Ah. Theres these grenades I'd like to get to him but its not an ideal situation with the site not shipping to India. To ship them to me in Ireland it costs a rather ridiculous $32.25, some of which later gets refunded back to me. Just it may be a big ask for Annihilate to to pay me that amount and rely on me, someone he doesn't know, to later give him the benefit of the refund, whatever it may be. Plus then whatever it'll cost to ship them from Ireland to India, $5.00 or so with registered post. 82c if I sent them without any tracking. Then my worry is about Indian customs. I read negative things about them holding items for up to and over a month for no particular reason. Annihilate said they ripped open the box of his T-800. wtf? Do they check everything big or small?
Well I think the situation he's in, he WILL trust you... and hey you are like a big authority in the Terminator threads.A long time member witha spotless rep, he SHOULD trust you.
Indian customs though a pain (like any other customs) are NOT that bad also. I have tried a lot of stuff and hit on a simple formula. His T2 box was damaged as the marked value of the item was at $240. In India if you want the customs to TOTALLY ignore your box, you mark the value to ANYTHING below $100... I got my Enterbay Kato in 3 days 3 DAYS!! which included a Sunday!!! It was posted with EMS on Friday in Hong Kong and came to me in Kolkata on Monday!! It was marked at $80 and didnt have a scratch. Best way to get things like this into India is to opt for EMS. Try anything else and items tend to get 'misplaced'.
Chuck Schuldiner's (RIP) mom once sent me a t-shirt of his and a book 3 YEARS back... Its yet to come. I get pissed at the thought of some postal worker's kid wearing a Death T-shirt that was Chuck's and then throwing it away...
Anyway thats just my rambling on the Postal Service here... main things to note when wanting to send anything to India securely and not to get any damages
1. Mark Item value below $100
2. Use EMS...
Thats it... Ive done that for 2 years now and NOTHING has been misplaced/stolen or confiscated and held up ever since.
Of course our customs arent idiots, if you send a DX04 size box and mark that as $30... you are in for trouble. Good thing is $90/$80 works in those situations because thats like 4 grand for us... and plastic toys worth 4k with that kinda packaging is ok for them. But anything more than that!! They start to think that drugs may be concealed etc etc
EDIT: I just realised why NAM was

Sorry dude If you send
Grenades from Ireland to India I will sincerely hope that customs catch it and get hold of both of you.