sold the Takara and the Medicom. I don't regret that one bit.

What I do regret is not getting more than one of the HT Iron Man Mark I figures when they were $90 at hastings...

DANG, you guys in the US are sooooooooo lucky
DANG, you guys in the US are sooooooooo lucky

Yup, they sure are. I am only a little ashamed to admit the pleasure I get from reading all the hand wringing and angst in the Demon Bats/Scarecrow thread as my American friends try to work out how they'll be able to pick up these figures at a price that isn't extortionate. Welcome to our world fellas!
I wish i was a hot toys fan in 2007!!!, I got into this hobby in summer of 08 while at a Mohegan Sun resort. There was a store there called spin street. Looked pretty n I found a sideshow collectibles Obi-wan. N i just had to have it. N little by little I was sucked in and now it's too late.... IM A FREAK!! :cheer
Also, let's be honest... Do you guys think that all these marks, and batman figures by hot toys will ever be worthless in the future? That is one of my greatest fears, n my parents are always telling me that will happen. But in my mind "They have no idea what they're talking about." For example, I bought my DX bats new but w/o shipper, a few months ago for $230. If you look at ebay, recently there ahve been some selling in the $400s and one in UK sold for what is equivalent to $541. So I cling to that hope. Even though I would never ever part with my DX, it's just an encouraging thought to know that your collectible is worth a lot to other ppl. Do any of you no what I mean?
After 45 years of collecting, I buy for one reason - love of the character. If the stuff I collect accrues value, fine, but that bubble can burst in a heartbeat. Ultimately, your parents may be right.

Back in the 80's, Hopalong Cassidy and Howdy Doody collectibles were bringing in big money. Now they command barely a fraction of what they once did. That's because the generation interested in those characters have completed their collections to their satisfaction, or are deceased. The subsequent generations have no emotional investment in them, so the price tanks.

Now characters like Batman, Spiderman, etc., are more or less "evergreen," as new comics, movies, games, and TV shows are released regularly. Those collectibles should continue to hold their value if the economy and geopolitical stability are more or less maintained.

Last example - I bought a piece of art in 1987 for $600. Last year, another collector offered me $90,000.00 for it, and I turned him down, because I love it. Now if next week Israel bombs Iran, and gas goes to $20 a gallon, food becomes scarce, and rioting ensues, that piece of art won't be worth squat. But in the final analysis, that would be okay, because I still love it.

My advise: collect for your enjoyment. If what you buy accrues value, that's icing on the cake.
After I got the first HT Batman in 2006, I sold the Takara and the Medicom. I don't regret that one bit.

What I do regret is not getting more than one of the HT Iron Man Mark I figures when they were $90 at hastings...

I remember holding The Mark I in the my hands at hastings like on 10 or so different times. I just didn't think I would get any more after getting batman and joker and that's it. Now I regret it.:monkey2

I never found him at $90 though, then I'd really been kicking myself.

And Bat Prof you are correct, you should collect for the love of it. I love the hunt for the fig and then finally having it. When I buy a fig over $50 bucks its cause I plan on keeping it, I only sell if something that I want comes out and I want it bad adn need to money for it.

Right now I'm in a dilema of selling off my entire Star Wars Hasbro 12" collection to use to get hot toys stuff. But I hold such emotional attachment to those things that its hard to part. :monkey2

Ok, off to cry in the bathroom, excuse me.

EDIT: On a similar note, when the Batman releases were about to come out, I asked a guy at the local swap meet to hold the TDK version for me. I waited and waited, he called that he had it and I went and it was the Batman Begins version, I was bummed out and told him thats not the one I had asked for and didn't get it. LOL Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!! oh well,
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Dang, Obi-Dave, that's a bummer.

I have a huge SW 12" Hasbro collection. I discovered much to my dismay that they were essentially worthless, so last Christmas I opened them all up and put 'em on display in my office. It was a lot of fun breaking them out and setting them up. Got a loose SS Jabba for $30, so now I have a 12" version of pretty much every major and minor SW character on display.

Back on topic, here's my HT OC Bats with the Tumbler:
Yup, they sure are. I am only a little ashamed to admit the pleasure I get from reading all the hand wringing and angst in the Demon Bats/Scarecrow thread as my American friends try to work out how they'll be able to pick up these figures at a price that isn't extortionate. Welcome to our world fellas! this pleasure because you don't want Scarecrow and so don't care, pleasure because they are now sharing in your/our pain, or pleasure because you've got a local non-extortionate hook-up. Because if it's the latter, wanna PM your fellow Aussie and let him into your secrets? :wave this pleasure because you don't want Scarecrow and so don't care, pleasure because they are now sharing in your/our pain, or pleasure because you've got a local non-extortionate hook-up. Because if it's the latter, wanna PM your fellow Aussie and let him into your secrets? :wave

:lol we can only dream of a local non-extortionate hook-up! Nah, I'm just remarking on how we aussies are used to paying the extra $40 that shipping costs for each figure. Equally we're used to great deals going begging either in the sale section of this board or ebay because US sellers are often loathe to ship OS. If that isn't enough, we're also used to hearing about discounted figures on gohastings (who also don't ship OS).

So what with Demon Bats/Scarecrow not readily available in the US, and the stupid money ebay sellers are asking, the thread is full of poor sods wondering whether they'll be able to get hold of the figures for less than an average annual wage.

Now, where was I? Ah, that's right, marvelling at the beauty of my OC Bats, recently acquired MIB for the measly sum of 400 smackers.

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