Reposed my Bats a couple of day ago, here's how he currently looks on his shelf:

That looks sick. Is that the original HT cape?
Nope its a custom cape - not sure if it's one from Lforigno?
Love the cape swirl!
The hand/arm position looks a tiny bit awkward though (especially his left).![]()
That looks perfect, very nice cape
Great pose, lovely cape. I've been tempted to get one of lforigno's capes but the 400 bucks I spent on the stock figure still hurts a bit![]()
I love my OC Bats (still my favorite fig in my collection), but I would upgrade him with your headsculpt immediately if you made it available, Imaresqd1.
Thanks.I can only recommend getting a custom cape Lejuan, it improves an already great figure even more.
Re: the cape, yeh, I know how much better the figure is for having a good cape from all the great pics posted here - hopefully lforigno will still have the material for a custom when I can throw the cash at it. Otherwise my missus is pretty handy with fabric and if I give her some sugar she might help me and my dolly out![]()
Reposed my Bats a couple of day ago, here's how he currently looks on his shelf:
In case it helps, here's my original post when I made mine: The most important thing is finding the right fabric, the cutting itself is pretty basic. And you cut to take the tabs/pegs off of course, which is irreversible, but definitely worth it.
That's sealed it.
I need this back in my collection.
Glad to be of help.![]()
Seriously though, great pic and ACE pose.
lol cant believe u sold such an epic figure only to want to buy it again when the price has trebled!!!